Sum up your life in one picture
Sum up your life in one picture
You watch friends? What a fucking loser
I used to yes
You realize it used to be the most popular show in the world, right?
I've seen every episode at least 2-3 times.
No grills on the internet
That's p gay
I see some panties on the floor that is like to borrow for a bit.
Yeah... only the first 2-3 seasons were any good anyway, but my life as a teen was spent watching TBS. Friends, Seinfeld, Drew Carey Show, Everybody Loves Raymond, Yes Dear, King of Queens, etc... Every day.
I kind of feel bad for you
pretty much this, lately. It has been a rough couple weeks or so in quarantine (except to go to liquor store), but at laest I don't remember most of it.
how can you drink gin?
Try it with soda and lemon.
you get used to it. I like it because it is easier to find in higher proof for cheap. If I'm drinking for enjoyment, I usually go with bourbon, typically jim beam for my price range
i usually mix it with diet orange soda (got to watch those calories)
Insufferable garbage. And yes, I know it was the most popular show at it's peak but goddamn that show is not funny at all. and if you head on over to suptv org right now those retards are streaming it for the next 50 hours. If you do go, tell them they're a bunch of faggots.
I scotch whisky cheap and way easier to drink
you put the bottle to your mouth and then you take a big sipp
>Insufferable garbage
You're a piece of shit.
You can skip the caloric intake by ingesting via enema
Uh tonic and lime.
Gin and soda tastes like ass.
this picture hurts me
Sad picture op.
Seinfield is a piece of shit* ftfy darling
true, but i'd rather not become a news story for buttchugging myself to death. only thing more embarrassing as a ghost is dying from autoerotic asphyxiation.
>that is like to borrow
Sad but true
pink flamingos was a good movie
All these thots in "quarantine"
>only thing more embarrassing as a ghost is dying from autoerotic asphyxiation
My sides!
I'm noticing a recurring theme in your pictures. Are you, by chance, Jewish? Also, and I'm being sincere, Bill Nye is a flip-flopping science shill with an opinion formed by the highest bidder. With an extensive science education in.. Engineering..
Become a beloved cultural icon and Hollywood will pull the right strings to redact the autoerotic part from the autopsy report.
Only a real Jew would deny being a Jew on the internet. It's Okay, I like Jews.
Sad hours right here
Based and underrated
I can never understand why people don't just tidy their shit when it's scientifically proven to improve mood and outlook..
Depression is a positive feedback loop
I guess when you have severe depression you lack the motivation of completing even the simplest of tasks(I use to piss in bottles because I was that down, this was a while back though)
So this guy stood there with his bitch ghost ass that whole time, watching her get plowed over and over again?