G/fur "Haha corna is going to kill you as a virgin, you will never have sex LOSER!!!"

G/fur "Haha corna is going to kill you as a virgin, you will never have sex LOSER!!!"

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Sex once. since 06. Thats all I wanted. People have sex multiple times a day. Why cant I just have it fucking once in 14 years?

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Unless people have to acknowledge that im too ugly for sex and im an inferior race. BUT apparently thats a "no no".

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I just wanted sex once, and im going to die of corona in a few weeks or months. Chads only have to try a few hours and ive tried 14 years.
Why am I the only one who cant have sex unless im subhuman?

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No one will even tell me why. They just lie and virtue signal, FUCK HUMANITY
You fucking KNOW WHY
Im too ugly, not even the most desperate person would have sex with someone ugly as me. No one will admit it.

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Jesus christ

I said I'd let you dick me down dude, I'm a virgin too so you would be losing your v-card and taking mine.

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Im so tired of scumbags like you. People like you were around when I was 15. Did any of you have sex with me since then?

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I ain't man. You might even be one of those untapped sex gods dude.

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Most likely an incel. Not going to have sex anyway.

>untapped sex gods
>7in dick
I dont compare to 12inch chad and tyrones.

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I am an incel. Kiss my ass

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Mother fucker 7 inches is above average. You have someone who is willing to ride your dick right now.

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7inches is below averages. Average is 9 these days. Even white guys are 8inches. Blacks are averaging around 11-14
Im native american. Im like asians where our dicks are too small to satisfy anyone.

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I just want to leave, I dont want to be here anymore. I should have shot myself 10 years ago when I had the chance.

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I doubt that's true and even if it is I am still willing to let you fuck me.

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Okay come to wisconsin, during corna virus, when everyone is dying.
Let me watch you NOT do it. Fucking liar. I hate you people. Why cant you tell the fucking truth.

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Take your meds.
There is probably a laundry list of reasons why you're not getting laid.

Go back to Yas Forums
Meds memer

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You probably aren't gonna die of the corona virus dude. But travel is blocked so you are right about me not going during this epidemic

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>hey maybe take it easy

Fucking incels. Please do a Jonestown and rid the world of your retarded fucking ideologies.

Your lungs are ruined permanently. I wont last 5 years.
You wont come? Liar. Like I said, go FUCK yourself.

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I rather put a bullet in you first faggot cuck.

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Of course you would.
You're a buttfrustrated, low-t, evolutionary dead end failure.
It's weird how society's lowest always want to take it out on everyone above them. Like I had to step on you to fuck every weekend in my teens.

I said I couldn't during the epidemic silly, you sure are hard to deal with.

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wish i had a young fem boy to play with

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i love these threads, but i hate when im in a situation where i cant fap and find one.

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How many deer have you killed and skinned lot-t cuck? I did two. People wont have sex with me but I can clean a gun, shoot it, and gut my own dinner.
You never tasted day old tenderloins have you soy bitch faggot, have you?

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Do it now before I die in the next few weeks.

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How about I fuck your ass instead?

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You probably couldnt even fish to save your life faggot loser. Ever tasted northern? Ever gut one? No you didnt go eat cum from jew dick bitch

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How about I empty my bersa into your chest and skull?

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Something ill never experience

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Al I wanted was to have sex with someone once.

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Jesus christ, you bunch of depressing faggots, how hard is it to have a comfy thread?

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Why do you act this way? It certainly isn't helping you get laid.

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I would love a comfy thread but this guy has to dick me down first apparently.

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>Bla bla bla "personality"
Personality gets you nowhere, LOOKS is what gets you laid.
Thats why dahmer and ted bundy got to murder so many people, THEY LOOKED GOOD.
That is THE ONLY WAY TO GET LAID. LOOK GOOD. You can be a psycho murderer and still get laid but look good. If you look shit like me you will never kill anyone but never get laid.
All you people do is kill each other and fuck. But if one person (me) is ugly

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Nothing will get me laid. Fucking asshole.

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I have done nothing but be nice to you though.

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All these FUCKERS MURDERED animals when they were faggot kids like the faggots who bullied me in grade and middle school.
Everyone called me a gay fag for liking animals.
Now days these fags who would smash cats in allys back in 04 are fucking 20 people a day.
I never even SEEN someone naked in person and im fucking 28


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Thats what you said to me the past 20 years of my life. You all were never nice to me

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Hypocrites, I hate you. I hate all of you.

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I've never known you, and so far haven't been a "fucking asshole" to you on Yas Forums of all places. You speak as if everyone is the same, which they aren't.

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Everyone is the same. All humans are the same.
You are the same 20 years ago when I was 8. You are the same now. A liar, a opportunist. You only want to make the maximum profit for yourself and minimize everything to others.
Humans are scum.

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So tired of humans, humanity can go FUCK itself

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Yeah okay sure dude. What position are you boning me with when this "world ending" epidemic is over?

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Pure cognitive dissonance

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Ill probably ashes and charred bones in a mass grave designated by fema

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Go suck one para. You were always one of the worst ones. I like those scumbags who tried to meme I was fucking you. You are filth, you arent even worth a bullet. Id rather stab you to death like an animal.

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But if you do live what position man? I don't care which you're the top.

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If I didnt die I rather be top and hug/cuddle for an hour or several and masturbate with him before sex before I fucked him. Id want him to orgasm before me. That would make me happy
Ill be dead so nothing of that matter so whatever.

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I actually don't even know what meme you're referring to

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