Jessi Slaughter Thread

Jessi Slaughter Thread

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Shes still alive right?

Does anyone have the mega

The consequences will never be the same.

Bump for the mega

Bump for mega too

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She changed her name to Damien and started claiming she was a male-identifying-genderqueeredwhateverthefuck.

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God, I need to see her getting blasted with cum. Please tell me there's a video of her getting/swallowing cum.

Please post a mega

When is she gonna do some real hardcore porn? Not that shit with the tranny either

bet her dad pounded the shit out of her meaty cunt


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pretty obvious. You don't become such prime example of trash for no reason

Bump for mega?

how sad



Don't click this.

How. How does anyone want this cow?

I'd let her cuck me....

Kill yourself

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Please tell me there's a mega. I need to see her taking cum.



Post the one of her with the butt plug. I think i deleted it.

Oddly, my dick wants more!

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post the vid plesae


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Bump for mega

She's attainable. Like, you wouldn't have to try too hard to fuck her and she'd be eager to please once you got her in bed.

we dun goofed

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Fuck idk but tuays so hot. Thx.

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She lives like 20 miles from me and I'm waiting to see her in public one day

why ?

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Why not?

Where does this new pics came?

There's has to be some of her taking cum, right?

you might get tempted and i guarantee she is at least 15 bucks

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I miss the chubby Jessi

i refuse to remember i paid a lot for that therapy

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tell the truth we know what you really miss

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She became popular right about my Sophmore/Junior year in high school. It's more nostalgia than anything lol


never look back user you were a pussy in those days

dont look its just too much

More recent ones pleSe?

she really knows how to lay the pipe

>concave chest
auto pass

yes cant argue with skills like that

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new body?

yep she lost lots of fat...

you dont get stretch marks like that without some pretty explosive expansion compression i suspect the wheelchair pic was after a stomach staple

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This is so cringy