what if? it's just god damn flu coronavirus is overrated
Josiah Jenkins
Yes even a blind fool can see this is going to be a disaster unlike ever seen before. This week the number will start to sky rocket and next week normies will start understanding that this shit is out of control. Then the panicking will begin. Not just in the states, every country will be hit hard.
William Perez
Anyone that thinks china only had 80k cases with their population density is absolutely retarded.
They're lying.
Brayden Russell
o shit a buncha ppl gon get sik fo a weak
Hudson Stewart
Fair point Problem is that the economy was frozen for about 2 months there. A highly urbanized country like yours needs its economy otherwise the shit will go south real quick for big cities
James Evans
theres no flu that hospitalizes 20% of those it infects. regardless of all the boomers it kills. the first thing it will overwhelm is the healthcare system. what happens when the doctors cant work because theyre sick? when it starts affecting people who maintain critical systems like the internet? if we continue to let this get out of control the people that keep daily life runnign will not be able to do their jobs because they'll be too busy worrying about survival.
they shut the fucking city down for 2 weeks. people weren't allowed to leave their apartments. roads physically blocked. they didn't fucking play around. meanwhile you can't trust the info coming out of the west because we don't even have enough fucking tests and our president was pretending like it wasn't a real thing for weeks. china did try ti cover it up at the beginning but after a week ro two of that they switched to fight mode. we aren't any fucking different. 10,000 cases in NY and people refuse to obey the quarantine recommendations. meanwhile over there they built hospitals in a week to manage it. (and succeeded)
I knew this shit was going to happen back in Feb.
Zachary Ross
Yeah, just look at the hospitals in Italy and the patients wearing those funny looking space like helmets. Shit's overly exaggerated
nope, this shit gonna be over in less than a month
Hunter Lopez
*snut down for 2 months. even though we have quarantines ordered in CA and NY it is not on the level of what was done in Asia.
and we've managed to administer the same amount of tests in a month that Korea was able to do in a week. We can't contain the outbreak when we don't know who is sick, and already cities are giving up on even trying to do that.
Angel Bailey
It's literally only because of 3rd world liberal fucktard shitholes
Literally every conservative state in the nation can handle their shit, how come fucktard democrats can't handle a fucking cold? Jesus fucking Christ you retards are 100% incompetent.
It is only killing retard democrats, and I'm actively rooting for more. I hope it fucking wipes out New York and California before the census, weaken those literal 3rd world shitholes.
Leo Hughes
THIS You can't compare the US people who are used to having freedom to roam with the communist China. The rules will not be enforced as in China and shut cities down. Never in the US.
Also, if you do manage to close all down and get military on the streets, this will be a good opportunity for papa bear (pic related) to send some aid your way.
Just a reminder the real infected ratios in china are far higher,at minium 10X,so add a 0 behind the real numbers and if its from china multiply it by anohter 1.5X. it came to a point of them day one quarantining 30M people and then lying about the numbers for 2 months because theyre unable to check the bodies on how fast they die since too little people are doing that,if it weren't such a problem why they'd take such big measures?. explain that retards
they even fucking went as far as sending out wildlife incinerators originally made for dogs to burn the bodies
Charles Ward
This shit can't be contained, trust me I'm from Europe. The american people are not to blame, it's the authorities who are not learning from our mistakes.
Needless to say, we didn't learn from the Asians mistakes so here we are.
Isaiah Garcia
Those dumb fucks are in for a long, interesting ride.. Poor, crazy people with guns. A government who has buried their heads in the sand. High population density, and a terrible health care system. It’s a matter of time before martial law is invoked, but it will be too late. Civilians clash with military, people die. Looting occurs as the poor steal from the rich. Urban hospitals become overrun by sick people demanding care.. I give it two weeks until all hell breaks loose.
Ryder Wright
USA is number one!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO LETS GET IT
Anthony Johnson
As always,its a bioweapon,not a virus and that's why every gov takes shit for not taking the proper measures
Ryder Jenkins
>live like dogs, eat dogs, die like dogs this is the way of the gook
Oliver Lewis
>trust me I'm from Europe stopped right there
Anthony Collins
> High population density, and a terrible health care system
It's not that bad, but it's not great. Compared to S Korea (the success story) which has 12.5 IC beds per 1000 people, the US has only 2. And it's free over there.
>It’s a matter of time before martial law is invoked, but it will be too late.
I've thought of this myself, this would end tragic.
>Looting occurs as the poor steal from the rich
This is a more realistic scenario than you can imagine. In Europe we already have such cases and the authorities already have their hands full.
Gavin Rivera
Why? We're right at the center of the pandemics and our cities are shut down at the moment. Our whole economic situation is frozen so it is a major concern for us. It's a topic discussed from morning to late afternoon so I'd say we'd be a good warning voice, don't you think?
Nolan Walker
It's crazy that you're perfectly describing New York and California, liberal communist shitholes.
In real America, we've got that shit on full lock down.
Dylan Adams
why are these retarded niggers still on Yas Forums?
go back to your own fucking country cuck.
Hunter Gonzalez
Oh yeah, I forgot USA is totally honest and will disclose the real numbers leaving the country exposed to outside threat that might want to "visit". dumbass
>oUr wHoLe EcOnOmIc sItUatIOn Is fRozEn drop in the bucket, everybody knows eurofags don't work >iTs A mAjOr cOnCerN not from where i'm sitting >wE'd bE a gOoD wArNiNg VoIcE, dOn'T yOu tHiNk? lose the accent, fucko
James Bell
Found the fucktard chink
Turn your computer off Chang.
Jason Walker
your understanding of politics is the only thing worse than you're understanding of this situation.
I know that they don't have real education where you're from, but if you look just down the graph from commiefornia, you will see that the south is equally inundated with the virus and is at best a week behind the liberal lands you are so afraid of.
>but if you look just down the graph from commiefornia, You'll see almost no deaths and far less than half of all total cases
New York alone represents half of all cases
Have some perspective you faggot brainlet. YOu clearly don't understand a single fucking thing, brainwashed cunt.
Hudson Gomez
At this point, I'd shut up if I were you. great job containing the deaths compared to a country which has 80M population instead of 327M and the same number of cases
>wow someone called me out for being a faggot, i know what to do, be an even bigger faggot!
there was a time when your kind was afraid of Yas Forums, but you were still young enough to be sucking your uncles cock so you dont remember.
Zachary Gutierrez
>but you were still young enough to be sucking your uncles cock so you dont remember. Only in China
Back to the rice fields now
Nicholas Carter
Has anyone noticed that since countries started blaming China they suddenly don't have anymore locally transmitted cases? China keep blaming any new cases on foreigners entering the country. Almost as if they're trying to shift the blame. . .
In other news/propaganda, Russia are reporting a spate of "pneumonia" cases. Definitely not coronavirus.
Cameron King
it takes a week or two for people to die after they get sick, it takes a week or two for them to even have fucking symptoms.
"perspective" you must have a short term memory issue if you've forgotten last week when NY had a hundred cases.
you think they shut down SXSW because the south was somehow safer for being full of redcucks?
Jace Anderson
I'm here for the first time after 10Y and the amount of faggotry is simply astonishing I now feel for the oldfags of my age...
James Diaz
Only demshit strongholds are getting hit in Texas, in real Texas nobody is pussy enough to get faggot's cold.
Hunter Richardson
why are you attacking some nonexistant asian? I'm probably more white than your inbred ass considering your ancestors were probably balls deep in coon slave pussy.
Jaxson Fisher
You're not white you're yellow faggot
Gabriel Edwards
Come on guys, we can't let the germans win.
Austin Foster
>hurr durr democrats live in cities and viruses spread easier in denser populations so clearly the democrats are somehow the cause of the spread. im totally safe in my boogaloo bunker in west texas. >implying we don't have a republican government handling this crisis and they've done fuck all. its ((liberal)) governors and mayors that are leading the fight.
hundred bucks you get the shanghai shivers from your next rendezvous with the local lot lizard.
Evan Torres
>he can't imagine a white person that isn't retarded like every pasty bitch within 100 miles of his trailer park.
Nathaniel Bell
It's literally the one time Ive wished to get sick it's a win win for me. I'll either recover and finally get a vacation from work. Or I'll die and get away from all these fucktards on this planet
Dylan King
>hundred bucks you get the shanghai shivers >blatant democrat is racist
Julian Martinez
There won't be more than 30k cases because of social isolation. We are seeing increase in cases, but they have been infected 1-2 weeks ago.
Landon Davis
>he hasn't seen someone who isn't an actual genetic mongoloid in his entire life
Josiah Wright
If you die from corona, you're either 90+yo fart or a weak faggot. If you're young and die from corona, everyone will laugh about you, even your family members. Since there are no registered cases of young people dying, they will show your face on TV as an example for other weak people.
Ayden Gray
Caleb Bailey
>imagine sucking each other's cocks like this
Oliver Torres
Honestly the reaction to this is so nonsensical. It spreads like the common cold, it can never be eradicated, all we're doing is just trying to keep the infection rate low so hospitals and medical supplies can keep up with demand, but the thing is going to burn through eventually.
Jace Reed
I hoping it's one Yank samefagging and he's trolling. Otherwise USA is a sad state of affairs
Landon Howard
i prepped in case of the US fails miserably. gotta lots of popcorn here yep. im watching americas fuckup live from my basement here in china. im chinses too ama
Aiden Baker
You probably won't die if you're young and get proper care. But you will be the sickest you've ever been in your life. The necessary care can in itself damage your lung tissue permanently. And you will be out of action for long enough to make a significant impact on the healthcare system, and take away a bed from someone else who needs it. Won't be long before doctors have to decide who gets a bed and lives, and for whom there isn't enough room, so they die.
Alexander Johnson
i have the cure which greatly increase your chances of survival hell you dont even have symptoms with my treatment. but i wont share this valuable info with you americans. what you gonna say to me? im chinses too
It's going to kill of a lot of the Silent Gen, then boomers, then millenials, etc down the line over the next few decades as they get older, and before you know it it'll be the new norm that old people tend to die, as if they don't already.
Wyatt Gray
In Italy here people are treated from home. Of course, they die suffocated before the ambulance gets to them. I have friends my age (30yo) lucky enough to get a bed in a hospital, but I also have older relatives who were't that lucky.
Unless containment works, it'll be drastic over the next year, not the next decades. Over decades, medication and vaccinations will catch up. Over the next year, you could literally see millions dead simply because there's not enough capacity to treat 10% serious cases.
Daniel Flores
Red states are going to get completely assfucked in a week or two thanks to their lack of action even after Trump flipped on the issue. Doesn't help that their populations and the Republican voterbase skew older and less healthy too.
Alexander Turner
you're an absolute fucking retard if you think COVID-19 is going to be an issue past May.
Isaac Bell
Nah we know how to handle our shit. We won't ever collapse like the mongoloid empire New York Shitty
Joseph Butler
The containment is just to slow the spread so since there aren't enough respirators if everyone gets infected all at once. It'll be bad for a first year maybe, but it's mostly killing the sick and old. So after the first back of sick and old die then it'll be the next batch, then next, etc. and eventually you'll get dwindling numbers of sick and old people who are available to die. The rest of us will just live with covid19 as the new cold or flu.
Noah Barnes
Go pray more, user. You'll need it. Heat doesn't work to destroy it, which is why they got it in Singapore and India, so waiting for May won't help you.
Carter Cruz
nah dont think so. we have guns and gear do you think the virus would try to enter my home? with my arsenal of deadly weapons im pretty much protected. dont forget the virus isnt stupid it wont risk its life to infect someone like me who praises trump and will defend my homeland like a true patriot. this virus is smart
Gavin Ortiz
The blue states are more fcked in 1 month, get ready for tons of looting.
Ryder Brooks
i had it already ask me anything. still recovering but it was hard. at one point i just wanted to die
Jose Hill
>this mongoloid cunt in a business calculus class hasn't ever heard of Farr's law
kek. Epidemiologists aren't remotely concerned that this will be a long term issue, period. Quit fucking fear mongering, retard.
Blake Harris
What's the achievement title and related stat buffs/debuffs?
Justin Taylor
72K recovered... you mean dead, right? They sure as shit can't treat it and they can't be assed either. They have so many people that a person is as disposable as a tissue paper. Those people are dead as shit, so i guess they recovered. They recovered by not being alive anymore to spread it. Sigh...
China absolutely lies about the numbers but most cases recover there, too. Hook them to a ventilator and wait, vacuum out lung fluids periodically, the body does the rest themselves.