Ohio thread

Ohio thread
Post 740 if you can

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Any 614


Anyone got 740 Karli G wins?



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Initials for more

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bump from east liverpool. send help, we all dying from stupidity

Any Cuyahoga Falls? Class of '19 here

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anyone know her

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Anyone got 419?

What part of 740?

Left - she was 614, 419

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Bump 740 Lancaster !!

Tiffany b? Jazmine c?



Megan l & megan w?

Class of 16 17 & 18? Lancaster



looking for rachel s 440

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Is that her or different Rachel?

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440 Nordonia

Attached: s.jpg (640x480, 82.71K)



Is she from Lancaster?

that robin looks pissed

east liverpool

Anyone got Kelli f? 440

There is some girls from east liverpool on xhamster look up liverpool pics and vids

Last call for lancaster girls? Age range 18-22

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513 here

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Any Xenia girls?

Also looking for Rachel S but with tattoos


Still hoping for some Lancaster

Chelsea B

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Any Wooster/Berlin?

Any other 937?

Attached: Whitney G 2.jpg (720x960, 58.33K)

Andrea ashl //ey?

740 mount vernon area

Looking for Lucy C 440

more of her?


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Angie G? Logan

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Nordonia isn't 440

No she’s covered and last name rhymes with dimko


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anyone know her? 513

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Any 513 people know a Christianna W? Ebony bbw

Who are you looking for ?

You from westlake?

closest i have

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More ? Collection is small

bump 614

Basically anyone from class of 16 17 or 18. Tiffany b. Jazmine c. Megan l. Macee m.


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740 from last nights thread

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