Hey I am Marie! I am an 18 year old who is in desperate need of money

Hey I am Marie! I am an 18 year old who is in desperate need of money

I am willing to pretty much do anything to put food on the table.

Discord: marie#5735

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Nudes first then we talk.

tits + timestamp not timestamp dumb asshole

Good luck, tuts out w timestamp. Then we talk

dubs thread

tits or GTFO

This. Are you new, ho?

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Hi, beautiful little girl. Daddy will take care of you, sweet little princess. You are sexy.

>day 4 of the coronavirus shutdown
>i still can't figure out how to make a chaturbate accoutn==nt

Reveal bosoms

Find a job, OP. Dont pay her anything just go to pornhub guys, seriously

i'll do literally anything

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Even if this was legit, fuck off. Porn is free and you ain't special

look how skinny i am, i need food

Spread your pussy

she could easily make $500 in a few hours

Then show us tits

if you have ID go to chaturbate. you'll make a ton.

Claims she needs $$$ but won’t post tits. Yeah right bitch


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This. Go fuck yourself on cam, you dumb slut.

and vagene

Write proper time stamp with Yas Forums & tits, you larping faggot. If you're gonna scam Anons for money, at least have the camwhore you paid $20 to stage these pics pose with the proper shit.

I want to eat your pussy.

I will pay you $50 to take a shit on the floor and sit on it

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is that your Snap?

This. Ops some scam faggot that pays cam sluts a few $ to make these pics, then uses them to try to scam Yas Forumsros. Hence the lack of required tits and Yas Forums on their signs.

Poop on your hand and post proof i will donate you 5$

True. This is like the 5th thread today. OPs hustle is pretty much doomed to fail since he doesn't get these cunts to pose with a proper time stamp, showing their utters.

replying to that cunt

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show your tets, damn you are realy nice

Tits or gtfo

You fuckin suck at this

Watch your mouth you little whore and don’t censer

Go open a chaturbate account if you're that desperate for cash, you ignorant twat.

Can we have something with a better quality? Because.. cmon, you can't be serious with this vga resolution...

can I still taste your pussy

You go to the potato farm to get your camera?? Fuck

You’re a fucking retard how about you get a job and stop saturating pussy market with your 6/10 frame+body

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/thread. Kinda sketchy if she doesn't have ID to start on mfc, chaturbate, cam4, etc.
Prob underage, or am illegal migrant.

$20 for shiting on table with face right beside

Tits or gtfo

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Why dont you resort to ilicit jobs?

Just signed you up for gay porn.

you'll put markers and hair brushes and curling irons in your asshole then suck on them right out of your butt and show proof?

fuck off, Justin

Signing you up for more shit now.

We said tits, not covered tits you fucking mongoloid

Go back to india, no one want sto "something out" with a fugly mustache fetid curry that shits on rivers.

Why don't you join the Army? They pay people with no actual skills pretty well.

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Full frontal nude, here in this post and I'll will give you an email for payment.

you look like a bitch i know called roxanne.
if thats you then fuck your hot

How about yours? You're in luck, I'm in Ann Arbor.

Sharpie in the pooper

Can you please show us your tits?

Post a throwaway away email on a piece of paper. I'll contact you with another pic of this $, go from there.

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this shit fake as hell.

Be my internet waifu and I'll pay you weekly

>imagine paying for nudes

Simping piece of crap

Nobody said nudes. Stay jealous boys

In case I need to go on the run.

>I am willing to pretty much do anything to put food on the table.
Get a job, then, parasite.

Propably injected with covid

Will you take part in a longlasting relationship where your partner loves and treats you right and you do the exact same for him?

says the hairdresser

No nudes, no money.

Keep hating wagecuck

get on mfc right now and show tits and I'll give you all the tokens I have

Stop supporting lazy whores with your time and money

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Hello, my lady. Just a regular, decent guy. I only frequent Yas Forums for the YLYL threads and such. Not really into the misogynistic crap. I'll give you a couple hundred (what I have in my bank account). Don't want anything in return, no naked pictures, etc. I'll get in your discord

Tits or get the fuck out slut

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sup girl


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you know the sad part of this is that i can't really tell if it's satire or not

>pic related

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post proof

give me your debit card number i will give $30 dolares


She'll do anything, even abandon her own thread.