My fish is a cunt

My fish is a cunt.

Trips decide what I do to it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eat it

put the cunt in the microwave

take good care of it

drown him

fuck off. microwave the cunt.

fish in the pooper

Fuck it in the cunt

Make it watch my youtube videos

What kinda fish is it?

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fry then eat it faggot

Feed him and change the tank water

Shove it up your ass

shove it up your ass while it's alive

Stick your tiny dick in its mouth

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Recognize that it's just a fishthat acts on instincts and do everything you can to not harm it, and prevent it from harming other fish including but not limited to buying a new tank to house it.

put it on a plate and cum on it

How can a fish be a cunt? He looks like a little bro

Give it food, and thank the fish for your life


Launch it at someone with a catapult and scream "you just got coronofished faggot"

Piss in it's water

Kiss it.

Buy him a fish castle

Buy it a bigger tank

look after him the best you can


treat him well

Buy him a girlfriend

buy it a bigger tank, some fish friends and let it live out his days happily

cichlids are cunts. You should have known that before you bought one.

How big is his Aquarium
what pump do you use
is he alone?
when is your suicide stream faggot?

Eat it with a slice of bacon

Kill yourself.

take it out, put it on a table and cum on it as it's agonizing

op you fuck tart answer

Rolling for this:
To be immediately followed by this:

Buy a 2000$ minimum fish tank on amazon and a female/male dependinf on the gender. You also must show proof that you bought it ofc

Fart on it.

Smash it with a brick on your mousepad

Mighty moot give me those trips for a chance to make op fish living better.


Put it in your desk drawer and leave it there for a month

Boil him alive

Take care of it.

Lay him on hone hand on the table and smack the other hand on top as hard as possible

user, take care of it ! Trips have spoken !

Roll, even though I know op is a faggot and won't deliver. No time stamp kike?


Fish confirmed for living the good life

Boil it alive


Rket user has to take care of the fucker

Kek winner winner is a weiner

There is a fish god...

OP must now provide us with weekly updates proving the fish is living the good life

so many fags here

Op the trips have spoken. Also this

Buy it a fish bro

Buy it a bro fish

First time on Yas Forums, eh?

more then normal 'rona does me dirty

Petitioning to name the fish “Adolf Fishler”

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tryhard faggot

Another lost Yas Forumstard trying to deviate a trips thread to another "hurr Nigger derp Jews herp" thread.... Boring.

Gas yourself, friendo

Was HE right tho? I dont think thats necessary to kill millions of innocent civillians just because you caught yoir own mother sucking out shekels from the bank of a single jew. Its totally fair that those manipulating the banks should get shredded to death or gassed but,innocent people,women and children that absolutely had no connection to the jews mentioned in the conspiracy theories,should not have been killed

do you REALLY REALLY want to give him a platform right here right now?