Once when walking home from school I found a huge, black trash bag filled with store-bought bags of gummy bears. It was leaning up against a yard fence behind a hill in a suburban neighborhood. I thought about taking some but I thought it was suspicious that someone would just leave them there, so I didn't take any. The bag was gone the next day. The whole thing was really surreal.
When I was 6 I was playing on a field with my friend and another kid ran up to us and said >psycho zed is coming run!! They ran off and we saw a grown man coming over the hill holding a bin bag. He marched towards us and me and my friend ran. Ive never ran so fast and I was so scared my dick twinged. We got to his house round the corner and that was the last of it. I still think of that 18 yrs later
Jason Murphy
Did you ever find out who Psycho Zed was?
Adam Bailey
When I was 13 or 14ish I had to stay with my 13 or 14ish female cousin for the summer at a farm in the country. They had hot dogs in the fridge and she would constantly take raw hot dogs and eat them. One night I couldn't sleep and I heard noises from my cousin's room. I peaked under the door and saw her masturbating with a hot dog. Now she is grown up and married. I still call her the hot dog girl (that"s what everyone called her because she ate the raw hot dogs but I know different). I still wonder if she ate that hot dog afterward.
Ethan Carter
Can any talented user draw her as a superhero? I draw like a 5 years old autistic child
I was like 10 or 11, walking home from school. I cut through a large undeveloped lot near a church, where I hear a woman yell "hey kid", and so I turned and there were two women behind the church flashing their tits. I got scared and ran home. Looking back, those were two angel's of mercy.
Adam Foster
guy probably just stole them. you missed your chance to steal them from the stealer
Nolan Roberts
When I was like 5 my parents were separated, I was living at my moms. Medium sized house. Livable basement, two bedroom. Dining room and kitchen. There was an empty bird cage in the dining room hanging from the ceiling. One night i couldn't sleep, I was crazy sick. Felt awful. I saw a pure white light in the dining room. It was like, not a sphere, more of a small star looking thing. Floated into my room, and back into the dining room. I followed. It went into the bird cage. Stayed for 10 or so minutes and disappeared. Never had another experience like that. Or any other paranormal experiences ever.
Brandon Ross
Is your mom still single?
Luke Lopez
I used to have a family of clownfish that all had the same name, whenever one died I'd replace it with one of the same name. Started doing the same thing with lizards and my brother didn't know I was replacing them and was convinced they were immortal so he started killing them and dissecting them then leaving them behind the shed.
Dont think he realized what he was doing til he asked me about the mass grave site behind the orchards with crosses for every clownfish and lizard, havent talked much since
David King
Soooo are we gonna talk about your brothers penis or not?
Justin Rodriguez
some kid told me on the playground in elementary school that he ate a radioactive taco. I believed him for years. I will find him again.
>In bed >Got up to piss >Go along landing, pass stairs >See my uncle downstairs in the dark, walking into the lounge, no lights on in there either >Shrug. Go for a piss >Leave toilet >See uncle leaving his bedroom in PJs, clearly just woken up >Confused. Who was downstairs?
Sebastian Phillips
Probably about 7-8
Have weird time slip experiences but probably just tarded child. Go into front yard to find the tumor thing... Like a smooth ball of pale flesh with veins n shit. Suspicious af so I don't touch it cuz gross wtf is that. Wasp lands on it like it's going to eat it or at least very interested in it. Go into backyard to grab my shark jaws grabby claws real quick. Apon return the wasp is dead on the ground next to it... So I pick it up with my shark jaws grabber thing and it's soft and malleable like a solid ball of skin and flesh, and when I squeeze it this yellowish juice comes out... Like bile but more Amber and clear.... Kinda freaked out so I put it back down still not touching it or it's juice. Go to go inside and zoop, i white out and it's gone...
When I was a kid we had a green oil tank in the garden. I remember going up to the oil tank once and imagining there was a corpse of an old man in there. I said out loud in this weird gravelly voice, "Hello Grandad, I killed you and now you're in there. You're my Grandad." I was one weird kid.
Caleb Russell
Same house
>Stairs always freaked me out when going up >Felt like you're being watched >One day throwing paper planes down the stairs >One nears the bottom and then stops like it hits something >Run down to get it >Icy cold air at teh bottom and overcome with sadness >Ran out the house
Jackson Sullivan
Another about the stairs
>Large wooden chest in teh hallway >Creepy as fuck >One day it briefly reeked like something had died >Chest had come from a house near a railway line >Guy in that house had killed his son by shoving him in front of a train >Reports that the body had been found concealed within the house.
>nephew in elementary school ~12 years >he always liked to lie on awesome shit >said his uncle survived 9/11 >we like nah that's impossible >he just kept going on about it >so I told my mom, she knows more about that side of the family >total bullshit of course >confront him >he runs away crying >we go look for him >find him crying in the bushes and going crazy >wtf lol
never really talked about it with him, still turned out a pretty cool dude.
Nolan Hill
>raw hot dogs user they are cooked when they are made
Isaiah Gonzalez
I remember at a very very young age (4 perhaps) my dad had just come back from deployment. He was stationed in a sub and Vietnam had just ended and he'd go out like 3 or 6 months and come back for that long. Anyway I think he took me to a vietnamese run "salon" that I got.my hair cut in and fucked up a lot of coloring books when he came back from wherever he was he smelled like a ladies bath and was fresh shaven. I only remember little bits and pieces but I had nightmares about the vietnamese ladies having long acrylic nails and chasing me. I could never explain it correctly to anyone
Lucas Price
Another one.
>Be like 6-7 >Annoy my dad >Annoy him even more >Was really going loco >He stood up and chased me outside >I was running circles around a car >He grabbed me and smacked me some >Put me under a cold shower
Happend couple of times but only around that age. I guess that's parenting. Still weird I remember all that shit.
Gabriel Gutierrez
I remember another time I had this "tooth" growing in but once it started to crown it had this odd texture... It was spiky kinda like all these corona virus pics... completely spherical shaped and made of white enamel. Well one day it finally came out and I was like wtf is this and I go to show somebody and fuckin zoop whited out again and it disappeared from my hand... I expressly remember still having a empty tooth hole... I looked for that thing thinking I had dropped it in the hallway or something, looked for that shit forever.
Ayden Nguyen
I was 17 and was driving around with an extremely hot 17 year old girl I knew from another school. We were sharing stories about a recent local event and I had mentioned that my friends and I were driving around mooning people. Down the road, I see a 12 or 13 year old boy walking down the street, probably heading home from school and as a joke tell her she should flash him out her window.
Without warning she's hanging half out of the car window with her beautiful perfect perky tits completely on show. She yells at the kid and I can only see his reaction in the mirror as she puts her tits away and sits back down in the car. I'm in shock but that kid looks like he just saw a ghost. We quickly turn down a side block and are laughing. I tell her that kid will remember that for the rest of his life (this was before the Internet and endless porn).
To my surprise, she says, "let's do it again." I circle the block and she flashes the kid again, this time I put on the breaks. She freaks out, the kid (and I) gets an eye full and then I speed away. She laughed.
Justin Cooper
Ill greentext this >be me, 16 >just moved cross country to a new house >my first house with a basement and an attic >decide to explore both when we get there >go into basement, nothing but gravel and spiders, and the furnace >go to attic, lots of insulation and more more thing A large wooden chest >curious, I opened the chest >Nothing but a clear plastic bag (not a ziploc, like a trashbag but clear) and a doll of a girl with black eyes >creeped out, I close the chest and go back downstairs That was the only thing left in the house when we moved there. We asked the previous owners if they knew about it but they said they had never seen it. I didn't go in that attic but sometimes I would hear giggling in the hallway, but I always just brushed it off as my sister
Was it haunted Yas Forumsros?
Isaac Lee
>Be me 7 years old >Am playing outside with my friends >This random ginger kid appears out of nowhere >Starts playing with us >We get a friendly relationship >Next week the street next to ours a man gets beheaded in his own house >Turns out its that ginger kids dad >Never see gingerkid again after that one week
Like 12, small town in Ohio, hanging out with friends. We were walking through some woods and found the backyard of a condemned house. Notice sign on door saying property was seized by police. We go inside. Thousands of brass casings are all over the floor. Scoop up a few, because they were cool. Some old dude sees us and yells at us, so we run. Never saw anything about that house or what happened.
Brandon Roberts
One time when I was maybe 10 I went into my sister's room to look for a book she borrowed. My dad was in there, just standing there. I asked "Dad, what are you doing in here?" and he said "I'm not your dad, I'm a specter". I just turned around and walked out.
Jack Thompson
I've seen things like this before. Probably the cops used it for training.
Christopher Ramirez
Thanks Yas Forumsro!
Luke Bennett
>Be me, 13 yo >Raped by his brother for 2 years >Parents never knew I blame him for every strange fetish I have, I hate being atracted for traps and rape
When I was 14 I went to Paris and some German cities with my German/French class. While we were in Paris we visited the catacombs. My friend and I didn't really appreciate the opportunity at the time, because we were young and trolling. Basically just making fun of the people on the trip and the crazy shit we saw. Either way I still appreciated the scenery and was trying to document my trip. So took a lot of pictures.
Since we were joking around a lot we thought it would be funny to stray away from the group and then try to find our way back (which is really stupid). While we were on our own I was taking pictures of some of the piles of skills and bones all nearly stacked. It really was fascinating. Some big French guy in his 60s was also taking the tour and he got mad at me for taking pictures because it was disgraceful to the deceased. Us being ignorant tourists we started mouthing off and talking about tea and crumpets lol. He starting charging at us and my friend said, "run". He chased us for about 30 seconds but we lost him. Luckily we stayed together and were able to retrace our steps because we could have been lost. This was before modern phones with flashlights. And another creepy and lucky thought is.. I'm glad we were able to out run him because this dude was seriously rage mode.
In hindsight I feel bad but we were just stupid teenagers. Really scary experience though.
Juan Kelly
Wouldn't rule it out.
Michael Smith
when I was like 8 I pooped through a kid
he screamed and screamed and they couldn't prove it so i got off scot free
that poor kid i bet i ruined his life
Kayden Mitchell
I know I might be late but got anymore user?
Isaac Martin
When 12 i used to go a neighbor's where my friend lived in this park had a group of bushes and I found some porn mags in there i would go there every day and jerk off until some guy was watching in the house near the bushes. Another time i was at a park where there was a baseball game going on and i had to shit really bad and there was only one porta pottie i ended up shitting my self when i was next in line when i got inside i tried to clean my pants for an hour and ended up jerking off covered in shit tossed my cum and shit filled pants and underwear down the porta pottie and walked out with my shirt covering my dick but i was leaking kids in line were freaking out stole a kids bike and rode home since i lost my bike somewhere near the porta pottie
>be 12 years old >go to department store >mom is clothes shopping >see girl in my class >she now has tits >prolly C cup titties >follow her around play"spy" >she goes in changing room >armful of clothes >I hide in circle rack of clothes >can see into fitting room >gap about foot high under door >she trys on clothes >see pants off under door >she her shirt fall to floor >imagining her naked >feel hidden in circle rack >start jacking my dick >over my shorts >watch for little while >mom brings her more clothes >mom opens door >see her in panties and bra >mom has door cracked open >she puts on pants >still no shirt >door is still open >her mom checking fit >girl takes off pants >see girl bend over in panties >picking up clothes
Benjamin Scott
>take my dick out >furious jacking >thinking where to cum >decide on a shirt in rack >suddenly mall cop >spreads open clothes >grabs me by arm >drags me to a little room >calls my mom over intercom >tells my mom >shows mom camera >camera saw it all >camera basically above me >can see me jerking off >banned from store >in car ride home >so embarassed mom not talking >tell my mom they lied >I was playing hide and go seek >she asks me with who >I tell her just by myself >she says you got that right >you played with yourself >we both laughed >get home mom tells dad >dad is not mad at all >assumed he would rage >dad has sex talk with me >years later mom tells me >my dad worried I was gay >happy I was jerking to girls
Cameron Morris
When I was 9 I supposedly got into a fight with some black kid who eventually pushed me over and hit me in the back of the head with a big rock.
However the earliest memory I have is waking up in the hospital, I lost all memories except my name, the fact I had a $5 in my pocket and the lyrics to Hotel California. Even now I remember absolutely nothing before the age of 9.
My 12 yo cousin always was with the family dog princess both of them loved each other. One day I find out why, I caught my cousin getting lick by princess. My cousin saw me and jump up scared thinking I didn't see her. She has always deny it happened
Robert Sanders
My sister's friend pranked me by bare ass farting in my face when I was 11. Even a few times after her and my sister would both crop dust me whenever they're together.
The first one kick started my fart fetish and every consecutive hit only fueled the flames.
Jaxson Roberts
Lived in a house when I was younger with a lot of weird coincidences.
While laying in my bed one night I was sure I saw a man in the living room down the hall staring back at me from behind a pillar.
Family goes on vacation one time. When we come back the neighbours ask who we had gotten to water our flowers every day. We tell them that we hadn't gotten anyone, they tell us they saw someone in there watering the flowers every day.
The alarm would frequently go off upstairs while mom and I were in the basement.
I don't believe in ghosts or anything but some pretty interesting things happened there.
Michael Miller
When I was about 7 my mom went out of town and had my little brother and I stay at a family friends house. Everything is normal until next morning moms friend is visibly mad at us. I ask what’s wrong and she says that her and her husband took us to get dinner and we were super badly behaved and didn’t touch our food and they put us to bed when we got home. My brother and I both have zero memory of anything from that night. Still weirds me out.