Lets post our theories about why this is happening. I'll start

Lets post our theories about why this is happening. I'll start.

>Be united states
>Be having other countries meddle in your elections
>Be upset
>Fire pandemic team
>Release virus in china to warn them to stay the fk out of our elections
>Vaccine in back pocket
>Have to allow some people in the US to catch it to avoid suspicion
>Watch china burn

Attached: Covid.jpg (1020x575, 158.48K)

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Not far off, but in reality it's to destabilize Chinas economy to help wipe out not only our debt to them, but their leadership as well.
It was developed in the USA which is why cases exist here. It was shipped to a US air base in Italy, where one of the 7 samples were broken during its delivery to a cia cointelpro team, one of several heading out to various targets, such as Iran, Russia, and North Korea. The origins are from a Chinese breed of bat, and one of the samples were released in a wet market in Wuhan to speed up the cover story.
Illegal immigration, and those who have ties or had contact with immigrants spread it further than intended.

Maybe some mad scientist nut just wanted to drop carbon emissions.

The Chinese government used covid-19 to stop protest that were going on in China.

nation states have merely been corporations for a long time, tptb dont conform to imaginary lines. whoever is pulling these strings is at a higher level. the height of the pyramid is intentionally obscured.

The damage being done to the US economy is well beyond the "have to allow" kind of sacrifice. I'm more inclined to believe this was done in order to alert the world to China's bio-weapons development.
>from a Chinese breed of bat
Pangolins, actually. And a sample of the original virus was stolen from a Level 4 research lab in Canada last year. Shortly afterward, China received a shipment of several potentially weaponizable viruses which caused a bit of a scandal but was washed over fairly quickly. There are virologists publishing papers that claim they can not only tell that it's been artificially modified, but also what the base virus was and exactly how it was modified.

Im more of the "its a natural mutation of some virus that jumped to humans", and now humanity has no resistance against it. Making it extremely virulent and pretty deadly for the type of flue like virus that it is.

Also china is lying to us and their citizens to prevent the world from finding out just how fucked they are from it, this combined with slashed budgets for disease control and it hitting some PIIGS countries in europe first caused the western world to be caught with their pants down once it spread beyond containment.

I also think that the sparse information coming out of china is caused by the government crackdown on information trying to keep their little government on top.

I know its pretty far out, but i believe it could be true.

>Im more of the "its a natural mutation of some virus that jumped to humans

How is it a mutation when it was just discovered

I personally know someone Here in Oregon that is running for senate, was at C-PAC, she has flu like symptoms, and they straight told her she probably has it, but straight out refused to test her! Because she is in her 30's.
Also Chinese paid libtards and Democrats are destroying Americas Economy to blame Trump and to destroy America and have China be the #1 Nation. As China is already Back at work now!

viruses mutate all the time. Once it mutated and spread to humans, doctors noticed this was no normal flue and took samples from sick people. DNA samples confirmed it was no ordinary flue and that it was something else, and they named it covid 19.

This might have mutated more then a year ago, and passed around between isolated farmers before it spread to its first city, totally unknown to the modern world until it started being passed around like hotcakes.

>China detects new deadly virus
>silences everyone who tries to release the information
>sends infected people across the world
>prefabricates parts for a new hospital
>tells WHO they found a new virus
>puts together hospital to try to show off
>uses new virus as excuse to kill people in China that oppose the state

both of these could be true

Feasible, but I disagree for no reason whatsoever. I think it was the US but I could definitely be wrong. I think that the answer will become clear as time goes on.

I personally think the whole Trump offering to buy the vaccine rights thing was a message, as no country in the world would have agreed to that.

>Be Greta Thaunberg
>Create Covid 19
>Release It In China
>Seeds Across the World
>Infects Europe and the US
>Reduces Population and Carbon Emmissions
>Stops Global Warming

Kek. 10/10

Solid theories

Maybe it is just God tired of hearing about the healthcare debate, so he has decided to settle it once and for all.

Wow, a theory that doesn't involve president retard being dangerously incompetent. Sorry this doesn't even remotely pass Occam's man.

this is why she took a boat across the atlantic instead of a plane. to more easily move the samples that were stolen in canada, to europe, and from there it was easy to get them to asia.

>Also china is lying to us and their citizens to prevent the world from finding out just how fucked they are from it
My personal theory about that is that they want to blame Hong Kong for the virus "resurfacing", so they can waltz in and take over.

Occam's razor is just a guideline. Not proof.

Interesting. Could be true. Although I think this would spark some kind of international reaction.

Like what? No one's gonna give a shit while everyone is in lockdown.

Two I heard recently
1. Environmental activists smuggled a sample out of China to enact their own population control.
2. Ayy LMAOs created COVID-19, sent it down to Earth as the first phase of their invasion efforts.

Haha, the US military is not on lockdown, and has likely already been innoculated.

There's no way in hell the US will start a war because china takes HK.

The war has already started.

Albert Einstein
"I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought"

>be united states
>catch coronavirus
>media tells millennials to stay home during primaries
>bernie btfo'd
this would also be ideal

Attached: 1574614286756.jpg (572x548, 32.59K)

Attrition is one of the most effective wartime tactics. Has been used for a very long time.

It started because op is a raging fagggot and has sucked literally thousands of dicks, the combined STIs op got combined to form a new disease.

Here you go native americans! have a blanket!

Cool story, Comrade Goldstein.

In the coming months, I want you to ask yourself why nobody in the military has the virus.

The answer is because they're in actual, enforceable lockdown.

Keep telling yourself that.

It's da joos user, they made the disease to kill all the white men so that white women have to suck black cock.


anyone else think russians are being retarded by supporting china in all this?

They worked together to meddle in our elections. They are in the same boat.

Thare should have been more of a focus on this six months ago but all they were trying to do was impeach a president every single one of them in the courtroom rubbing their hands together like greedy little children doing nothing getting paid to be hateful to each other this is ware it started

Russia and china have been allies for a long time. In politics 'supporting' doesn't necessarily mean believing something.

disregard Occam's razor predicting that this literally is just asian subhumans eating bat soup and randomly getting infected with a novel virus and it being able to travel fast and infect many because of humanities incompetence to handle epidemics.

i think china spread this shit on purpose, knowing they could easily take a few hits in their population. they kept it secret and spread tons of misinformation to the western world so that they would not be prepared for it.
china is authoritarian and totalitarian, so they can easily enforce total quarantine and blockades and make critics disappear, effectively slowing and stopping the disease among their own.
western society on the other hand gets fucked royally for months because we just need to go out to catch some fresh air regularly and arent chinese termites waiting for orders. also europeans and americans actually stand up for their rights before they starve, chinese dont or if they do they just get shot and the journalists watching it get shot too.
now the economy lies in shambles, china will recover quickly from this and also climb the ranks way faster because of mass producing low maintenance goods that will always sell.
western highly specialized economy will tank so fucking hard and from now on, china will be number 1 in the world.
so better learn some mandarin, motherfucker.

tbh the only people who deserve to get this virus is liberals

China is currently being torn apart by this virus. They are just covering it up.

This is some what true my friend works as a water tester for a third party company that comes in and test the water on a old Air Base that is highly polluted and was told last week they no longer have military access to the site and two stay away. thare for their hours have been cUT sadly that area's water supply is going to become even more heavily polluted with out having people hold them accountable on what they are allowed to dump into the ground per day

i hope so. these fucking chinazis deserve no better. hope they split up into 50 different sovereign nations waging war on each other.

Just look at how they handled the doctor who was the original whistleblower. Thats all you need to know to understand that they are covering this up and that it is MUCH worse than they are saying.


Just go research it yourself. They left him untreated in a hospital with infected people after making him sign something that basically said "i was lying about everything"


take the usual wikipedia bullshit with a grain of salt.

The jews did it

This post just generated an imagination deficit zone

What did they do exactly?

Don't encourage him - we've only just got him to calm down from his sugar rush

too much juice

>Old and sick people cost too much to keep alive
>Find way to kill them off but leave healthy people intact


>be china
>try to control people with virus, where they go, etc
>fuck up

Here's a thought - maybe its just filthy chinks eating bat soup and whoops

Maybe. But I don't think so. Too many coincidences for me.

So, space traveling aliens created a disease with a 98% survivability rate?

Everyone is failing to realize thia was happening before we knew beforw china even knew italy allegedly had cases in november of last year and apperently didnt know what it was which would explain why they got hit so hard but wtf is uo with that it makes so much more sence that the us would have hit china with it first any body know anything on that ? Its got me fucked up

Can you still get aluminium foil or has it all been stripped from the shelves by people stockpiling?

Both are possible, but I feel like if it was number one we wouldn't be responding the way we are.

I don't need it, I am okay with the gubberment reading my thoughts.

How is chinks eating fucked up shit all the time finally biting them in the ass a coincidence?
You mean that it took this long? Or that it's happened before?

>Its got me fucked up
That's completely apparent from the stream of garbled and incomprehensible consciousness that the rest of your post consisted of

I mean elections are coming up. I mean there has been growing tension between the superpowers. I mean if you look at it objectively, it is quite clearly a bio weapon being deployed.

>Or that it's happened before?
It's a zoonotic virus. And yes, it has happened before and not always in China. SARS (of which Covid-19 is a relative) and MERS being two recent ones. Plus, it will happen again.

I think that's the most popular theory, election year, make trumps economy look bad by overblowing the severity of a flu so the markets and economy crashes... Doesn't this kind of stuff happen around election years anyway?

>I mean if you look at it objectively, it is quite clearly a bio weapon being deployed.
How the fuck can you breathe unaided, never mind post bullshit on the internet?

It's not just about the election. Its about their meddling in the last one, and likely others. It is about the authoritarian governments taking over. It is quite clearly a message to stay the fuck out of democratic elections.

Well, first of all, if you weren't a brainlet, you would understand that breathing is handled by the brain stem. Secondly, other than ad hominem, do you have some kind of argument or are you just braindead?