Why so many Americans own big cats?
Why so many Americans own big cats?
Because we can.
they're legal to own as long as you marry them
bait thread, but how many regular Americans do you think own fucking tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc?
That's a savannah cat. While it is a "big cat", it's not a big cat like OP is meaning.
>tfw still no real Japari Park
It should be illegal for anyone to own a tiger or lion. Fuck your private zoos
Lol is that the dude that hired someone to kill a woman that killed her husband and fed his corpse to tigers?
Do we all agree that Carol lady killed her husband? It's as plain as day.
She seems to find the whole thing hilarious
How can people be comfortable getting that close to an apex predator? Maybe I'm just a coward.
Based feline inspection officer
long for death and it will always evade you
Because they’re giant pussies.
I remember a story years ago about a guy that owned a bunch of exotic animals and let them all lose one day. I think they were all shot and killed
the only culture they have is to consume and show off to other people what you consumed
Poorfag detected
You need big cats to eat the big rats
>can only afford a theater falcon
>chad has a kinoplex tiger
It's not fair bros
I gotta say I enjoy these limited series on Netflix much more than their films. What a cast of characters.
How could people actually own tigers as pets? They're scary. What else? Wolves? Bears?
Something about this dude rubbed me the wrong way.
Any animal raised by humans from birth will not pose much of a threat since trust has been established during the formative years.
The virgin yanks vs the chad ruskies
could see john c reilly playing him.
>tfw no tiger pet
>they take care of a NEET bear
Fucking cringe
That is categorically false. Chimpanzees raised from birth by humans become absolute maniacs when they hit puberty and beyond.
>literally all roastie's eyes fixated on the BTC
Yeah, I'm thinking based
I'm pretty sure that's an ocelot user
Why can't Americans even restrain themselves from making their own pets obese?
Him and Tony Montana were the most based
How far round can a cat like that twist?
he's a cult leader who's really good and hiding the big cats he kills
>He doesn’t own a tiger
Lmao @ u
They're developmentally challenged. Normal people retain a flight or fight response when they see a big cat.
If we lived in the wild they would've been eaten first. They're the fodder sacrificed in order for the superior genes to thrive. Civilization slows this form of evolution of course, which is why we have retarded fat black women having 7 kids and living on welfare.
Either that, or they take over the tribe with their army of big cats.
He just comes off as a sociopath. There's fucking nothing behind his eyes. He reminded me of Jylenhaas' character in Nightcrawler, clearly a weird person trying to sounds normal. In his case he's also a narcissist and loves to talk about himself and his obvious cult.
Reminder that you're not a big cat with daggers for claws and it will eventually maul or kill you.
We need something to protect us from the niggers
>It's a big cat but not a big cat
based retard
Because aside from a few exceptions like Hippos and Geese, even apex predators instinctively know to not fuck with humans. Big cats would no sooner try and attack a human than they would a full grown elephants.
Yeah, it's the new Netflix True Crime DocuSeries. I watched it because of him being on Louis Theroux.
They're reared from birth to be comfortable around humans, they will definitely still fuck you up and it's retarded to own one but it's not like walking into a Tiger in the jungle.
>May 8, 2017 Doullan, France: A lion grabbed his tamer around the throat and dragged him around the circus ring before an audience of horrified children. According to Francebleu, he has been left bewildered by the attack having raised and trained the animal himself, never having had a problem before.
Chimps are the exception, not the rule. They’re natural psychopaths that will ruthlessly murder a long time buddy chimp if he looks at him wrong.
The issue is that behaviour is fundamentally no different to a house cat playing by scratching and biting at your arm except it's not a little kitten it's a quarter of a ton killing machine.
Also should have added if that lion had meant to kill the guy it would have.
>>May 8, 2017 Doullan, France: A lion grabbed his tamer around the throat and dragged him around the circus ring before an audience of horrified children
good bang for the buck i'd say
Is that Siegfried or Roy?
They don’t
cats are based, no matter what size they are
this series is legendary
>It’s a major challenge for tiger conservation that Texans are increasing global tiger population
Why are environmentalists so retarded?
isnt this how cats treat their kittens
That's not true at all since they aren't truly domesticated. All it takes is one moment for the animal to snap and mail you to death. Happens all the time.
Thousands. A LOT of people own and cage animals they shouldn't.
You know people are also still killed by dogs right?
>It should be illegal for anyone to own a tiger or lion. Fuck your private zoos
>Thousands. A LOT of people own and cage animals they shouldn't.
everything is bigger in texas
>tfw watching Tiger King
They mentioned that in the series actually
No, incel, that's not how it works, at all.
The populations of abandoned animals in private preserves proves you utterly and laughably wrong. Been on the fringes of that world for years, most exotics are either euthanized or given up to the private preserves because the owner can't handle or afford it anymore (tigers are EXPENSIVE to feed). Tippi Hedron has run one for decades, that takes in tigers that outgrew the fun of being a pet. Several of the marine parks maintain private zoos with tigers unfit to be put in front of the public. I know two people who worked at these places. Tigers are dangerous, they can snap and kill you just because they're in a shitty mood. They fuck with keepers, because they're bored. They don't "bond' and "trust" you like they would a fellow tiger - and they barely do that with each other, tigers are solitary with weak bonding or community structures - which makes it even harder to caretake them, because it's rare that they can share an enclosure.
Why not learn the reality, instead of making shit up? Tigers are fascinating creatures, they're interesting enough without your useless bullshit.
>Big cats would no sooner try and attack a human
Yeah, no, retard. Tigers and lions will kill and eat a human, if their normal game isn't present. The smaller cats rarely attack humans unless threatened, but trust in that tigers have and DO attack humans for food. That's why when it happens, in places like india, they track it down and kill it ASAP, because once a tiger goes there, it will wipe out villages.
>even apex predators instinctively know to not fuck with humans
Grats, this is THE most retarded thing I've seen on Yas Forums all day, and there's some stupid fucking people posting.
pitt bulls aren't dogs m8
No, NEET. Momma cats will grab their kittens by the scruff of the neck, not around the throat.
I'd say that guy is lucky since the cat went for his jugular. If it pierced his carotid artery he would've bled out in seconds.
why are you so angry
This documentary was one of the best things Netflix has done. My favorite part was how based tiger king Joe was so fucking based he turned 2 straight meth heads gay with his tiger magic. Based as fuck, I hope the jannies get eaten by tigers after being fucked up the ass by a redneck sicko.
Why are you so retarded? It's Yas Forums, get a helmet, dickhole.
>Apr 8, 2017 SA: 12-year-old Kristian Prinsloo did not survive the April 8 lion attack that left him in a critical condition at a hospital in Pretoria where he died. The Grade 6 pupil died a day after his 12th birthday with two of his neck vertebrae damaged from the attack and a swollen brain that stopped doctors from performing any operation. The boy was attacked by a three-year-old “tame” lion that was kept in a cage at a luxury estate where his grandmother, 75-year-old Marie Strydom – whom he was visiting – lived. The lion was one of three belonging to the grandmother’s neighbours and friends, Cor and Alet Vos outside Lephalale in the Limpopo province.
Big cat owners are retarded.
why don't you?
Still better than coming home and finding your drunk wife fucking/blowing your pet bonobo I guess.
>sics their expensive lawyers after you
How do you defeat them?
If anything, "Danny" and her dragons in Game of Thrones showed the perils of keeping "pets" with a higher power level than you.... ie they can choose to exercise it at any time.
The joke being.... that it worked great in principle until her pet turned on her.
epic comeback
Never realized how gorgeous tigers are. Is it normal to feel attraction to them?
>Big cats will resort to desperate measures if they’re starving
Oh well gee, stop the presses. I’m sure that isn’t literally a trait of every animal in existence.
And killing animals that have attacked humans is common practice everywhere, not just India, nor is it limited to Tigers. If you live in the US and your dog attacks your neighbor, the law mandates that it has to be euthanized. Not because itself is a danger to eraticate a village, but because it’s a danger to breed more babies who have a propensity to one day eraticate a village.
>Grats, this is THE most retarded thing I've seen on Yas Forums all day, and there's some stupid fucking people posting.
It’s cute that you are this confident insisting your opinion on a subject you don’t actually know shit about. Hominids have been walking around terrorizing almost every animal on Earth as the ultimate apex predator ofor over a million years. Humans hunted wool mammoths to extinction, an animal which evolved explicitly to be so big and bulky than it should reasonably have 0 predators, but humans managed to kill them off. The common wisdom that “an animal is probably more afraid of you, than you are of it” is absolutely true.
b/c the morans in govurment have taken all our guns and we need big cats to protect ourselves now.
>And killing animals that have attacked humans is common practice everywhere, not just India,
Weren't you just claiming they didn't?
Shaddap, faggot.
That faggot has a great voice. Were you guys aware of Joe Erotic before this doc?
>Never realized how gorgeous tigers are. Is it normal to feel attraction to them?
only if you're a german furry weirdo whose mother is obsessed with going to "Tropical Island"
The Jon Oliver clip of Joe's campaign ad was how I first heard of Joe.
So was he crazy or just misunderstood? You can't help but feel bad for him
Guy was pretty manipulate got young men to agree to marry him in exchange for drugs and gifts but they had no freedom. Everyone who worked for him said he was narcissistic and he cared about his image more than the cats.
This guy shady as fuck. Why is he such a terrible business partner?
neighbor is like
>kids play time outside is over get in here
Who the fuck wakes up and says "I should own a Tiger"?
It's a status symbol. Shaq owns two
This is a good thread for people to become aware that Messi exists
Wonder of the universe
>Be wealthy
>own a large amount of land in a place where the weather is naturally accommodative of tigers
>It’s legal to own a tiger
“Hmm, why SHOULDNT I own a Tiger?”
At least two people in Philadelphia have owned tigers and had them confiscated by the police within the past decade.
At least one of the guys was living in a smaller apartment with the tiger.
The other guy used to go to the Philly Zoo to visit his tiger after it was seized.
I don't think they're keeping breeding pairs user
I am so glad I knew nothing about this case before I watched this. What a ride.
And you would be wrong, as Texas unironically does have a self-sustaining Tiger breeding market.
germany in the 1930s
Ive always wondered what would happen if some rich asshole bought a few male/female tigers and just set them loose into the woods of Montana or something. I think it would be pretty interesting.
He was based and pushed that faggots shit in and stole his zoo and used his tiger cubs to 3way fuck bitches with his wife in Vegas