What happened to tits or gtfo? What happened to the nigger hating and faggot calling? What happened to this chan...

What happened to tits or gtfo? What happened to the nigger hating and faggot calling? What happened to this chan? Now it's only sjw and redditors. This is all m00t's fault. He traded the channel for feminist degenerate pussy.

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We realized it's fucking 2020, not 1950

New users mostly

This faggot is why

Rules never change, nigger.

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ah yes, t. redditor
it truly is the current year, friends
OP, the loss of tits or gtfo has truly lowered the site culture. Not sure what you mean about nigger hating, Yas Forums is going strong on every board more than ever. The nigger stuff was always more funny back in the day, now it's just militant neckbeards posting graphs and shit. And we called everyone, including ourselves, fags. And most of all OP, you fucking fag.
Anyway I guarantee that girl is going to rebelliously fuck a ton of niggers when she reaches her teen years and goes to college.

The mods are niggers and kikes.

>pic related
Post-Gamergate and post-2016 election Yas Forums is literally all underages and redditors. You don't even see animefags anymore (never thought I would miss them).

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And this is the prime example of a fucking mong. Should be gunned down desu

I thought users were complaining about the fag calling. I Don't use Yas Forums as much as before, but i saw several posts in /gif/ calling other anons incels, virgins, etc. Mostly women and sjw kind of posts. And for some time I have seen that these kind of people are rampant in here.

try going to Yas Forums, Yas Forums, or Yas Forums you'll find what you want

"Its (current date) think like i do!"

I know that Yas Forums and Yas Forums are still decent. But even Yas Forums is falling now. Too much shill.

nothing lasts forever. and contrary to popular opinion, people grow up and stop wasting their nights here.

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You dont come around here much do you boy?

You kind isnt welcomed here.

Nobody cares for your white boy's insecurity anymore. No one will cry, seeing the same old boring offences for years.

Niggers indeed do ruin everything that was once good.

I really hope the USA succumbs to all this niggery and jewry. You people deserve all this. You have forsaken your valours and traditions and traded it for quick profit. I hope Israel sucks the US dry, for there is no salvation in that country, since the people refuse to fight back.

It’s sad now it was better before

Gtfo of this thread inbred jewfag

tits or gtfo

whats your excuse than faggot, if people grow, and stop coming here, why are you here.

hitler did nothing wrong
Got what you wanted?
Good. Now fuck off.

coz he is as u say a fagit

The Jewish agenda is working better than it ever has before. Fucking kikes, niggers, and libtards are destroying everything good about this world.

Hear hear *hark*

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youre such a newfag you don't even realize that all of the things youve listed are still here. Lurk moar faggot i bet you're a redditfag immigrating to Yas Forums as no one will ban you here for posting cringe. Either that or you don't get to post in r/T_D anymore so you're here to continue on hating stuff that no one cares about.

You know you posted a religious picture correct?

Boxy forsook us. Mootles sold out. The shitkikes who flooded onto the site managed to flush out the old fags. Feelsbadman.gif

or the oldfags grew a pair and stopped acting like fucking manchildren, lol

Yes, this represents my religion indeed. Cute little girls in KKK outfits.

failbook happened. this cancer spreads worse than corona, yet nobody sees the problem.

>b-b-but OP, here is exactly as it was!
Look at the level of jewness in this website. The last good english chan is now dead. Glad I'm not a anglofag.

Drink bleach, newfag. There are no man children on Yas Forums; only fags, niggers, kikes, and lizards.

are you imbeciles actually mouth-breathing racists, or is this all just theatrics to keep up that ironic internet humour?

we got faggos like this ^
and all those faggots saying traps arent gay n shit

...Bro those are spanish penitants.

Yas Forums was always about anime and weebs if you're unironically looking for racism fuck off back to where we keep all of contained there faggots. dont forget that faggot calling and sjw hating was and is not and will never be the purpose of Yas Forums. GOD i hate newfags

lmao you inbred racist american scum are so ignorant and delusional. SAD!

This is a religious activity in Spain...


Normies, trannies, and glowies got on Yas Forums(new), moot and hiro were pressured to allow them to get administrator privileges.
This site is just reddit now.

Don't overreact. It's not that bad, you can say nigger and tell trannies to die. You won't get banned for that. You'd get banned on reddit in a second.

You gigantic faggot

>you won't get banned

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Retard, I'm .
As I said, not even animefags are posting that much anymore. Yas Forums is just porn and sjw shit. You guys accept women now, freely. That's why this place is doomed.

Literally this. This website is reddit now.

fuck off dumb nigger faggot

also kys

/thread & sage

Why dont you fuck off back there then nigger faggot. there is freedom for everyone here even for jews so instead of getting butthurt appreciate what you have. Besides have you ever been there lately? it's just disgusting to look at at this point

The absolute state of 4Reddit.

ellectionfags filled up this site since 2016. I don't care if you're a bernie or biden or clinton or trump supporter i dont care about your fucking politics how much you hate women and blacks or how degenerate whites are or how powerful women are and how racist jokes are bad. This is someway worse than summerfags at least they disappear or get assimilated to the culture after a while. Besides not everyone is american you americucks who cares about how you treat women and blacks. Dont even get me started on porn threads

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OP here. Ain't no amerimutt, but this site has no rules anymore, you can post anything besides pizza, basically. This killed the website.

>look at me and my witty joke/commentary im such a genius calling Yas Forums 4reddit xd what a great critic i am

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newfags dont read the rules anymore they come here with their basic understanding of Yas Forums being "edgy offensive website with neo-nazis and hackers" then they start shitposting

That's the whole point of being anonymous.

>Yas Forums was always about anime and weebs if you're unironically looking for racism fuck off back

Nigger think about what you just said, WEEABOOS ARE RACIST TOO, and man old Yas Forums there the word nigger around ALL the time AND fucking was racist AGAINST LITERALLY EVERYONE. that wasnt just a Yas Forums thing.

FUCKING wannabe oldfag

>edgy offensive website

You best be trolling, cause thats what the majority of it was back then WITH rolling porn threads.

no you got it all wrong, throwing the word around =/= actually taking the discussions seriously and being a racist irl. it all ended when Yas Forums got serious

it was always more than that but i guess you're right. honestly i dont really care anymore there's nothing to do about it. I wish fullchn was still alive


Nigger- a destructive individual by virtue of their total disregard for society or their peers

The problem with tits or gtfo was that it was supposed to be a callout for people trying to use female-ness to attention whore.
Come into a thread, mention gender when it’s irrelevant, get tits demanded.

The problem was that retards started doing it all the time.
Mention it in an offhanded way becuase it is relevant to the story or the thread? TITS OR GTFO LOL
And then since 90% of the people who got it yelled at them WERENT actually doing it for attention, and thus never posted tits, people stopped bothering asking so much.
Not that that’s true, it still gets demanded all the goddamn time, except people will now just say it if you say something they don’t like because omg only a salty roastie could disagree with me.

Tits or gtfo faggot

I rest my case, thank you user

You're all a bunch of faggots

Tits of GTFO

You sure told em