Are americans stupid enough to reelect him after all this corona fiasco?
Are americans stupid enough to reelect him after all this corona fiasco?
you have to remember that we've already elected him once
Every time a shit thread like this is made, I put another ten dollars into my travel account. I already have over 9,000 dollars in it. You know what that account's for? I'm a dual-national: Australian AND American. I'm heading there to Burgerstan in November to vote EXCLUSIVELY for Donald fucking Trump. Not that it's needed, of course. #InTheBag2020. But I'm going to laugh my fucking arse off at the DUMB CUNTS who'll have to SUFFER another four fucking YEARS of glorious Emperor Trump ruling over them.
>buh-buh-but yuh-you'll be wasting all that money when you can put in a vote from Austwalia!
>implying I'm spending that money just on travel
>implying I'm not going there on a "spit on all Democrat-voters" tour
>implying I won't have my Springfield 1911 with me in case the dumb cunts try anything in return
>implying I won't be laughing my fucking arse off the whole time before I come back to Australia
You poor, dumb cunts. I love it.
Hes doing a great job and none of his opponents are even trying to pay attention.
Simple answer: yes.
if the option is joe biden, yes we will not because we are stupid but because the corporate dems actually want him in charge so they can keep making shit tons of money because he is the perfect scapegoat for the fact corporate dems and the entire republican party are the same thing
>are Americans stupid enough to reelect him?
His cult members sure as fuck are
What fucking fiasco? Trump is kicking ass. Even Democrats are praising him.
>I already have over 9,000 dollars in it.
9 thousand ain't enough to save you from this colossal fuck up.
You just repeat the same superficial lines about "corporate Dems" over and over without having any fucking clue what you're talking about. You should stop posting.
I will vote Trump 2020.
It pisses me off that so called 'Liberals' don't don't dislike him for the same reasons I do. Also it's no one's fault that Corona Chan is ravaging the world but that of China's particularly the incompetence of the PRC government.
You could be complaining about him going back on his word to not involve America into Syria for example or criticize him for becoming the biggest N.A.T.O shill in all of history ironically but no you fucks choose trivial shit because your petty and know your so called 'chooses' on the left would do the same shit.
Boy, I REALLY want to be politically aligned with people who would get THAT tattoo. Sign me the fuck up.
Are his opponents stupid enough to get tattoos of him, living rent free on their bodies?
Hell yeah lets speed up this boogaloo
okay THIS is epic
it's copypasta you newfag retard.
Yeah you guys are totally right literally every liberal has a tattoo of Trump omg they're so stupid maga
omg epic bro
I'd vote for him 10 more times if the circumstances permitted it. he's one of the last bastions of hope against nigger tier foreign hordes, SJWs, PC warriors and softcocks all over the world.
Yes, because of your constant campaigning.
Did I say every liberal Dem had a tattoo of Trump with a cock in his mouth, you retard?
We're so stupid we would fucking elect a sea cucumber cuz it would still be mic worthy if not very photogenic. Squeb Squeb Squeb fucking Yurdles not eating food up their ass and shitting out they mouth, just isn't nautical.
We are #1. COPE.
trump is a liberal himself,you stupid hee haw watching trumpshit redneck
Getting a tattoo just to denigrate someone you hate is the stupidest shit ever. Who the fuck does that?
user posted a pic of a stupid Trump tattoo and, on cue, a bunch of moronic Trumpcucks (you) act like it's a typical liberal thing to do.
Scroll up, faggot.
Yeah, totally
Cult Life
You don't understand what the word "denigrate" means?
Cult life, bro
Cult life
Did someone say Cult Life?
Geezus, you people are dumb. No wonder you couldn't get a 30 year veteran of public service elected.
Cult Life, checkin' in.
Based trump tats
Yes we are China faggot. Enjoy 4 more years of being shit on by Trump. You all are nothing but slaves to our country. Enjoy your $2 a day wages.
When I said "yeah, totally", this was meant to convey sarcasm, you stupid motherfucker. Now go eat your crayons.
> implying that trump caused corona
The cult is real
The Trumpvirus
Who the fuck would ever get a faggot ass tattoo like that?
Literally no one is implying that, Mr Strawman
he's getting back in but as a she.
oligarchy runs the show. 2 terms each party taking turns for stable transmutation towards their ideal. Been this way for a while. It's been the plan since the 2 term limit was first enacted.
American liberal democrats. Because it's completely normal to get a big tattoo on your body of someone you hate.
Consider the alternative:
Joe Biden will pick Hillary Clinton as his running mate. He'll probably drop dead his first year in office, and then we will have President Hillary, the precise situation we elected Trump to prevent.
Do the right thing.
Vote TRUMP in November
And make sure he has plenty of Republicans in Congress to support his agenda.
You bet it is
well at least 40% of voters are stupid enough to vote for him again
May the MAGA be with you, brother
Totally not a cult
Hey dumbass,your vote doesn't count during a presidential election, asshole
This is the most delicious target-rich environment I've seen on Yas Forums in months.
Not at all. I don't know why libruls would suggest such a thing
Funny how Trump supporters are somehow a "cult".
This was 7 month ago. Can't even imagine how it is today with this shit going on
Riiiiiight. And it only cost us what, a trillion of our tax dollars for two bailouts?
Where's a steam roller when you need one?
>Are americans stupid enough to.....
joe bob hand me that gun and hold my beer
Definitely not cult-like.
Yeah, funny
Are americans stupid enough to reelect him after all this corona fiasco?
Are americans stupid
>Cult: typically poorly educated individuals that are easily influenced by a disingenuous charlatan
Yeah, that about hits it on the head
Yes they are
You're right, it's not. They just look like normal people who support a politician
May the MAGA be with you, brother
Definitely not a cult.
they elected a real estate agent to run the fucking country ... im guessing they are stupid enough to re elect him
>poorly educated
Yep, 62 million "poorly educated" Americans. Gotcha.
That was for a particular cause, you mouth breather.
Totally normal, non cult like behavior.
Liberal Democrats. Cult as fuck.
Cult Life
Good, was afraid I'd have to repeat it for you poorly educated trumptards.
Alright I could post these all day because there are literally hundreds of them on Google images, but I gotta draw the line somewhere
Pls get corona'd and die, you waste-of-flesh magafucks
Definitely n0t a cult.
>muh boogeyman antifa
>muh Trump
>muh rednecks
>muh cult
>muh russia
Zion Don and Little Girl sniffer Joe are both horrible choices.
Have fun Ameri-Sharts LOL