Herbivores are geeeeey

Herbivores are geeeeey.

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My roommate was watching the show that's from today. Looked pretty weird. Animation style seems meh as well

despite being furshit its actually pretty good once you get over the inital animation hurdle. one of the best examples of cg anime ive seen.

From what I've seen, the animation is trash, much like all those Netflix animes that use that 2D art on 3D skeletons.

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Id fuck a gay deer guy

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i liked the animation style

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Its still better than shit like BLAME! or the Godzilla movies they did, but if you want to see it done right, Pixar's Paperman shows how its done.

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I love Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it's even better than New Leaf :3

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i guess, i still really enjoyed the show

hey wem!

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How are you doing, cutie?

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Anyone got the webm version of this?

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HB seems to be into it.

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boutta sleep, hows you?

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I'm good, started playing Animal Crossing today, and loving it so far

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who dis

howdy partner

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that's good, glad you're having fun

how ya doin kitty boi

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NS sucks.

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i'm eh. works rough. home now and chillin thouhg. how you doin

suck my pepee

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aw, least you can chill now, i'm good just v sleepy

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Kill yourself geeeyfag. I go through such a small amount of effort to avoid Beastars porn to keep it pure to me and I see you being the "geeeey" autist that you are with some faggot Beastars porn so I decided to click on the thread and berate you.

yeeyee~ gonna game and movies~
how was you day?


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Hi wem, how are you?

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it was okay i guess, super boring and did nothing of worth really

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dying i am sad and exhausted.
how're you bb?

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Heya friends, how goes the quarantine?

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I'm sorry, I hope you feel better

I'm good, played some Animal Crossing earlier and will probably play some more when my brother and his friend are finished watching a movie

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I desire butts.

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I can provide butts.

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Post your butt.

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My butt is less nice than the rest of the butts I could share. Got a Discord though?

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hehe that's cute. whos your favorite animal in your town right now?
also sorry my pc crashed and rebooted D:

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I need an expert opinion, is this gay or straight?

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Well I only have two right now, Antonio and Plucky. Maybe Plucky I guess.

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if you have to ask if its gay or not then its gay

gay because the focus is his cock and balls

what es plucky

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I'd go with gay.

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She's a chicken, she's alright. Freya was my favorite in New Leaf, I'd love to have her in New Horizons too :3

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you can use any amiibos to bring animals to your town in this new game. i bet you can find amiibos cheap on ebay

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Oh man, that's cool! I don't know if I'd want to buy amiibos though, I'm frugal and don't even like buying games.

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