Hey America

Hey America

How is that "flu" going. KEK

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Checking in from the land of steers and queers. As of now I'm still healthy so fuck everybody else

Are you seeing everyone around you getting sick?

do you know how much people have in the US? half the people in the country can die and you'll not see no one around you getting sick, dumbfuck

USA is number one!

Your english needs work, chang.

Sounds like fake news to me. Friendly reminder to not take anything liberals say as a fact.

More people died of traffic fatalities yesterday than have died of COVID-19 all month.

yeah, for sure, but doesn't make my point invalid

Not a liberal, nor was the source anything to do with Liberals.

Your point?

Those numbers are nothing. This is no worse than the flu. This is about bringing in the New World Order.

it's all new cases in New York many people finally got tested.

Your point was too stupid to need addressing Chang.

how's italy faggot KEK

Right so then we can find the people that have it and isolate them and we can bring the numbers way down in like 6 weeks, not 9 months.

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Norway wins in healthcare, 2000 infected, 7 dead

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If only it is that easy. 12.5k people in NY today tested positive, how many people have they all been in contact with?

There is the problem. It shouldn't have got to this stage. Your government fucked it up. And has allowed it to run rampant. Now nothing is going to stop it.

>Your government fucked it up. And has allowed it to run rampant. Now nothing is going to stop it.
Oh we know, the democratic leadership of New York absolutely mangled the entire situation and fucked it up irreparably

If only we had Republican leadership there. Oh well.

375 dead? More people died in fucking car accidents last month. You're all fucking sheep.


Wasn't at State level it was at Government level. And you know it.

Where were the tests 3 weeks ago?

Most of those people that were in contact are staying home. It’s not like the streets are still crowded.

Orange man should have inprisoned you. Then its better, right? Dumass.

>Wasn't at State level it was at Government level.
Fuck, it's summer already? The word is "federal," kid.

Not American, so your stupid attack means nothing to me.


>not obsessed
>not jealous
>will talk about your country if we want
>stay salty


In fact almost 100 people day *per day* in car accidents.

Getting 65-70 hours a week. Work in isolation. I know the virus is negatively effecting some, but for some of us it has been quite nice.

I never go outside anyway except for work, and have all supplies delivered by mail.

I did hear stores are low on some things, but I don't go anyway so not really a personal issue.

Only real exposure I have is the fuel pump, and I just sanitize after fill up.


>the number of car crashes grows exponentially
Has anyone in here finished school? Seems like almost everyone here is irl retarded.


You literally can’t even protest now. That’s illegal.

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Haha look at europe

>Wasn't at State level it was at Government level. And you know it.
Yeah, state level government you absolute mongoloid fucktard

Italy and Spain are the niggers of europe. who gives a fuck about them?

You are still wrong, this was Government level.

Well the real flu has killed 22,000+ americans this year and infected 60+ million so far

So a lot fucking worse than COVID-19, that's for fucking sure. Approximately 100 times worse.

State government is a government you blithering mental midget

In northern Italy nobody over 60 gets treatment. That's what you can expect next weeks.

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why do people dont read these numbers?

i believe user is correct he said government level as in top tier affecting all states, state government level is limited to the state representatives are in.

lmfao you're delusional. Italy will be embarrassed

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no, CHINA allowed it to run rampant. If they hadn't dropped the ball this shit wouldnt be out in the world. Stop covering for the real villians in this tragedy.

in my hospital if we get a critical ill patient we put a revolver at his bed with a round of .50 and we close the door. thanks for paying tax for 50 years for our healthcare system. wonder where all dat money went? watch schlomo live in his 1000 feet long superyacht drinking champaign in the gulf of mexico with 50 luxurious private escorts of questionable age

no u. remember when you had one single case in the US? u didnt do shit

see, that's italy...
in america we do it a little different.
in the next two weeks, nobody who makes less
than 60k gets treatment.

But they didn't let it run rampant, they discovered something new in a few people, they had no idea on how quick it will spread and how deadly it could be.

Nobody just looks at someone and declares "HOLY SHIT BETTER CLOSE THE FUCKING COUNTRY".

It took them 3 weeks before they seen the effect, and quickly dealt with it as best as they could. They built hospitals etc. Wuhan is where it was most contained in large numbers.

By mid January nations saw what was going on, and what did the US do? Nothing. What did Italy do? Nothing.

The amount of people with no medical background who have become instant geniuses who think it could have been contained in November is astonishing.

No epidemic or pandemic in history has ever been stopped on day 1 it was noticed, because it takes 2-3 weeks to determine if it is bad or not. Nobody is fucking able to tell the future.

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i am patient zero i come from wuhan. after my batsoup i fell very ill but i recovered within few days. i just wanna say im sorry

On behalf of Yas Forums, you are not only forgiven, but an hero. Godspeed.

Yeah that’s pretty good math their brainlet except these numbers have happened all in two weeks.. Now spread that over the year, then what.. oh yeah by the way there’s a critical point where you’re dumb fucking medical system runs out of ventilators so people just start dropping dead..

80% of all cases are mild flu-like

It was the dumbass president that allowed all these people to come home without proper screening. That’s a federal problem.. There is zero Italian flu in New York, in America, in the states. All of it has come from outside the country which means the dumbass president that didn’t do a good enough job with the airports is solely responsible...

>i believe user is correct he said government level as in top tier affecting all states,
the word you absolute mongoloid fucktard brainlets are looking for is "Federal"

Read a fucking book you high school sophomore

80% to the rest of the world.

To Americans... 80% are overweight, 42.4% obese.

Looks like a new world for America soon. As all the fatbois keel over and die when they run scared to the hospital not thinking it will spread when they do, but only manage 200 meters before dying on the roads.

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It was up to Cuomo to quarantine, he did not

Cuomo fucked up, nobody else.

i was breaking it down for you what they said, you can stop crying now pop's cum bucket.

Yeah ok, 80% + 42% is 122% smart guy.

>i was breaking it down for you what they said
No, you were justifying their blatant mental RETARDATION for not knowing the word "FEDERAL" you ABSOLUTE FUCKING MOUTHBREATHER

The only thing you were breaking down was your last remaining braincell

Numma tlee! Numma tlee!

>hurr durr I swear he had a plus sign there
>it will make me look clever if I say so
>hurr durr

Congrats at not being able to read correctly.

>running to the hospital
>in america

Nigger we all have cars here, unlike your 3rd world shithole.

italy 10% death rate, america 1%. COPE LOL

Oi. I bashed him for not knowing "federal" and I am also a mouthbreather. I have a fucked up jaw and it hurts to keep it shut all day. Fuck off with that shit.

do you actually think I am the same person you were talking to? you are an idiot, go suck your pop's cock some more like a good little fat boy.

it's been in italy longer, the yanks havent had time to die yet, i took a whole 2 brain cells to figure that one out

Wow you're dumb.

order your last combo fatto before death by disease. you wont make it, your heart isnt prepared for 180 bpm, your chance of survival is at 1%

Not even Italian, but Italy is one week ahead of you. And last week their numbers were lower than the US' numbers.

You are literally going to be worse. Watch this space the next couple of days.

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You realise New World Order means puppet governments and clandestine cabals running the world right?
We probably won't notice a difference

a new study found out. obese people are the most likely to die from coronavirus. you be dead amerifat

Pretty much this.
Sadly, though, the people in the United Snakes who most deserve to be infected will have bought their way out of the problem by now.