The Hunger Games Commandments;
>No Dupes
>No Groups
>The previous host may be afforded a spot if they don't make roster
>First 24 are in
>Hold any swaps till Roster Check
All are welcome to the Lord's Games.
Y'all deserve a day at the beach.
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gopnik girl Nao
Attached: 35.jpg (388x367, 34.38K)
Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)
Attached: WowWow2.jpg (200x197, 14.85K)
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Sam DiFabio in her cum soaked heels
Attached: sam shoes.jpg (853x1024, 79.71K)
Attached: pinch pinch.jpg (892x1312, 580.23K)
The Watcher
Attached: the watcher.jpg (630x524, 168.38K)
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Nyan Cat
feel free to replace
Attached: nyan cat.png (250x250, 11.99K)
Koiwai Yoshino
Attached: fanservice.png (551x716, 461.49K)
Jimmy Neutron
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Forgot image
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Ariados the Rapist
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You wanted drunk games? Haha! I'm there.
Sanger Zonvolt
Attached: 209669.jpg (225x350, 35.12K)
Attached: Bismarck 0 Alt.png (1026x997, 1.16M)
4 mnor afters Megs.,
Attached: yuncha.png (650x780, 240.29K)
Mordred rider
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Madison Kocian's crotch
Attached: 1711443942.jpg (3941x2826, 770.97K)
Elon Musky
Attached: nice one musky.png (310x520, 133.81K)
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Until the day you enter faster. I won't do swaps.
Attached: 01.png (670x853, 376.45K)
Fuck buses with a cactus!
Let's roll!
Attached: rigswitharig.jpg (639x512, 77.92K)
honestly, the fuck did you expect hosting at 11pm pacific time?
Attached: Dz0yNk9UcAAg8Ka.jpg (848x1200, 132.89K)
Fuck furries.
Lets see them taters, Bis.
AI is fierce.
Mado and Rigs, just like old tiimes.
I'm drunk. Worse than usual.
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you gotta be ruthless to win this shit
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RIP sammich come on Sammie
Attached: sam shoes (2).jpg (1250x1250, 394.38K)
yes, yuncha kill a she wolf!
I ho[e you have fun. I have no idea wtf is happneing.
I'll killsss yyuo.
Shut up, megumi.
Attached: 03.png (670x1935, 358.53K)
>volleyball in heels
>dies of broken neck
Attached: sam wedge heels.jpg (720x960, 94.65K)
yep, Yuncha is good with bananas and boats.
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sand sticks to cum doe o noe
Attached: shoes1.jpg (819x1024, 123.02K)
Yo I'm really fucking confused
Fuck this slide with a brillo pad.
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Me too.
THis doesn't appeal to me.
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Wubbzy ain't fucking around anymore.
the feets are still safe for now its all that matters
Attached: Sam (10).png (252x791, 485.62K)
I have to pee and get a drank.
Question is; do I leet it ride or fix it?
You're worse than wetfat.
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hope those crabs are not poisonous
that's sad because I think you're the bees knees
Attached: sad sam.png (626x640, 714.33K)
I want someone t enter captcha as a trib. they will never die.
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Rigs, you're gross.
Maybe if you were ever ready,
Attached: 09.png (670x1053, 185.67K)
Yuncha sad Mordred Rider died, we came from same district.
it's okay. even tho they died they have returned to the throne of heros and oneday may even answer your summons.
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