I think I got corona. What do I do?
I think I got corona. What do I do?
Where do you live? It's important to know that since it'll effect the answer
The U.S.
Stay at home. Call your doctor on the telephone; don't just show up.
Go to the doctor right now.
Drink G&T
go out on public transport to the furthest hospital away from you and make sure to wipe your nose and touch every hand rail and door knob you come across so that you can infect as many ameripigs as possible
He can be charged with terrorism for this.
t. Angry Crumpetnigger
What about a vodka and tonic, I bought three bottles of tonic water at Walgreens, not Opie though
If I saw someone doing this I would really shoot them with my concealed carry weapon, and let the judge decide my fate
I might get a medal but I got to disinfect it before I put it on
Go fuck some bitches so the shit spreads more.
Too bad depressed bitter incels like you that are mad at themselves and the world, have no friends or women to fuck anyways to spread the virus...
Stomp a tranny to death
Cry harder faggot
find the nearest government official and shake his hand. repeat until shot.
Larping incel loser
Shut your mouth faggot or be ready for what's coming to you.
Find out the nearest place to get tested, they’ll tell you what to do from there. What are your symptoms?
Cry harder faggot, internet tough guy
You have a small dick
1. Go to hospital
2. Get tested
3. Get treated
4. Go into debt
5. ???
6. Profit
ask anywhere but Yas Forums
I think I am the profiteer since I am collecting his debt
Go hangout at a old folks home
it’s the cure for cancer spread it to everyone quickly
You are right
I work in a lab in Paris and chlorine is actually used in other hospital in France to treat the disease (covid-19)
Unfortunately the recover is incomplete and the virus still here despite the patient health being ok. THEY ARE STILL INFECTIOUS and condemned to be treated for life with chlorine if they cannot win against the virus.
Each and everyone of us will get it and if it's not this year it will be the next
Bottom line whether you contaminate other or not is irrelevant because YOU will get it and it will be a fight with yourself ONLY. End of story. Only the richest will afforde the treatment and they will keep contaminate other with it so I think you are charging the wrong personn for terrorism here ... :)
You are right
I work in a lab in Paris and chlorine is actually used in other hospital in France to treat the disease (covid-19)
Unfortunately the recover is incomplete and the virus still here despite the patient health being ok. THEY ARE STILL INFECTIOUS and condemned to be treated for life with chlorine if they cannot win against the virus.
Each and everyone of us will get it and if it's not this year it will be the next
Bottom line whether you contaminate other or not is irrelevant because YOU will get it and it will be a fight with yourself. End of story. Only the richest will afforde the treatment and they will keep contaminate other with it so I think you are charging the wrong personn for terrorism here ... :)
Well if you're a Trump supporter you should probably head to Walmart and start coughing on people. If you're anybody else self quarantine.
there is no corona it’s a Democrat hoax to further erode our freedoms
That's the thing, quarantaine won't last forever and people have to get out eventually so it will be a never ending stream of death until all the vulnerable people die ...
Me and the other joke used to joke about it by saying that a covid 19 end is rather peacefull compare to some retirement facility like EPHAD. Other doc hate us for doing it.. so we left for Pfizer - better compensation and if we manage to find a real cure we might actually patent troll it to ensure the chlorine thing is still going on that generated so much cash in the last 24h ...
You right when I see how the oldest are treated in Epahd they should be running naked in the street ...
attend as many right-wing freaky churches as you can. they won't care if you are sick as a dog. donald trump says the the corona virus is a 'democrat hoax'. they won't think it is real.
>Republican AG Barr is proposing suspending habeas corpus
try again faggit
Cough on all the toilet paper
absolutely false information
post asshole so i can be sure you have it
Raw dog some whores so the degens get its.
Pay a visit to your granny house
You right it's cloroquine damn phone
I'm not larping faggot.
Stay home, drink water, try to not cough on anyone.
Ask your boss for time off with pay. If he doesn't give that, go to work, have meeting with boss, ask again.
So not do this. Its crazy illegal.
Pretty much every sentence a complete fabrication.
i just had it and am now immune
if you take one of my turds and rub it all over your face it will innoculate you
Post your address and I'll mail you a deuce asap
Post pictures post-smear
what would you do when you have normal flu? you do the same thing BECAUSE IT IS JUST THE FLU.
If your dick can touch your ass go fuck yourself faggot
Are you over 60? Do you have ealth conditions that involve livers, heart disease, cancer, are you immunosuppressed?
If the answer is no, you have nothing to worry about. Call your doctor and do what he says, DON'T go to the hospital, you may spread the virus. If you don't have any of the conditions above you'll just have to stay home until it goes away like a normal flu
He can, it will be just be dumb because everyone will get it it so is actually enforcing natural selection by acting this way - keep on ! But you can a have a way bigger impact by actually doing some charity or been a volontaire to help the older to get out of the loniles
Dream bigger champ !
smoke a turd in hell...
simply do nothing and hope your body is able to defeat it. its funny though that in 2020 you literally gonna help yourself and survive on your own at home like civilization never progressed. cause you cannot go to the hospital you cannot get a doc check on you. you have to stay home alone. dont ever go to the hospital it will kill you!
That’s not true. People in their 30’s without known pre existing conditions are dropping now. So apparently this thing is more lethal than we thought. Usually as a virus spreads it becomes less lethal, but not this time. It’s breaking da rules.
American intelligence was warning the administration about this since it started in China. Well before China admitted to it. Then trump said ir would go away on its own and called it a hoax. So many incompetent governments but I never thought we’d be one of them.
oh boy jail/prison...I don't know if that's the place I'd want to be in during a pandemic...but you do you
>paying hospital bills in the us
are americans really this retarded? kek
>affects lung function
>kills twice as many men
>assrapes the hairy brown men (Iran and Italy)
It comes in waves. Stay vigilant and do not prematurely assume you are in the clear. The worst is your immune system dialing in the attack, but it is important to let it do its job.
Watch the heart rate closely, prepare a body temp shower or bath if breathing becomes labored or panicked. Too hot and too cold shock the system. Stay calm and breathe deeply, everything will be okay. Do not take ibuprofen or aspirin. Stay hydrated, if eating is difficult try to drink your nutrients. The stomach pains will come and pass, sleep on your back not your front. Vaporizers, humidifiers, heated blankets and frequent baths/showers to help regulate body temp. Sweating is good, dehydration is bad. The lips and hands will dry as the body attempts to flush the system, stay calm, stay hydrated, full and focused. Think energy. Symptoms start as a sunburn day 1 (don't confuse with anaphylaxis although similar), feels like a heat stroke at peak (veins pop out, heart will race), things seem fine the day after, but symptoms return and peak as a near heart arrhythmia 3 days later, 4th and 5th day for rest, symptoms will subside from there