Boomer landlord is threatening to kick me out even though i lost my job and the economy is fucked now

boomer landlord is threatening to kick me out even though i lost my job and the economy is fucked now

what do, Yas Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

his letter

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Quit being a whining little beta fuck. pay your bills and be a man.

Definitely dox him. That's a good idea.

kill yourself, scum

You lost your job how is that his problem? How do you not have money saved up?

Do you not have any savings at all you fucking child?

how much is one month of rent?

>effected by lay offs

This boomer has triggered the grammar nazi within me.

But also I’d be careful posting this stuff. Obviously you could get banned but you could also just get evicted when he finds out it’s you.

here's what you should do:
>spend your life building a home
>give it to stranger zoomers to live free of charge
start today

his FB page is in the pic

this seems faked, like you're just trying to have ppl attack this man

>You lost your job how is that his problem?



Nypa nigger

he can't evict you right now


Yeah fake as fuck

Pay your rent faggot.

he is still threatening to. What should i do?

nypa faggot
suck dick for bus money then walk home

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He can't evict you, Trump has ban eviction.


Get the corona and cough on him

bullshit, Trump has NOT given a ban on evictions. He's a fucking republican, and a landlord himself. Trump is a scumfuck boomer

Suck my economy

Amen Yas Forumsrother, Amen!!

i will COUGH on you boomer

Welp. Looks like OP got busted being a lying fake lil bitch. The state government and local authorities have blocked evictions & placed rental control statutes in place that require landlords to permit tenants to set up rent installment plans for late rent.
TL;DR - OP is a lying nigger.

Did this boomer fuck your baby momma and laugh in your face, OP?

OP my best opinion is to go to reddit and ask. You know 90 percent of Yas Forumstards live with their parents

Find another work and pay the rent.
Or go back to yours parents house and live like a parasite there.

Kek! Op got fuckin wrecked. Prob a lazy nigger who's woman left him for the old white dude.

go work for Fedex, local grocery store, Grubhub, DoorDash, stop acting like the victim, lost my job and my owner doesn't care either, but you dont see me posting like a faggot on heree asking for an army OP?
kys faggot

gary whitaker looks and sounds like a big fucking faggot. gay ass putting a signature on his text messages. i get its a business but shit.

Most people live paycheck to paycheck due to minimal wages. You know how hard it is to save at 16 an hour by yourself ?

I bet in a few months Gary is going to find you in the tent you live in under a bridge and pay you $10 to suck him off while he taunts you about avocado toast.

Yeah, figures OP is a lying bitch. Old man stole his woman an OPs cryin like a cucked pussy.

It's a business, not a charity. Should stores just give out food for free because people are struggling? Making everything free is just going to make the business owners struggle instead of you.

He is totally right. This layoff is no different than any other layoff - they happen all the time and yes it's inconvenient and hard to work through, but people do it every day. Why can't you?

Anyone shocked that OP lied? What did the boomer do that made you this assmad, OP? Tell the TRUTH this time.

Nigga maybe if you buy weed and drink monster and get tattoos and eat out often. I make $15.50 an hour full time I have a car and a motorcycle and a 250cc moped live in a big apartment with garage and yard. You must be doing it wrong.

i'll slash him

I bet the landlord told them he can pay late, but that if the free government money comes in it should be used to pay rent.

Faggot OP thinks it is a free gift and he should get to spend it on himself, and stop paying bills.

Man up bitch.

It’s not his problem that you lost your job. Everybody has bills to pay including landlords. Figure it out. Find a new job and pay your bills.

I make under $15/hr and have over $2,500 in checking and savings.

Find a new job and pay your damn rent, obviously.

Well that "Boomer" is a registered Democrat.....So stop being a retard and get another job!
Maybe you should have been better at your job or got educated for a better one!
Guess that Liberal Arts Degree was worth it now.

Uhh but 5 trips to Starbucks a day are mandatory, and you can't show your face there without the latest apple products.

Life is hard MAAAAAAAN.

he even says late fees are waived and to just let them know if you're going to be late. The guy did nothing wrong, if anything he's being generous. Nothing in life is free.


lmaoing at you poor fags
not your army

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Because usually people don't have to stay 6 feet away from eachother and not leave their houses. This thing is so unique no one knows for certain how the economy will look like afterwards and here you are pretending it happens every week.


Where'd you work McDonald's?You should quality for unemployment and get enough to pay rent.

Nope it is Fucked because of people like you!


use your Trump check to pay your rent, OP. Stop being a lazy nigger.

Nigga I got the latest iphone too and I still save money at $15.50 am hour

Find another sad sack of shit in your complex and move in with them, split rent.

Find a way faggot.

How is he scum for telling someone else to be a responsible member of society?! You’re worse than OP!


there are plenty of jobs that people are doing from home, or you could get an essential job. It's a shitty situation but that doesn't mean a landlord should say "fuck it, i'll go without income instead of these people". Someone is getting screwed over no matter what.

get another job you lazy hippy


Reply with this article to the landlord, see his response.

The landlord can certainly say you've defaulted on your agreement but that doesn't mean he can't kick you out if and when the courts do open up again.

Pay your damn rent

no, i worked hard but got fired along with many others because the company can't afford to pay us because the boomers shut down the economy

there is about to be a communist revolt

Douchebag boomers are parasites.

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Yeah he can probably hand you a 30 day notice, (or however it works where you live) and as soon as they lift the restriction it'll be move out day for losers.

Buy Uhaul stock.

Funny How that "Boomer" who is a registered Democrat magically become a "republican" when he does things that you dont like.

Republican Landlords have ALWAYS been fairer and more understanding

But here is a idea: STOP BUYING WORTHLESS SHIT AND PAY YOUR BILLS! you made the fucking choice live with it and stop acting like a pussy

i guarantee if no shutdown occurred, you commie faggots would be on here ranting about how trump is killing you all with his incompetence. You are a professional victim. Grow the fuck up and take control of your life.

OP, get a job in an industry that is short staffed due to the virus.

Not your personal army, faggot

Your company was shit.


Exactly. OP is a faggot and lazy pussy bitch. Get a job, faggot, or kill yourself, cause you are worthless piece of shit.

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top fucking kek.

fucking florida man is always up to something...

Bwahahahaha yeah a Communist revolt. You fuckers couldn't even go outside to vote for your hero, now you have a valid excuse to be a shut in.

Also if there ever are riots, the whole US population will be cheering as the police and army lock that shit down, because they don't want a bunch of infected losers coming anywhere near them.

Good luck!

Just pay the rent retard

just pull yourself up by your bootstraps

Well, Ohio has effectively barred landlords from evicting residents and have instituted guidelines that require landlords to permit tenants to set up payment plans to pay any rental amounts they're behind on. So either OP is a lying cunt that's trying to fuck with this boomer for some reason - or he's an illiterate nigger that's too stupid to read government press releases written at a 4th grade reading level.

Have you considered dipping into your emergency savings fund? Maybe cash out some stocks (not a great time to though). It's lean times. I barely have 6 months salary in the bank. Getting worried.

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All these people hating on the OP are indoctrinated system / fake money loving Boomer haters who just can't see IT'S OVER IDIOTS!

Martial Law = No Jobs, No Shopping, No More Cash, No More Drugs, & you will take a digital implant or no online shopping for you...


If I were you, I'd hire a no-win no-fee lawyer as this is a harassment case just waiting to be won.

You're not allowed to threaten your tenants or suggest that they move out. It's procedure, or it's (often) harassment.

>there is about to be a communist revolt
You aren't doing shit, faggot. Tell Mom you'll be late this month on your big boy rent.

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It’s cute how capitalists say shit like this then wonder why all the poor people they acted like this to want to throw them in mass graves.

Look I'm not really into sharing right now, but I have a stockpile of tin foil and I'll let you have some.

Hi op. Still trying to save face after having your retarded nigger lazy ass called out?

>underage poster detected
Or your daddy handed you a cushy job and you performed the mental gymnastics to believe you “earned” it

Trump made it illegal to evict anybody. Turn him into the feds, he will get a visit from men in black.

martial law would be welcome. We need some order in society, we've been living decades without it. The military will not harm you as long as you obey their orders - is that so hard to do? It's for the greater good. We need to be focused on that, not individual good. That's just selfish.

No-win no fee lawyers only take cases if they think 1. they can win and 2. It is worth their time.

OP can't take his fake chats to any lawyer and not get laughed out of the office.

Quit relying on other people. I'm self employed and haven't been affected at all by this. I can choose to work or not. I also have enough fucking money to not care. Quit being dependant little bitches.

With the amount of people not having a job due to closures of this virus, getting another job isn't easy. Let alone an essential one because those are taken first. IF the company is even willing to interview you in these covid times.

The landlord going without income is not great either but if this is his all he says about this then I have my doubts about this being even a decent apartment. He's also clearly trying to violate the law as he can't evict people now.

Don't give ground, tell him he can't evict you. Try to reason with him and make some sort of payment plan so you can pay it back later. I can see his side as well, no money for him while you use his property isn't the way either.

If he really doesn't want to you might have to sue.

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Hi op. There's not going to be a "communist revolution" because an old white Democrat landlord asked you to please pay your rent when you get your Trump bux next month. Grow up nigger.

Tell him he'll be the one arrested.

Sure, assuming they're fake. But I wouldn't be surprised if they're real. I've come across worse landlords than that.

Want all you like, but you will never rise up, so it doesn't matter.

If you faggots won't throw a lever in a voting booth to save yourselves, why do you think any of your "comrades" would be willing to pull a trigger?

Or you just going to sit back and let everyone else throw the revolution?

Good luck!

Why would you chose to live like this? Acquire better skills and make more money if you are struggling. Don't be complacent and live precariously.

Still trying to salvage your failed personal army request thread, OP? Sad.

Time for Dayton to get another shooting?

thats just a notch away from a facist mindset. Go die in a fire you scum piece of shit

- written by a man who can pay his bills.