Let's just get real. Blaming Trump is senseless...

Let's just get real. Blaming Trump is senseless. The blame is all on China and the fact that they can't understand that everything that flies or crawls isn't fucking food. Fuck them for causing sars covid and who knows what else.

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Welp, bout time someone said it.

Things like this live in/on most if not all animals and deffinetly dont need to be prepared as food and ingested for the virus to jump to humans

Blaming China makes you look uneducated and mildly retarded

"Deffinetly" ?? And you're calling someone else retarded? You can't even use spell check? Tossing a stone in a glass house I'd say....

It's not what they eat, it's the sorry disgusting state of the wet markets, putting animals that have no business together. Sure it's China's fault, but for different reasons.

>disregard the factual argument. I suck cocks


Even if it wasn't the fucking bat eating and it was caused by something else, China is still at fault and they are still a health hazard to the entire planet for eating shit off the floor and just eating every single living thing on this planet. Chinese are not humans. Even other Asians aren't this fucking soulless and retarded. There's eating worms and dogs because of extreme survival situations, then there's doing it for the fuck of it like the chinese do.

Mmmm, diseased animal that eats blood and insects? Sure I'll eat it. Dumb chink cunt.

Just like when they said we were fucking monkeys to catch aids..

it is chinas fault tho you absolute fucking retard, kys

China lied and the world suffers. Hate Trump all you want, it doesn't matter. China is to blame.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21 WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus.png (500x480, 94.18K)

Those pictures are even from China, check your facts. Those are from a Chinese tourist visiting Indonesia.

This. I remember the world cup videos of the Japanese cleaning up after themselves. Then I compare that to dirty Chinese.

No but Africans ate them, and there you go.

Yes, and the subject is Chinese eating bats and fucking the world over. Your point?

ITT: Trumptards trying to find another scapegoat for the huge failure they voted as president

better start to admit that you are fucking idiots who voted for a clown that is not able to lead a country

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>implying that eating a poorly cooked animal won't increase the likelihood of the disease/virus jumping species.

How did trump cause the Chinese to eat bats again?

Let me ask you a question.

Say for the last 200 years nobody in America has ate chicken.

They go to Europe or Asia and see people eating Chicken.

What would their thought be?


I am sure people in China will goto the US and see people eating Bull balls (rocky mountain oysters) and think the same thing.

You only think it is bad because it is not normal in your country.

The Africans ate the monkeys that carried SIV, because Europeans threw them out of their homes and they had to resort to eating bushmeat.

Someone probably fucked it up like they did with Italy a few days ago.

Eating bull balls isn't fucking normal either, and it doesn't excuse the chinese from their inhumanity.

>The 50th "blame it all on China thread" today
bots are busy

Corona is a airborne virus so it likely didn't mutate to humans from just consuming the meat. It's usually spread when you capture or come in contact with animal while it's still alive.

The chinese eat pangolins and bats, bull testicles come from America's surplus of cattle while pangolins are an endangered species. You can't compare the two.

The chinese will skin animals dogs alive but you're defending them because muh culture.

I thought it was gays trying out monkeys. That's why they all got it.

This, exactly!

A province in china will skin a dog, not all Chinese do it, in fact the Chinese have kept pushing the government to ban the festival.

Read up some shit buddy.

Not defending anyone, I just don't call people horrible because they decided to eat a bat, just like I don't call you horrible because the majority of beef ready meals in the US has horse in it. Or meat glue which is banned outside of the US except a couple of countries.

Just sayin'

What is the difference between a bat and a duck for example? Are you going to say bats are filthy animals? When they aren't.


No, you've been misinformed. Also, it was spread by Europeans in the cities, contracting it from raping natives and giving it to the prostitutes in the cities.

Stop reddit spacing you stupid cunt. Virusncsme from pangolins a protected species they had no business eating it

dude, first its not known what the cause for the virus is. Maybe just an unlucky mutation of another virus. I doubt it got created by will.
Second whatever the reason for this virus offspring is, it doesnt change how people react to its spread. And that is at the moment the only thing that matters and people can make a judgement about

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Double Spacing was Yas Forums style in 2005. Reddit was later with double spacing style.

Attached: double spacing originated on b.jpg (712x599, 70.79K)

I asked whats the difference between a bat and a duck. Not talking about pangolins.

Sure, it's all the white people's fault. Moron.

Compare majority black counties versus white ones. Tell me who's the problem...

i thought reddit was stupid.. turns out you beat them.

Adipo-americans making fun of anybody's food habits FFS

anyone got non-fake-news numbers for the new cases in america?

Obviously its Chinas fault since it started there but thats not saying that Trump has done a fine job preparing the US for it.

No it's not all the white people's fault, but that's basically how it started, just facts. Relax, cuck. I'm a whitey and I'm not an apologist. I'm just telling you how it is, to stop you from sounded like a child and a retard. I expect mother has put a ration on your tendies and you're hangry. Bless you, you silly little cunt

>I asked whats the difference between a bat and a duck
Bats are known virus carriers. This virus wasn't transmitted from eating bats anyway. It was transmitted from poaching protected animals. They sell the pangolins shell to the ultra rich cause muh Chinese medicine. They don't even eat them

Naw, trump fucked the pooch on this one. He can not be counted on to govern. I will be voting against him.

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>look 3 people double spaced 15 years ago
Don't care youre still a cancerous faggot with low iq

The average mortality rate is still low, so it may spread but is this more than the regular flu? Italy has the highest mortality rate based on percentages I believe. Around 15 percent. (Age related?)

trumptards blamed obama on literally everything for the past 8 years.now that your president has done nothing you want to cry about people blamin him on shit? lol

I will vote for Trump.

Again, tell us all how Trump caused the Chinese to eat bats and have filthy wet markets? This is the sole reason we are in this. They started this and it would have spread regardless of who was president. Was Obama responsible for Bird Flu? Think.

Did you know Sheep, Pigs and Cows are known virus carriers too? As are chickens, only have to look back in the US 2015 to see that.

Going to stop eating all 4 of them now?

>3 people
>one is Moot
>must be new here

>disbands WH epidemic office
>it’s a democrat hoax
>it’ll go away like a miracle in April
>soon it’ll be zero
>anyone who wants to get tested can, they are perfect tests
>we aren’t shipping clerks
>we are buying millions of units of chloroquine
>PPE is widely available
This dipshit has done nothing but lie and fail.

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Trump told the public it wasn't a big deal meanwhile he told all his senator butt buddys to sell their stocks cause he knew and lied to your faces


Again, trump is responsible for his inept, blundering, delusional response.

might as well cut out all produce as well for fear of hepatitis. YFW the only safe food is processed american cheese

And again, it would have spread regardless! The most responsible leader would have still been unable to stop the spread. It’s just not logical. One look at kids partying through spring break is proof enough.

I agree. Fuck the Chinese and their unsanitary habits, shoddy products and pollution.

But bats are carry the most deadliest viruses known to man. Out of 700 tested animals bats are are number 1. It would be equivalent to Americans eating rats

pidgeons are full of viruses

>it would have spread regardless
>he couldn’t have done anything better!
>he dindu nuffin wrong!!!!!
Piss off, fuckwit. I’m not buying your blathering retardation.


>can't understand that everything that flies or crawls isn't fucking food.
bats are definitely edible you fucking nonce and trump dropped the fucking ball harder than even i thought was possible. he fucking de-funded cdc and dismantled the pandemics team but you'll defend that because you'd lick his shit-covered asshole if he asked you to

jesus where get people like you created?

Numbers 3 days ago... It's 2 times more now. Trump is useless and a big fatty piece of shit

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Cat poster is retarded sorry

of course a leftist faggot had to make his precense known. I hope most of you sissies get wiped out in major cities. Useless pathetic excuse of human beings.

So, taking politics completely out of all this, as it’s irrelevant, how could you completely stop this virus from reaching the US? It’s not logical. I loved Obama but bird flu spread anyway. That wasn’t his fault either.

Trump had a chance to step in over a month ago and did nothing. The US could have been isolated and all this could have been avoided.

Ok then you eat them and die of the next big virus. Darwinism

Quarantine everyone entering the country for a week. No exceptions.

>+14,550 cases in USA alone

I wanted NON-fake-news numbers. This is clearly manipulated communist shit

reasonable argument sir

Every animal is full of viruses. They don't interact with humans most of the time.

We don't know the real numbers because the testing capacity of the US is maxed out. Realistically, deep into the six figures.

So it’s just coincidence that SARS came from 10 hours away from Wuhan. The world’s a big place so the odds of both of these viruses coming from two areas this close is astronomical.
Stop being an idiot.

Ok, that works for legal entry, but what about illegal entry/immigrants?


>Maybe just an unlucky mutation of another virus.
If you say this you have no idea how viruses work

Obama never would have lied about it, or intentionally downplayed it to try and save his reputation. At the very least he would have chosen his words carefully and not made dozens of misstatements. Watch trump speaking at the CDC, ask yourself if that’s who you want leading through this, or even representing your country. As for me, absofuckinglutely not.

Bare minimum right here. More than trump did.

It’s not airborne you faggot

This is the LEFTIST narrative and couldn’t be any more FALSE.



You are clearly a moron.

Explain how Trump caused this in China, Spain, Italy, and Iran who are getting absolutely devastated by this virus.

I get how you leftists have to blame him for absolutely everything, but please explain the above. Can’t wait.

It's numbers from the CDC go ask them to not post fake numbers if you are being paranoid about it.

calling a virus "chinese" as if it has a race is vaguely racist but I think any body with any amount of food safety training or knowledge in disease would tell you that having thousands of live animals, many captured in the wild from different places of the world living on top of eachother in tiny cages and being slaughtered and processed in the same place is a disaster waiting to happen. The United States wouldnt allow such a market to exist because of the massive health risks they pose.

Most of them are legal entry, so not that much you need to pay attention to. Fly some drones over the border area and you'll catch pretty much everyone if you're willing to. Trump's not willing to because it defeats the wall narrative.

Blaming china for the wrong reasons does indeed make you look retarded. But they definitely are to blame. They allowed a deadly virus to spread through the community of wuhan and, when it was far too late, tried to cover up the shady shit they did. Fuck china, fuck retards who thinks cooked bat transmits this, and fuck retards blaming trump. Were all fucking retarded.