Age, cunts fucked, girls loved
>29, 6, 1
Age, cunts fucked, girls loved
30 , 50 , 3
28, 20, 1
I loved so many more but I guess there can only be One God and she is She. Guess the rest were just like.
How beautiful. (=
22, 2, 1
#1 was a totally experienced slut, I was #2s first. Really does make a difference in terms of blowjobs and sex. I can see the appeal in both vrgins and sluts depending on what you're after. I'm still with #2 and she's finally to a point of being totally open and kinky and it's mind-blowing
22, 0, 1 I guess
I’m 27, have fucked 14 cunts, but have only ever loved one..I recently started having dreams that we were back together again. Because apparently my subconscious hates me
Sadly, 1 is not in 8.
28, 5, 2.
First love when I was 16 to a 14 year old, for 3 years, she left when she went to uni. Still think about her at least weekly.
Current girlfriend of 3 years is 2nd love. She's pretty great.
If Ur saying insanity is there to be normalised as it's resolvement Ur insane with it
I’ve never taken a woman’s virginity, and I’ve never wanted to. The only way I would is if I was already in a relationship with her, because I wouldn’t want to deal with the emotional fallout of taking someone’s virginity. But I am curious: is having sex with someone who has never had sex before as awkward as I think it is?
A bit, but it's also great BECAUSE of the fallout. They're going to crave your dick all the time.
I have no idea what you mean
Loved: Highschool gf (first love) College gf (YA crazy love) Current gf (mature love)
Cunts fucked: half of those were in a year , right after college gf and i broke , great job + young + chad bros = Top of my game getting pussy every other week
after that year and a big scary event , i realize i couldnt support that way of life and dial it back several noches and focus on work + hobbies , i still partied with chad bros but not as usual (once a month or so)
I've taken two girls virginity. First one we were both virgins, pretty hot grinding on eachother before finally slipping it in.
Second girl was about 18, she was a nerdy christian. It was only my second girl so I didn't get her wet enough. She was painfully tight and I ended up tearing my foreskin, which healed over the months. Turns out she loved it in the ass, but I was never a fan much. Ended up fucking her usually with something in her ass.
Only do it if you love her and will be cuddling her acceptingly forever RARGH.
In my experience, I had no real emotions or care to losing my virginity and neither did she but I know that's not the case for a lot of people. For me it was expectations vs reality. It wasn't too awkward aside from the obvious shyness and lack of knowledge. I'd say a girl's first time is easier to deal with than a guys as far as knowing what to do goes. Only difficult thing is that she doesn't know what she's into and enjoys yet. I'd imagine sex between two virgins feeling like total autism
22, 58, 0. I don't think I know what truly ''loving'' someone is.
Age: 39.
Cunts fucked: I don't keep count, but maybe 20? Most were GFs over the years, but some were also one nighters.
Girls loved: A dozen or so. Loved some of them more, some of them less. Wanted to marry one, got burnt. Married a second, living with her now.
Age 27, 1 sex, 0 loves.
Talking about boys?
1 sex, 1 love.
23, 0, 1
I seem to be 90% gay, and only rarely have feelings for girls.
Please kill yourself so your genes don't spread.
33, 20, 2.
Happily married. Really happy I got all my fucking done in high school and college when the chick's are all nubile and delicious. Now I just have the occasional fuck while focusing on the bigger things in life.
35, 0, 0
angry incel
Yeah that’s one way of looking at it
Damn that happened to a friend of mine once. She wasn’t a virgin, but was really tight and he couldn’t get fully hard, still tried to force his dick in and ripped his foreskin a bit
Holy shit trying to imagine the shit show that would be two virgins fucking is pretty hilarious. The girl I lost my virginity to in high school was more experienced than me, so she took the lead, and even taught me things as we went. Which lead to me giving the first girl I ever had sex with an orgasm. But yeah, two virgins would have a more difficult time, I would think
nigga you still young , your time will come , keep yourself focus and clean, improve yourself and for the love of god dont become a woman hating incel like 3/4 of anons around here , keep getting yourself better , forward not backwards bro
its ok bro , you too improve and your time will come
22, 0, 0
Cheer up user, you’re still young. One of my good friends finally lost his virginity last year, at the age of 28
I don't know how to approach people.
21, 0, 0
We're probably the biggest demographic here.
Am I a monster?
Gas those normies
fuck you
idk somewhere around 30
2, almost 3. I still miss one of them 7 years later and I'm not sure it'll ever stop.
L2prostitute, Yas Forums.
Yeah, everyone else is oldfag or coping. I was starting to get my shit together before this plague hit as well lol. ITS OVER!
21, 0, 1
Was with her for 6 years, 4 years long distance.
32, 0, 11
Wow why so many years long distance? I am surprised the relationship lasted that long
Yikes dude, what happened during the two years where you weren't involved in an ldr with her?
25, 1, 1
>I am surprised the relationship lasted that long
It's just because she hasn't told him yet.
We met in highschool. I had to move to another country due to...various problems. We weren't able to see eachother much back then either, her parents are very strict.
Told him what? They’ve broken up already
Because I never met anyone that I can talk to as well as I can talk to her. I had some girls that wanted to be with me, but I knew that wouldn't last. Idk, guess I'm a sucker for the "highschool sweetheart" story.
Ah. Well then just sort out the tenses on your own. You get it.
23,1,1 was mutual and painful for both of us. We still chat everyday, but without words of love.
>Getting attacked by that bear was horribly painful
>I still let the bear chew on my arm every day
What the fuck are you doing, mate?
25, 0, 1.
Waiting for marriage. :^)
Damn. Sorry user, that’s rough. But at least it was mutual, and you two still stay in contact, although I wonder if that may make it harder to move on. And who knows, maybe one day you both won’t have to live so far away from one another. Good luck bud
42, at least 70, 3
Last year my business went up, spent way too much on sluts. Twas fun. Now my wife is back...
23, 0, 0. I've only dated one girl, but that was because I felt bad for her. The relationship ended pretty fast, and afterwards I felt bad for my decision as it only made things worse. Maybe I'm asexual, outside of porn, I honestly don't care for any of that. Clichè, but I'd rather have a meaningful long lasting one, somebody who I can create memories or a possible family with if she so wants.
Guess I'm an emotional masochist hahahah
Thanks! Yeah, she said it's a possibility after she finished college. I really hope it will work out.
20, 4, 0
Ohh really? Well that’s pretty awesome. When does she finish college? Under most circumstances, I’d say she’s probably not too serious about that possibility, but considering you two were together for six whole years, and we’re able to make the long-distance thing work for four of those six years, I’d say you have a pretty good chance of getting back together, user