Will the virus wipe out a majority of trump supporters due to the fact that most of them are overweight unhealthy and old?
Will the virus wipe out a majority of trump supporters due to the fact that most of them are overweight unhealthy and...
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Nah, it will probably wipe them out because their retarded enough to think that they can still go out in groups and not be affected by it.
Guess which party the majority of AIDS patients pledge?
virus will wipe majority of democrats because they are living in large cities like los angeles, sfba, NY and seattle and will make the rest of them to stay at home and don't go to 2020 election
>virus will wipe majority of democrats because they are living in large cities
That's the one possible silver lining in all of this.
Then who is going to be taxed to provide the democrat's welfare checks?
>Will the virus wipe out a majority of trump supporters due to the fact that most of them are overweight unhealthy and old?
trump supporters will be the only ones left due to the fact they have jobs and helathcare. they can afford hospitalization and medicine, the plan is working. survival of the fittest.
Nah. Urban areas will have access to the vaccine first. Enjoy your horse drawn hearse Jimbob
Yes, but it will also wipe out the vast majority of trump haters, due to the fact that most of them are niggers and other predominantly pozzed populations
That's fine. Urban areas already have first access to Kung Pao Sicken
>Enjoy your horse drawn hearse Jimbob
That's your problem and always will be. You think every single person outside of city limits is a stupid hick. Tell me, after you get your 'miracle' vaccine and everyone outside of the cities are dead, where does your food come from?
Dude the food for 300 million Americans just comes from trucks dude. I see them roll up and people bring food out of them!!!
Seriously though smaller communities aren't going to be impacted as thoroughly as a large city, but this thread is retarded anyways
That's the plan. Have you not been paying attention?
younger less retarded farmers
>younger less retarded farmers
I bet you actually believe this.
Satan trips
God trips
I wonder why?
Are you saying that all farmers are retarded or that younger farmers don't exist?
I think you believe that every American over the age of 40 is stupid and everyone under the age is smart. That's why you'll always be a loser neet looking for a handout.
I'm not op and I'm not a liberal. But keep playing your dumbass partisan bullshit like they want you to
you think this virus is going to be kinder to the HIV and hepatitis ravaged faggot and nigger communities that is the core support of the Dems
>inb4 "just throw seeds on the ground and wait, retard"
>inb4 "but we have science and facts"
name my band
Sadly, they tend to live more spread apart from each other due to their xenophobia. So less likely to catch it, but more likely to die if they do.
>I'm not op and I'm not a liberal
Imagine being this delusional
They're all anti-vaxxing scumbags
Just tell them corona is a democrat conspiracy to stop Trump rallies and let's all party alone as they burn
i saw enough of iran videos
literally no one of their dead ones were fat
>They're all anti-vaxxing
All progressive liberal democrats are lazy jobless neets with no healthcare. Who is going to die?
Old? I've read that most of them are incels like this poster.
You're not allowed to ask questions if you're on neither side because you don't exist. Either you're with them or against them.
They grow it inside the trucks. I love how smart the incels are.
No liberals will die because they just can't stop sucking corvid infected refuge cock
>taking the bait
You're definitely a stupid hick
>No liberals will die
I agree
>taking the bait
It will wipe out sooo many americans, dems and rebs. Y'all can't handle that shit.
Down play your anger all you like, you ate that bait like a fat kid on cake
>It will wipe out sooo many americans
Will? Do you think the U.S. somehow postponed their infections?
>no u
Closeted elephants
>Closeted elephants
Flaming asses
1. Trimming underbrush is valid forest fire mitigation, but it's funny to watch economic powerhouse and self-reliant California beg for help every time something goes wrong.
2. Lot of water tends to be a good way to take out a raging fire, but to be fair, all the fire in the world won't save a church the government actively desires to be burned down.
3. Nuke a hurricane?
>President Trump has suggested multiple times to senior Homeland Security and national security officials that they explore using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from hitting the United States,
>according to sources who have heard the president's private remarks
Unnamed sources aren't exactly the pinnacle of evidence.
You wanna criticize the guy, fine, but don't slack ass.
*All the water in the world, pardon my french.
If they're closeted, how do you know?
They're just upset that they have a mental illness and republicans don't
One can dream
MeNtAl iLlNeSs
Sick burn faggot, what other zingers do you have lined up?
Yeah exactly, all pretty exciting stuff. You bootlicker Republicans have country music, eating bland food, and Nascar.
>country music, eating bland food, and Nascar.
Great comeback. Is that the best you can do?
InTeRcHaNgInG cApS aNd LoWwEr CaSe To ImPlY iM mOcKiNg YoUr IdEa
lmao you showed him
Oh no pot culture and faggotry, please don't burn my entire house down.
>Republicans have country music, eating bland food, and Nascar.
>tfw everyone mad because we enslaved the world for spices
can't argue with it
scrotal tendencies
nope, it'll just get a lot of ex-berners who are now ridin' with biden sick because nothing stops us from partying brah we go hard out on the beaches cuz we're fresh 19-21 yr olds gettin PLASTERED boi. We will recover ez. fuck ur old ppl, the trumptards don't want people to get sick an die, I personally enjoy food shortages and being broke because I can always get some weed and beer and hit the sands bruh. My friends have been grouped up on the beaches for like 2 weeks now hitting up all the shit in florida. Stay mad trumpfag.
genuinely, democucks don't do anything but slack ass. Why can't the virus take those leeches tf out first. Sigh.
Isn't your god basically giving out socialist handouts?