Cute shota thread for cool guys

Cute shota thread for cool guys

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post more than one image to start a thread please

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A drawfriend drew this for me for christmas. I like it quite a bit.

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>watching Gladiator
>feeling the urge to fuck the shota prince


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Cute? Oh I can do cute

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I'm not cute or cool but I am a shota

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thanks mr fbi, i’ll keep that in mind

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the lonely agent seems to free his mind at night

I wish

Shota Goku makes me so horny. Perfect naughty muscle boy.

at at
at night

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can one of you have a time machine and be my secret bf starting when I was around 7 for cuddly things and around 12 for full lewd things?

All I want is to become a shota again and have a shota boyfriend...

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Love trading and chatting

Wikr: anonynonn

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the pain is unreal

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I usually fap while my parents are gone and lurk while they are home. No school either so I gotta be here more

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I FUCKING love shotas being demolished by hairy daddies!

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I do like when the shota is feminizes like this.

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Take away the dick on the right and this is innocent


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>tfw family thinks I'm a pedo now
At least I have you guys

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My dick!

Sweaty shota butts perfect for
Surprise buttsex!

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