I am a retired drug dealer under 30

I am a retired drug dealer under 30.

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Did you stack up or did you blow all your bread like a retard?

why r u retired..

Saved 500k
Blew it all like a retard
Got back in and saved another 500k

How many toilet paper rolls have you at this moment?

Cause the goal was to be able to live a nice life without ever having to work again or worry about money. I accomplished that. If I keep doing it I will end up like my "friends" that didn't stop with somewhere between 5-20 years in a cell.

when are you gonna retire from being a faggot?



Can I have 1 at least?

If you take a base hit.

what kind of drugs did u deal

Weed,Coke,MDMA,Ectasy mainly

Do you think you'll be able to retire permanently with only 500k? Or do you plan on starting a legitimate career to supplement your savings?

did u deal to celebs and how r u handling the current pandemic.. do u think people need drugs other than addicts

500k is plenty when your house is paid in full.

how many cocks have you sucked?

Not any big celebs but more commonly was people famous for their business. Definitely a couple of companies you would have heard of.

Pandemic is very good for drug dealers. All the weekend party users have moved to private parties and funnily enough the drug dealers are the hosts of those parties. No risk of security or police.

Addicts are not the only people who "need" drugs in fact they don't need them. There are people that genuinely need them for medical issues. Some people like to just have some fun. I know some people including myself who can take the hardest drugs and just leave it for years on end. Some drugs provide experiences that are impossible without altering the mind so if you want to experience that then technically you need them. I think the user is the person who decides what they need.

What were the biggest challenges you faced? And which aspects caused the most stress for you during your time?

How2succesafully do ur job?
I'm almost 30 and I'd dont wanna be 40 and broke

Zero but have been offered blow jobs and sex for all sorts of drugs from $5 worth to $100+. To which I turned all down because I don't want to touch people like that.

Op any advice on how to stay focused?

what do u mean people famous for there business... also.. did u traded sex for drugs.. how often..

Why do you lie?

Definitely rivals and police. I shit you not with rivals its literally like san andreas where when they see you they just automatically attack like an npc.
The police are stressful during an investigation, very stressful. Thats probably the most stressful thing.
But because of the rivals I always carry a knife now and am more paranoid on a whole. I hate not knowing what is behind me.

What about property tax? It just doesn't sound right to me.

Don't use your own product.
Buy in bulk.
Don't stash at your house.
Pay someone to drive you to deals and if pulled over toss the shit in the back and let them take the rap.

Never bring a knife to a gun fight. If you never carried you should get out and stay out.

did u work a corner or did u got called up and met at a gas station

How does one find a dealer when you cant go into the bad part of town

Like people that are well known because of their company. Like when you think of that name you think "oh they started x company"

I hope a junkie calls the cops on you because you didn’t give credit to the meth head. Anyone that boasts about being paid from criminal activities deserves everything that comes to them. Or I hope that you brag about how paid you are to a fucking stripper (usually you drug dealers do) and her pimp fucking robs you blind.

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I have ways of getting around things like that. I also use to do a lot of company fraud before the drugs using original methods and am pretty good with computers.

How does one start in the business, do you recommend it if we have the same goal in life as you

what were the prices u charged for ur drugs..

what was the most popular

You ever sucked another man's dick? Don't lie, faggot!

I didn't work in small quantities. I supplied people that sold to dealers or other users.

When I asked how do you stay focused I meant, how do you not just spend all the money while you make it like going out, dinners and other expensive things

It honestly depends. It will change you for the rest of your life because of what you will see and experience.
However I feel being a lil fucked up mentally is better than being a 9-5 slave.

Weed was 200 an ounce
Coke was 1800 an ounce
Mdma was 350 an ounce
Ectasy was 350 for 100 pills

Weed is by far the most popular. Coke being second.

You ever get robbed? I was robbed, and then stopped?

I went through the phase of spending lots of money and that was the most depressed I have ever been. I cook my own food or if I am feeling fancy I will go and get a mccdonalds. I drink cheap light beer and spend 200 a month on weed. Thos are my only living costs atm. No more than 400 a month outgoings. Just knowing I never have to worry provides me with immense happiness similar to a cocaine high.

u ever came close to being caught and have u though of going back to dealing.. why be a dealer and not a pimp

Did you buy from cartels directly or gangs?

What did you blow $500k on?

When I first started cause it was a snatch and run. But instead of following to his mates in the alley waiting I paid someone a gram of weed to tell me his address then paid my mate the money to go to his mums house and get the money back, well that was his payment. Kid never bothered me again.

>what you will see and experience
how bad did it get?


MDMA/Ecstasy I got for pennies from the manufacturer.
Weed I knew the grower.
Cocaine was from another dealer bigger than me who wanted a mutually beneficial deal by trading coke for MDMA/E because I had the best quality lots of people had seen at the time. And also when you trade drugs for drugs its very beneficial because you pay less for what you are trading the drugs for and the drugs you are trading for are worth more once sold. Works vice versa.

VERY close. Waiting in a cell while they raid my house close. Honestly I miss dealing I found it very fun. All the people in that life are characters and it is never boring. When you are in that life it becomes like a movie.

smart stuff bruh, you know its the other people, not cops, that make you wonder

who asked? fuck off back to social/ig threads

is thewre anyone u sold to that would shock people if we found out they did drugs

fuck outta here

weed, coke, etc are fine user. heroin and opiates tho are shit.

Cars which I crashed on drugs.
An almost charlie sheen level coke habit.
Pointless jewellery.

People getting a group beating was always hard to watch and always stuck with me.
People lose it mentally and try to kill themselves.
Its not as much what you see but what you experience that changes you. You really have to throw morals out the window. To sell drugs with the mindset, "I'm going to give 100 pills to this person for free because I know they will get addicted and come back for more" is a fucked up mindset to get used to. To turn people with otherwise normal lives into sub dealers to benefit me.
When someone fucks you over you find out not where they live but their family and go or send someone there. You know the family have done nothing wrong but you want the easiest solution and when you involve families hardly anyone kicks up a fuss.

whats the youngest u sold drugs to
whats the oldest u sold drugs to

do u believe if someone told u that they dont do drugs

Nope, like I said I know a couple of people that started some big companies and the people locally know they use maybe up to cocaine. Maybe they don't know they have tried harder things like heroin or crack(I never sold those).

Youngest would be 18 when I was 18.
Oldest would be 50.

If someone over the age of 25 told me they never tried drugs I would think they are lying but some people you can tell they have never used drugs. One of my best mates has never touched anything even weed and I make sure he never does because he has a good life, good job, no criminal history with police and shouldn't risk it. However if you looked at him you would just know he never did drugs. I know lots of people and he's the only one who hasn't and I met him at school. It would be hard to meet someone in adult life who has never used drugs.

How did you turn the dirty money into clean?

what is the appeal of using drugs? As someone on medication to try to feel normal i dont understand the goal to change your perception of reality into something of lesser quality.

drugs are fun
weed chills out your anxiety, makes you horny and makes music sound amazing. coke makes you talkative and energetic. ecstasy feels great and super horny. mushrooms and acid reveal your mind.

Are you a nigger?

I just dont understand. I want to be able to think and feel normal and the fact that i need something to help me get there makes me feel inferior as a person. I guess i hear a lot more stories of bad trips people have which are closer to what im trying to get away from

do u care if people get hurt using ur drugs

I know some people who have software companies not big companies but earn like 500k a year. They hire me as a software engineer for 50k a year, I just pay them back the monthly payment in full. They do this as a favour in return for my favours.

sometimes we want to escape from normal. as a psychedelic user, bad trips can teach you more than the good ones.

i'm not op, i just used to party a lot, still do sometimes.

Nope, as white as they come.

A lot of people I know use it to get a break from the real world. Some people just enjoy feeling like a bird flying over mountains at 500mph. Some people do it to get confidence. Some people use to cover childhood trauma. Not everyone is the same with drugs. And there is no sole reason why.

best places to sell?