How long has it been since you last had sex?

How long has it been since you last had sex?
How do you feel about that?

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About 8 hours.
It’s ok, just woke up.

I never had sex.
Feels shit.

Eight years
Not great but the chances I've been given lately I haven't wanted

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How old you?

You haven't wanted what?!

33 yr old virgin here
feels like fucken shit!
i at least want to know what a pussy smells like!!

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about 11 hours.

Like fish
And it tastes like salty coins
Why haven't you gone to see a prostitute yet?
And do you go on dates?

Time to start raiding dirty laundry hampers. I know how so many different women's pussys I know smells like.

two words bro.... social anxiety.

About a day.

Pretty meh, the longest period I haven't had sex for in the last 8 years is about a month so it falls into the same ballpark as a good wank for me.

last time i got fingered was 5 months ago and last time i gave head was 1 month ago

about a year
a girl from tinder but she was way to busy with work and education to have time for me. Feels bad.

post pics of pussy, also, will u be my girlfriend?

Never actually lost my virginity but i had my dick sucked about a year ago, ive had a couple of chances to fuck but A) they were ugly as shit
B) im still not sure wether i want to lose my virginity with some easy slut who has a huge body count or wait for a virgin gf whom i will love to lose my virginity with

Are you in therapy?
Making progress?

Jelly as hell

Do you miss actual sex?

Yesterday, morning sex before I kicked the girlfriend out so I can get ready for my week. I would have done more, but the tip of my dick is sore from fucking her all weekend.

no pussy pics but i’ll be ur gf ;)

i see a psychologist, but therapy is shit, making no progress... im destined to die a virgin

I had sex 3 times on the weekend of Feb 29/March 1st, but only jerked off since then. Long distance gayfag relationships pretty cash

i’ve never had actual sex lol

Are you trying to put yourself out there still?

Sex is just sex mate, sex with your perfect girl will be special and extra intimate regardless of whether you saved yourself

Use lube

My gf is joyless cunt and we haven't fucked in 5 weeks. Thank God for tinder (college girl champ)/Facebook dating (home of the single moms looking for dick club)

Grab a Klonopin and go out, you'll be social as fuck and not give two shits, careful, highly addictive and careful drinking on it, you'll blackout easy. Also, start running (I would say gym but they're all closed), you gotta build your self-confidence.

Used to be a 300 pound far loser who drank all the time and never went out because I hated myself. Lost over 100, got into running (just got back from my morning 5k), lift and for got I to martial arts. Took me a few years, but during that time held down a good job, got three promotions and made a friend. Takes time man, but once you start to respect yourself others respect you, some days I'm still not used to it, but I'm working through it.

i have social anxiety too, and therapy is kinda shit sometimes, medication helps me more. but don’t lose hope, i’ve still gotten dick, so don’t worry u won’t die a virgin. if i can do it so can you!

Wizard here, at 43. Good job, average joe looks, nothing hideous, ridiculous anxiety.

We got KY, but we feel so much better without it, and I'm in shape so I'll just keep fucking her and won't cum. I know I'm making it worse, but meh, it's hot to make her body shake. We usually end with the KY after three second time and then after the fourth time we start using it. Too much and it sucks, too little and it's great but doesn't last forever.

Bit over a year ago. Don't really care.

Therapy has been great for me, but it took me at least six months before I started fighting and making changes. Years later and it's been worth it, people don't recognize me now, I barely do when I look in the mirror.

2 days. Choked the shit out of her the whole time and came inside her. My lady loves choking and likes it rough haha

You doing exposure therapy?
Also talk about group therapy with your therapist, might be more effective than individual

Oh. Why not?

Yeah I'm still on Tinder but I haven't even got very far. Most girls are only on there for attention and don't want to date. There was this one cutie but she has a 3 year old kid and no way I'm going to take care of him. Not even trying that hard anymore. I've been considering visiting a prostitute for over a year but I'm scared it will be uncomfertable.

i do group therapy, hoped to meet a chick that way... no success to date, will keep trying tho

The women that were throwing me obvious signals that they'd put out were not something I wanted to be inside.

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i fucked your mom in the ass just now

Late 2016
Don’t care, i still masturbate which is pretty much the same thing

What does she give as reason for not wanting to have sex?



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Prostitutes can be amazing. If you find a good one it’s very comfortable and they’ll build up your self confidence. If you have the disposable income do it. Be careful though it’s addicting as fuck.

Ten years. I'm completely numb to all emotion so...

Twice yesterday.

I'm good

never, how do i get GF?

October. Depressed. Came out of a five year relationship. I might commit a few murders then off myself. We’ll see.

You won’t find a virgin

About a month and a half ago.
Apparently Catholic girls aren't into Luciferian white nationalists.
No regerts, she was too old to have non autistic kids anyway

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4 years

few years.
my brother has herpes and gets laid all the time
>>by a fat whore with herpes

>>like fish
uhhh bro that's not good pussy then
>>and it tastes like salty coins
no it doesnt, thats how girls have described the taste of jizz.
you eatin out used jizz filled pussy bro?

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You must be new lad

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I haven't fucked since the end of October. I'm completely fine with it. I did a four year stint before. This is a breeze in comparison. Hardly think about it. I do a lot during sex. I don't want to waste my skills on some random. I want to have an emotional connection so that I can reach even further beyond my limits.

I know this feel.
I've had random hookups but they're all regrettable. Would have been better off to wank and reevaluate my thoughts.
I've always made it a point to far outlast the female. Marathon >100 Yard Dash and all. Leaves a hell of an impression on them, especially when they've been with one pump chumps or dudes that need a map to the g-spot.

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Nah, that would feel weird. Escorts might be better, but I hardly care

Virgins calling virgins virgins.

It only smells like fish if there is an infection, or during menses sometimes. It smells kind of tangy, metallic, very strange, not like anything else. Tastes great, hard to describe, tangy and sour, sometimes a bit sweet, go get some.

How to last

Does it count if he can't make me cum?


10 days, I'm disappointed with my gf for not putting out last week

That's a question that could have a different answer to different people. Also just because you last longer that doesn't mean that your sex is better. But to give you an answer to your question that would be helpful I would say stop stroking for yourself. Focus on how she feels rather than getting lost in yourself.

Salty coins and milk is a meme. Smells like fish hurrr is not a meme.

>2 years, 10 months
Not fucking great. Probably going to find some whores this summer then off myself.

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Seven years, I thought I'd feel worse about it honestly. Maybe I'll have time to worry about fucking when I'm 40.

Two days,