This may be an unpopular opinion but fuck it

This may be an unpopular opinion but fuck it.
Maybe those shit tards in europe and china have garbage healthcare systems compared to the west.

current cases in the US is 33,546 and 178 deaths.

Italy is 59,138 cases and 5,476 deaths. SHIT TIER.

Spain is 28,768 cases and 1,772 deaths, SHIT TIER.

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Our healthcare system is garbage too, just wait and see

>not the west
So this is the famous American iq, huh.


trump supporters be like

>repeal and replace obamacare! it sucks!

but trump supporters also be like

>these healthcare systems that are as shit as americas are bad compared to the west

stupid fuck,i cant wait until people go to trump supporters funerals and say they got what they voted for.a miserable president who did nothing about the disease they died from

who needs to wait? its literally the same healthcare system as it was when obama was president.stupid fuck

You’re cute. We, the “East” are ahead of you around 3 weeks. Let’s see in three weeks what you’ll have and then you can say shit tier. I hope though not more people will die

>Our healthcare system is garbage too, just wait and see

more people are going to die from the regular flan than corona. hell even more people are going to die from car accidents and other health problems other than corona.

Too early to say.

Also, I'm neutral in this (neither Amerifag nor Eurocuck), but American healthcare is better if you're rich and worse if you're poor. The problem is, it doesn't seem like not having universal healthcare has given you lower taxes, so you've got worst of both worlds!

na it's really not. you've just been conditioned to believe that by vacuous nobility seekers and ignorant over privileged contrarians.

Attached: 1583487335809.gif (394x406, 642.33K) don't really get how pandemic epicenters work, I take it...

"Hey guys come looks at my post, I used a thesaurus this time"

Over 400 people have died from the virus in the US

Bumpstock user?

they're ahead of the US time-wise.

consider this. The US has 33000 cases. 600 case closed, meaning 175 recovered and the rest died. So, of the 33k cases, only 600 are through the end, either survived or dead. these and your numbers are shit because it's too early to tell anything.

the only number you should understand is about 5% die. im sure the 95% who dont fucking hated life beyond their belief during it, which according to the numbers above is a week or more of hell.

we are all in on this. the titanic has hit the iceburg. there's enough room for 95% on the life boats. the quarantine is closing the hatches on the 'water tight' compartments. its buying enough time for the life boats to fill. the only other option is 1/3rd of the population showing up to the hospital in 3 weeks feeling near death. that simply won't fucking work.

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> Ahead of the US
> First case in the US Jan 21, 2020.
> First case in Germany Jan 27, 2020
> First case in Italy Jan 31, 2020
> First case in the UK Jan 31, 2020

You're full of shit, user.

why are you hung up on only the first case?

enjoy the statics from the cdc for the flu from 2019 to 2020

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Dying by flan cannot be all that bad.

I'll bet it's nice being as stupid as OP. No realistic vision of the future, just happy hurr-durr, no idea how to look at numbers... Just happy la la la... and think everyone else is retarded. sigh...

>comparing something 3 centuries old to something 3 weeks old

good work.

these threads are bait right? you can literally Google the OECD health ratings of big cities in every country. Italy has some of the best healthcare in the world. we're screwed. you're retarded. stay inside please.

This is all going to mysteriously disappear the same way it appeared. Just wait and watch.

CoronaHoax 2020

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if it does that means our complete lack of preparation miraculously worked and retards like you are gonna feel vindicated against the liberal masses

Clearly they don't have the best health care, then huh?

italy has an older population with a lot of smokers.

also the health minister of italy just said today the way they are reporting the deaths is skewed because if anyone dies and had coronavirus, regardless if that caused the death, that's how it's classified.

>the more you know.

what is the hoax? all the numbers are available online.

its a very contagious godawful flu. theyre trying to slow the fuckery down so it can be handled properly instead of a wave of impossibility.

hey we're getting somewhere now. you're correct, now look at how our healthcare is rated comparatively. new york has the highest amount of confirmed cases in the states and the OECD ranks their healthcare a 6.8 out of 10. Lombardy, the epicenter of the outbreak in Italy, has a 9.9

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Because Corona has a two week incubation period, in which time the virus can spread. It had six days extra to spread in the US.

Based on time, the US should be swimming in bodies like Italy. Instead you idiots don't realize that Italy and every country with UHC already has an over taxed system.

FFS in France and Japan they are already having a shortage of doctors. What happens when you add a pandemic on top of an over taxed system that's already having problem with infrastructure?

I've been saying for years that if a pandemic or major issue ever rises that the US could not take the brunt of. Europe would be fucked side ways because they rely on the US for protection and to babysit them.

While we have infrastructure in place based on demand, they have calculated placement based on stagnant numbers that has to be accounted for each year.

>This may be an unpopular opinion

it's a totally retarded opinion trumpshit
fuck off

I'm strangely excited for masses of Americans to start dying so people like you can finally realize. or maybe you'll just blame hospitals for being too stupid to handle the scary flu or something. fuck


That or other countries are exaggerating about how many deaths and people affected.


i think it has to do with larger family and "household" sizes in those cultures, a trait they share with southeast asian culture I notice.

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They're not. We're under reporting because we have shit for test kits.

And should that not happen, should America weather the pandemic better than other countries, what will your opinion be then?

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imagine being so fucking stupid that you believe this

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my opinion would be that we successfully prevented the major outbreak of corona in the states, the invisible result of all this panic. why do you retards point to the result we want as this weird counter point? why did you bring this up?

I wonder if our lack of testing contributed to that.

Not the same guy, but let me rephrase: After the outbreak has ended and life goes back to normal, the public will absolutely point to the lower amount of American deaths as a triumph of American health care, regardless of if it's warranted or not. How do you plan to argue with them?

The healthcare system of 200 years ago with fever hospitals is more fit for this pandemic than what we have today.

literally nobody clicks on your faggot shit

my argument has not changed. look at the OECD numbers. our healthcare is rated WORSE than italys. the quality of care isn't even the matter here, it's purely the amount of beds hospitals have. if we overcome the virus, it will be the result of the physical distancing and lockdowns flattening the curve, lowering the strain on our WORSE healthcare system

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Take a Poopy Leave a Poopy frogposter
pls kys

He doesn’t period.
I see facilities making their own rules till intervened.

I feel that in my ancient bones
It doesn't matter though, everyone will forget just like they forgot swine flu and bird flu and zika... it's all about what the media wants us to panic about this month vs next

it's a trumpshit
facts don't apply
just enrage it

You don't even have the tiniest bit of doubt that a European organization could be biased in saying that European care is better? Not to convince us, but maybe their own people?

>22,000 cases
>84 deaths

Maybe that Hitler fella was onto something about Germans being stronger

KYS nigger.

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You need to research unknown cases respiratory cases in U.S. last quarter of the year that passed. Another user had a thread about it here not long ago.

im ok with dying by flan

>I'm anti-science
>global warming is a hoax too
>they're after trump that's why they're causing panic
kys frogposter

Poopy the frawg
I have a rare Poopy
post your Rare Poopies here

Was trying to quote the user you quoted
>under little influence

yeah, if we're gonna get to the "I don't believe in numbers" part of the argument I'll just leave. if people end up not dying, I will HAPPILY eat my fucking words because Jesus Christ I am terrified for the US. but we're fucked, and people like you (bait or not, people still read this shit) are gonna end up killing people.

Niggers mad.

Link it, you cuck.

>current cases in the US is 33,546 and 178 deaths.

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nigga he posted this three hours ago. the numbers rise fast

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