Sup Yas Forums. I've done this thread a few times and it was pretty fun. I'm bored as fuck. Let's chat a bit. Say hi, tell me a dope story, roast the fuck out of me, ask me about Spinal Muscular Atrophy, whatever. Just something to pass the time. Pic very relevant. Me from a Roast Me Reddit thread a little while back, but I'll post more from my social media.
SMA is muscular though, so I'm just legitimately too physically weak to post a proof pic. Let's be honest though. I'm not here to ask for money, and why the fuck would I claim to look like gollum otherwise? So. What are you up to tonight, Yas Forums?
8 years ago a girl from an all girl catholic high school told me that we would never fuck because she would "break me". I've been holding onto that shit for years, so for Christmas I just asked my tallest male friend to sit on my lap to post it as a petty passive aggressive fuck you. Also pics of her on request. Hot as fuck, which is why I still hold a grudge
I ain't silly Ain't no dumb nigga, are you dumb, nigga? Are you stayin' with the pump, nigga? Fuck is up, nigga? Is you mad? You's a fuck nigga I don't trust niggas Scum Gang, chew 'em up, nigga We don't fuck witcha
Here's the treatment for my condition. It costs insurance 125,000 per shot, and I've had 6. Our healthcare system is fucking retarded if they think I should have this.
I'm blessed as fuck to receive this stuff. Honestly man, I'm not quite sure. It varies like fucking crazy, and then this stuff can actually halt and in cases like mine, it can reverse a bit of muscle loss. So it varies a shit ton more. Back in 2015 I had CPR for 6 minutes and got unbelievably lucky. So. At this point I really don't know. I don't need a ventilator. Just a bipap for sleep. Relevant because the most likely thing to take me out is respiratory failure. I'm 24. I'm sorry man. What's your story?
Jackson Myers
125,000 usd??
Sebastian Williams
Glad to hear that you don't have a specific timeframe. Stay healthy, my man. I have a touch of the stage 4 brain cancer.
Carson Sullivan
Hey, good shit on that realization tbh. I usually have to tell people. I can feel my dick completely. But I'm not strong enough to grip n rip. So nope. It's absolutely possible to get off, just not on my own. I don't think I even know what I'd jack to. Probably everything. But I can't really nail down a genre for ya
Cameron Mitchell
Yep. The CURE is currently only for people under 3 years old or so, and it holds the record of the most expensive treatment/cure/medicine in the world at $2.13m.
Ah shit man. I really appreciate it. It fucking sucks to hear a pleasant person has a clock. Have you, for lack of a better way, accepted it? Cracking jokes and being as at peace as possible, or is it a relatively fresh thing for ya?
Parker Martinez
Solid. Makes me want to do a hallucinogen again
Xavier Ross
How big is your dick? Could you use an automatic dick sucker?
Nah. Not even strong enough to lift my phone to take a picture for the thread. So I haven't measured, but probably about 4 fully torqued. They said God wouldn't burn a man twice. They fuckin lied
Jacob Fisher
My only acid trip actually simulated the exact same body high sensation as my near death experience. Cold/numb/rubber. Safe to say that trip fucking sucked. Now that I'm prepared, I'd do it again. Shrooms have been nothing less than stellar so far though
Jordan Hill
Do you know the medicine of the toad? some people say it's not really a drug, and that you connect to the world
Not at all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cunt who isn't taking this seriously for others sake, but I don't really fear death. I only fear what it'll do to my folks, sister, and friends. I've been hospitalized, rough estimate, 100 times due to respiratory infections, with each time being a minimum of 4-7 days. Let's say two out of my 24 years. Funny enough, I was just hospitalized with Coronavirus HKU1 about a month ago. It's tinfoil, but I feel like there's a slight chance that I had the real deal. First time I've EVER needed blood pressure medication during a hospital stay, and I'm always on oxy and klonopin. So. My blood pressure was no fucking joke. It hit 192/131,with those other two drugs constantly present. I do have a copy of my diagnostic test from that stay if people want to see
Lucas Flores
shit i feel that way and i dont even have anything, just no friends and no motivation.
she just never wanted to have sex with you, because she wasnt attracted, due to your looks and condition
she just gave you that as a bs/nice reason
you seem like a real chill dude, would shroom with
Brayden Butler
>Superior genes intensifies
Aiden Morgan
Alexander Adams
post pics you goblin
Ryder Young
can you operate a computer normally? like keyboard and mouse, or do you have special equipment? you must be an internet master, what are you favorite shows/movies/websites/games, what are you favorite hobbies?
Eli Nguyen
Every now and then, but I also want the best for whoever the fuck I love, so if that ain't with me, I can live with that
People fucking idolize me just for being alive tbh and it's fucking retarded
Jack Mitchell
I mean. Fair. But she also drove 20 minutes to my place and then 20 several hours later for 3 months straight. Probably could've fingered but I was also a little bit of a pussy
Cameron Jackson
Fucking hell. Yeah, I guess when you've had to deal with an illness such as yours for your entire life, you either have to accept your mortality or go crazy. I'm glad to hear you've made your peace with it.
>a slight chance I had the real deal I'd say it's doubtful. Based on what I've read about this thing, it would be a death sentence for you. But if that is indeed what you had, congratulations on kicking it's ass.
Aaron Morales
I actually dont believe you.
You most definitely have run into girls throughout your life that you fell for hard, and to watch them find some other guy who wasnt you should have made you damn near suicidal at this point.
The "I'm just happy they're happy" is the biggest horshit response anybody can make. Just be honest, it fucking bothers you, we're all selfish to a degree.
Caleb Johnson
>You most definitely have run into girls throughout your life that you fell for hard, and to watch them find some other guy who wasnt you should have made you damn near suicidal at this point. Not everyone is an emo faggot grow up
i would rather be OP than this incel hate all women and the world incel faggotry
every person gets dumped or passed over by someone else, but we move on, you just have it festering like a piece of shit, fuck you i hate you now
Gabriel Morris
I use Unified Remote on my phone to control both. All of the superhero, fantasy, and funny stuff. All of the automatics too like breaking bad. I actually do comedy whenever I can. I have a roast video on YouTube too. It's a little hard to understand me but my opponent was also funny as fuck
yeah she didnt want to fuck you, she was just being nice by saying shed "break you". thanks for the pics tho shes hot as fuck
Connor Hughes
Fake as duck unless you time stamp. Tell me about the fay people
Caleb Bailey
>Septum ring Check >Dark lipstick Check >Groucho eyebrows Check
The only red flag that's missing is the clown hair. That girl is obviously a nightmare, OP.
Jose Smith
I’m dumb, that at first seems really peaceful, but wouldn’t the water attract bugs which would also attack frogs and birds which would attract snakes. So now your perfume garden is a bug and snake pit?
Yeaaaah. She's dating a fucking tool and she's a self proclaimed "makeup caked demon lover"
Definitely dodged a bullet, but I would still love to smash enough to cripple her too
Jeremiah Adams
Who the fuck said I hate all women you stupid faggot? I asked if it hurts knowing every crush he has will never want to be with him.
You are the worst type of whiteknight cuck that lurks these boards. Remember where you are faggot, this isnt reddit.
Nicholas Evans
fish eat the bugs/larvae, also it could be fenced in which would repel most frogs/rodents, depends on what climate as to what attracts, but to answer your question, shut the fuck up it looks comfy stop trying to overthink it
Kevin Ross
I really don't give a shit if you don't believe me man. Of course it bothers me, but it definitely doesn't bother me as much as having someone else be my caretaker in a partnership. Simple as that
Isaiah Diaz
Jonathan Sanchez
Appreciate it! I've actually wondered for fucking years which looks better
Thomas Nguyen
fuck you sperg youre just a piece of shit projecting your insecurites, OP answered your question why would he lie? youre just a fucking incel idiot that had to call him out as a liar and its fucking stupid
this is a real far cry from white knighting when im just calling out your bullshit because i dont want to hear a whiny faggot
also im not a cuck in any way, i am a fat beta though, so youre not even accurate
Daniel Moore
Well now you know lol
Elijah Williams
I literally explained why I can't timestamp in the OP. I'm not asking for money, so I don't really even feel the need to prove it
Ian Rivera
Well. I'm 47 lbs and she's 6'5 so I can't say for sure, but yeah. Definitely possible she just didn't want to
Colton Edwards
yes i agree with above, clean shaved is better for you
also that woman had you in the friend zone very early on, but she might have had some pity, theres a small possibility you would have gotten a handjob if you unlocked the correct sequence, but if she had any real intention of doing you a solid she would have taken the initiative because she would understand your condition too
seriously, get a hooker/escort just to get it done, or the occasional nut, if one of your friends wont help you they arent your friend
Hudson Clark
Fish eat bugs that fall into/lay eggs in/grow in water.