/waifu/ cats attack

/waifu/ cats attack
>crusade edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Hirasawa Yui
Jill, would you mind a casual small-talk?
hats are good!
i'll buy a leaning tower of hats!

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I guess I'll have to see if any restaurants near me have anything like this. Although it's unlikely.

I just want to make money and live well right now. Though, it goes without saying that I would leave any place that doesn't let me exercise my rights as an individual or allow me some sort of freedom.

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why would you need so many hats °-°
....little scared to know

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Hirasawa Ui

Attached: Hirasawa Ui-chan.jpg (1000x1074, 118.68K)

thankies :)

I'll tie my dominant hand behind my bacc

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You remembered the name. How cute.
But I wasn't talking about that :).

cum breath

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crusades were a failure lol

meh.. i love you

I guess that's a good thing? I'm still awful with names, but seeing you often here made me memorize it, I suppose.
Well, sadly I have no idea what does it mean to be in charge. I just assumed, but I was wrong, apparently.

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I'll only use my leg.

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i'll send you a bowl! it's really expensive to make.
for "clout" as the youngsters say
you're welcome :)

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Are you Supreme-user

omg i want her..

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lole! for sure not with my hats tho!

i should slep soon... 1am

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No. Are you?

I love this adorable gamer

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Did you see a cat crusade before? I don't think so lol.

Man this shit's becoming a chore, and this is something I can't automate, fuck... But I'm almost done.

To have faith in you and what you know and treat it like a walk in the park. Or that's how I could put it in small words. Idk, maybe there's a better way to put it, but I'm not really good with words and philosophy

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Attached: Jill (003).png (1428x2048, 1.8M)

cumon brah
u are doing it wrong. U are supposed to call me a faggot.

Attached: SabeR171.png (1145x1852, 1.67M)

okay faggot. I love you

Ui is super cute, yes
yes, hats
you should, yes. stay safe, please
cute gamer, gamer-tan
what does zGk mean?
i don't know... just some polite conversation... i thought you might be bored...
how are you, Texmex?

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but I don't wanna... sleeping means Ill be waking up and then have to go to work... I don't wanna sleep :

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I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but sending it all the way to here would be even more expensive. Thank you for your offer regardless.

Well, at least you're approaching the end. That's always a good thing.

I think I understand what you mean. I haven't yet had an opportunity to do that, but I will make sure to do so if the situation allows.

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Is that Not Holo?
Mordred looks cool!
Adorable singer-tan
Why is she hiding?

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morning will be better if you sleep sooner, though.
well i hope you can try it some day.
if we ever cross paths, i'll be sure to recompense you for it.
adorable singer-chan...
does she sing?

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about what

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No, I'm not...

i want to wrap her up and gift her to myself...

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I hope you do that. That is the first step into becoming a better you without actually having any dragon powers.

Make koneko proud.

And no, finishing will take me offline quite a while until everything is indexed, classed, cached and shadow copied. And then a general reboot of the whole network happens.

In flesh and blood.

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why aren't you

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Sorry, didn't mean for you to be sorry.

I really, really like this image

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Thank you. I'm sure I will, sooner or later.
I highly doubt we will, but if we do, then I would be glad to simply chat.

Well, I want to. I really want to. But I guess it's still too early for me.
If it is for her, though, then I will.

That sounds like it would take a while. I hope you manage to pull it through withou losing any sleep.
Or not a lot of it, at the very least.

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fuck off orbiter

Cute guitarist-sama
Well she does not but her seiyuu does
How are you doing?
Why would I?
Nice dubs

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i don't know, either. i didn't really think this through, i'm sorry.
that sounds cute...
all these things you say, they make me sad..
i really like it, too. it's mega cute
you're welcome. sooner or later, yeah?
chatting would be wonderful, of course
cute gamerist-san
that's cute!

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true.. I will follow that advice. I thank you alot for what yu have given so far and can only hope many wholesome experiences still await :3

I slep.

good night fren!

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sleep have an awesome night well
hey, you again
what's your waifu's name? i don't recall hearing it.

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I don't have a waifu because that seems a bit gay. This here is Boogiepop.

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B-but I love you s-s-s-senapi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adorable singerist-chan
I know right? She is the cutest!
How are you doing?
Why do you like it?
Can Madara destroy planets?

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lets beat up supreme :)

sometimes when i'm lying awake in bed i wonder what being sad feels like

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Sooner or later, indeed.
It would be, should we meet. Albeit unlikley, I'll remain open to the possibility.

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>cum/on brag
anytime sweetie

Too early is just an excuse.

Yeah, idk. I get a crash on shadow copy with code 10-B123RL and it's really fucking with my brains... lol.

A little busy, but still around, always around. You?

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do you still say things?
fair enough, sorry.
Boogiepop? what an interesting name, where does that come from?
i really admire the hat. i find it cute.
adorable gamererererer-er-chan
cute, yes
i'm okay... kind of empty feeling...
imagine never being able to talk to Akame again and you can't kill dogs and you can't post Ui or Sono or Ika
i'm always open to the possibility. i have a soft spot for people who i've met digitally. unfortunately, it's also my preferred way of discovering people...

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>lets beat up supreme :)

its time to hide
and nice hat

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>Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
>Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

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Boogiepop comes from Boogiepop silly. Hats are neat, they provide head shelter.

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But currently, I have no skills I can use, besides drawing and animating crappy stuff and posting memes.
These are not exactly valuable skills...

I have no idea what this code even is. I hope it's nothing too serious.

I can relate. I'm one of these people that considers his online friends just as important as his irl ones. In fact, I met several people I met online and we're great friends to this day.
I completely understand you in that regard and I symphatize with you.

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Post your favorite Yui ^^
Night Supreme! I'll probably be awake when you see me again.
Why DON'T I like it?

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on occasion :)

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of course, Boogiepop
head shelter is important. i recently thought about how little cerebrospinal fluid the brain has.. it scares me to think that we could die so easily by just a soft knock on the noggin. luckily i happen to have a surplus of cerebrospinal fluid, but for everyone else, good thing for hats!
i'll post one of my favorites, because it's hard for me to remember my absolute favorite
speak of the devil
nice to talk with you again

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