ITT: you can only write in your native language. Please write in a way that would make Google translate fags disappointed
I'll start
للي شاف هاض الفلم، اشوفه ولّا ما اضيّع وقتي؟
ITT: you can only write in your native language. Please write in a way that would make Google translate fags disappointed
I'll start
للي شاف هاض الفلم، اشوفه ولّا ما اضيّع وقتي؟
islams fucking finished newfag
مش كل عربي معناه انه مسلم، انا مسيحي يا معاق
مص زبي
youre whole race is gonna be dead as fuck mudslime
انته معك لغة وحدة، عالاقل حسّنها شوي،
mga putangina niyo
Toasting in a homo bread, and it looks liek the O.P. is a neu-candyass.
Insofern ist es dem arabischen Wildling unmöglich, sich in den germanischen Volksraum einzugliedern, ohne sich seiner animalischen Instinkte zu entledigen. Er begeht Gewaltverbrechen, stiehlt und raubt, wo er geht und steht, die deutsche Frau ist sein Hauptziel, die perverse Lust an Kindern ist ihm am Beispiel seines Propheten Mohammed anerzogen und aufgrund seines simplen Verstands nicht zu heilen. Es wäre gut daran getan, sich von der Plage des Arabers zu befreien, infiziert er den deutschen Volkskörper doch genauso wie der Jude. Doch wo der Jude im Versteckten handelt und sich mit seiner heimtückischen Schläue stehts am deutschen Volk bereichert, verhält sich der Araber wie eine Heuschreckenplage, in großer Zahl und sich vielfach vermehrend ziehen sie über das Land und bringen Hunger, Gewalt, Verbrechen und Armut mit sich.
Congratulations on successfully being trolled.
dead ass mudslime
la morte de lu purpu e' la cipuddhra, la sanità de l'omu e' la uzzeddhra
dude ur an internet tough guy, will u have 2 w8 until u get out of middle skool 2 get over urself lol
اضحك عحالك
my girlfriends are soo beautiful cuck
Ill never have to go to school lame ass pleb retard
lol@u my dude. Your stupidity is showing.
steady locked in that scotty friendzone cuck
cce bbue' ddici?
Кaкиe жe хoхлы дeгeнepaты, пиздeц пpocтo...
Have another (You), ultra-nigger.
XYNTAfag, go back to the gulag
Why are you so mean ;(
Salty English speaking bitch, maybe you should've done something productive like learning a language in your life instead of cooming
Meld dæ på Vømmølfjellet rundt,
skirenn e veldig veldig sunt.
Den som vinn får ei vaskemaskin
og det e dusj i garderoben!
Vi är inga främlingar inför kärlek, du vet reglerna och det gör jag med. Fullt engagemang är vad jag tänker på. Du skulle inte få det här av någon annan kille. Kommer aldrig ge upp på dig. Kommer aldrig svika dig. Kommer aldrig springa runt och överge dig. Kommer aldrig göra så du gråter. Kommer aldrig säga hejdå. Kommer aldrig säga en lögn och skada dig.
Thx for the tasty (You)'s, guise.
؟(you) 'sليش في أغبياء بتبحث عن
ما الهن فائدة صح؟
>Insofern ist es dem arabischen Wildling unmöglich, sich in den germanischen Volksraum einzugliedern, ohne sich seiner animalischen Instinkte zu entledigen. Er begeht Gewaltverbrechen, stiehlt und raubt, wo er geht und steht, die deutsche Frau ist sein Hauptziel, die perverse Lust an Kindern ist ihm am Beispiel seines Propheten Mohammed anerzogen und aufgrund seines simplen Verstands nicht zu heilen. Es wäre gut daran getan, sich von der Plage des Arabers zu befreien, infiziert er den deutschen Volkskörper doch genauso wie der Jude. Doch wo der Jude im Versteckten handelt und sich mit seiner heimtückischen Schläue stehts am deutschen Volk bereichert, verhält sich der Araber wie eine Heuschreckenplage, in großer Zahl und sich vielfach vermehrend ziehen sie über das Land und bringen Hunger, Gewalt, Verbrechen und Armut mit sich.
shalom mein bruder
lol I can't reed your sandnigger shit
yдoбнo cpaњeoбјaвљивaњe нa oвoм кoнцy дoк caм y кapaнтинy
Hoekom het julle sulke aantreklike vroumense?
Ihr si aui schaffseckel
So you're happy and laughing at your own incompetence?
im lafin @ u for living in a third world shithole while i get paid by a univesity to sit at home and shitpost
In diesem Faden sind nur Fotzen und osmanische Untermenschen
Dia dó, is é seo mo theanga dhúchais. Bíodh an diabhal agaibh ar fad. Tugann mo bhean chéile ceann mór.
Cara, o que você tem contra mim? Nunca fiz nada pra você, nunca te xinguei, até te comprimentei no AF, talvez você esteja bravo porque te deletei do MSN, mas isso porque você não sabe conversar sem sair xingando. Não sei se você sabe, pode até perguntar para o Felipe, mas eu considero você apesar de se achar acima de todos e xingar todo mundo sem motivos, e ainda provei que não sou um simples cara sem face que você dizia, qual o sentido de você implicar comigo caralho? Não sou mais o mesmo moleque bunda mole que você conheceu anos atrás, não entro mais na merda do TK, Midou não existe mais, tanto que faz mais de 2 anos que abandonei esse nick de merda, pare de tirar conclusões preciptadas sobre as pessoas, você fez o mesmo com o Wado e no fim das contas viraram camaradas...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt convallis arcu tincidunt feugiat. Suspendisse potenti. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis feugiat dui nec lectus viverra semper. Proin elementum nibh eget imperdiet pretium. Praesent et sapien dui. Nam lacus sapien, ultricies vitae interdum nec, finibus sed neque. Aliquam ullamcorper augue ut magna sollicitudin, in fringilla mauris ultricies. Phasellus ac nisl quis orci consectetur scelerisque non sed neque. Mauris maximus eros quis congue tristique. Phasellus dolor diam, egestas ac arcu non, facilisis ornare justo.
Je vous pisse au cul
>Hoekom het julle sulke aantreklike vroumense?
Jeg vet sannelig ikke, men det er noe med blonde damer som er ekstra bra. Sikkert på grunn av at vi har lite sol og lang vinter.
'Oh oh oh’. I said, smiling very wide and droogie: ‘Well, if it isn’t fat stinking, billygoat Billyboy in poison. How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou.’
Est-ce que quelqu'un est vraiment parti même si décider de faire de l'exercice pour donner envie de faire ressembler le spectacle?
A string and his friends walk into a bar, and the string goes up to get a drink and the bartender says, "We don't serve strings here." So the string ties himself in a loop and does up the top of his head and then goes up to the bar, and the bartender goes, "Uh . . . are you a string?" And the string goes, "No, I'm a frayed knot."
A guy's driving down an old country road and he sees a farmer in his orchard feeding his pigs, but what he's doing is he's taking one pig at a time, holding him up, letting him eat an apple out of the tree, and then setting him down before picking up another pig and letting him eat an apple. So the guy pulls over and walks up to the farmer and he says, "Wouldn't it save time to just knock all the apples on the ground and let the pigs eat them all at once?" And the farmer, confused, looks at him and says, "What's time to a pig?"
This is a good short story, give sauce please, or is it oc ?
Did he say it in a gig, or is it from a book he wrote?
It was from an interview for some magazine or website, can't remember which. They asked comedians what their favorite joke was. The one about string was Kumail Nanjiani's answer.
faldur nebrmori yaganoria falbador yinsil ga?
Dit moet wees.
Ek moet se, baie mense se so van ons meisies, maar ek persoonlik dink van die bestes kom van julle deel van die wereld af.
Hoop die somer wat kom gaan lekker wees vir julle.
puto el que lee... y el que no tambien, excepto yo
>>Insofern ist es dem arabischen Wildling unmöglich, sich in den germanischen Volksraum einzugliedern, ohne sich seiner animalischen Instinkte zu entledigen. Er begeht Gewaltverbrechen, stiehlt und raubt, wo er geht und steht, die deutsche Frau ist sein Hauptziel, die perverse Lust an Kindern ist ihm am Beispiel seines Propheten Mohammed anerzogen und aufgrund seines simplen Verstands nicht zu heilen. Es wäre gut daran getan, sich von der Plage des Arabers zu befreien, infiziert er den deutschen Volkskörper doch genauso wie der Jude. Doch wo der Jude im Versteckten handelt und sich mit seiner heimtückischen Schläue stehts am deutschen Volk bereichert, verhält sich der Araber wie eine Heuschreckenplage, in großer Zahl und sich vielfach vermehrend ziehen sie über das Land und bringen Hunger, Gewalt, Verbrechen und Armut mit sich.
dreckige juden am i right?
اه مو عاطل شوفه يا قرابه
مارح تبطلو تفضحونا بين الاجانب؟؟
also fuck off to facebook
Neekerit vittuun suomesta.
الف لواو الجماعة ب(تبطلوا)يمتعلمين يبتوع المدارس، فضحت حالك، بس لحسن حظك مش قدام الاجانب
As long as a population can be induced to believe in a supernatural hereafter, it can be oppressed and controlled. People will put up with all sorts of tyranny, poverty, and painful treatment if they're convinced that they'll eventually escape to some resort in the sky where lifeguards are superfluous and the pool never closes. Moreover, the faithful are usually willing to risk their skins in whatever military adventure their government may currently be promoting. When the sixth veil drops, there will be a definite shortage of cannon fodder.
Those in high places are not immune. While the afterlife concept renders the masses manageable, it renders their masters destructive. A world leader who's convinced that life is merely a trial for the more valuable and authentic afterlife is less hesitant to risk starting a nuclear holocaust. A politician or corporate executive who's expecting the Rapture to arrive on the next flight from Jerusalem is not going to worry much about polluting oceans or destroying forests. Why should he?
Thus, to emphasize the afterlife is to deny life. To concentrate on heaven is to create hell.
In their desperate longing to transcend the disorderliness, friction, and unpredictability that pesters life; in their desire for a fresh start in a tidy habitat, germ-free and secured by angels, religious multitudes are gambling the only life they may ever have on a dark horse in a race that has no finish line. Theirs is a death wish on a very grand scale, an eschatological extension of Kissinger's perverse logic - "In order to live forever, we must die as quickly as possible" - and if time doesn't run out soon, they're going to form a posse and run it out. Fortunately for them, they see signs everywhere that the end is near. Unfortunately, they're virtually the same signs that their ancestors saw millennia before them.
Meanwhile, the thermodynamic and cosmological forces that form the basis for "time" spiral merrily along without going anywhere very much. Just around. And around again. Order expanding into disorder contracting into order at a rate so incredibly slow that it bores and bewilders us to the extent that we have to invent psychological endings for it. What the sixth veil conceals is not a blank clock but a relieved expression, the expression on our own faces as we meet ourselves coming from the opposite direction, free to enjoy the present at last because we are no longer fettered by the future that is history.
لك تلحس ايري نحنا بفور شان مو بالمدرسه حتا صحح وتابع كل كلمه.. مين فرقانه معو شو عم اكتب
Esti d’nègre des sables
Ta yeule nègre
Helvetes arabara altso, e faen kje brukandes te anna enn grisafôr
بالضبط، ليش بتقول فضحتونا قدام الأجانب؟ هون ما في شي يفضحك أكثر من كونك متواجد هون