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This cant be fucking real.
Bro, this happened a couple of days ago, get with the times man.
I was about to correct you and say its a joke....but then I google it and THIS is on marvels official page
2 days ago, that's pretty fucking new if you ask me
Some of us still have to work.
This is the gayest shit that's ever happened. RIP marvel.
holy fuck this is cringy
>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.
>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.
not sure why that posted twice, and it's not letting me delete either of them
anyway cont.
>A regular kid scooped up into the world of teenage Super Heroing. Her “magic backpack” is actually a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space, from which she can pull out useful or random objects—it’s not always under her control. She claims to get her power from god, but “not the god you’re thinking of.”
>"She's a group home and foster kid who is volunteering at a senior center when this mysterious threat shows up and Night Thrasher runs to the rescue," the scribe adds. "And because she helps him, she ends up in the crosshairs of this new 'Outlawed' law...
>“Trailblazer wants to help people, but she doesn't think of herself as a Super Hero (yet!),” Kibblesmith concludes. “The Marvel Universe is a reflection of our own, and when a new law gets put into place, it affects people in unforeseen ways.”
Set aside the gayness. I know, it's hard. But setting aside the gayness, the art is just horrible. Even if the story was good (and we all know it isn't), the art would make it unreadable.
It’s like decent deviantart quality but you know Marvel spend big on producing this sack of shit
>A teen “living vampire” exposed to Michael Morbius’s blood as a child in a rogue, but life-saving medical procedure. He still ages like a regular kid, but has all the abilities of Morbius. He’s also obsessed with all the music and attitude of a “classic” long-past decades like the '90s, and the '00s. “The world is a vampire…and so am I.”
"B-Negative is the goth kid. When he was a baby he got a rogue lifesaving blood transfusion, we assume, from Michael Morbius. And now he has a very similar look, and very similar vampire powers,"shares Kibblesmith. “B-Negative ages like a regular person (or does he?) and he definitely drinks blood (or does he?), but designer/artistLuciano Vecchio took brilliant inspiration from the '90s Spider-Man cartoon and gave B-Negative the 'leech suckers'that the animated version of Morbius had on his palms.”
is this an out of season April Fools?
they added fobese dora the explorer to the MCU
Twincest is wincest. You know they're fuckin.
So anyone with a phone is a super hero according to Marvel?
B-negative? what's next D-Ppresed
siblings don't hold each other like that unless they're fucking.
I'll have 10 cokes and 5 big macs please.
>Not the god you're thinking of.
Of course not, my god would never allow this.
Its fucking retarded
She probably just pulls them out of her magic backpack.
Man, I've always been pretty fucking liberal. I don't care what people get up to in their private time, and think folks should treat each other with decency and respect.
This is a fucking joke. It's trying hard to mock the right, probably thinking to "reclaim" the terms safe space and snowflake from those meanie blowhards that insist on calling people names, but god damned what a terrible fucking execution.
The whole thing is just a word salad of topics that were vaguely controversial at colleges in the last decade.
A safe space was supposed to exist for people to vent and discuss life without people jumping their shit. Instead it became a fucking echo chamber of retardation and considering this sentence a form of literal violence.
Snowflake was always a weaksauce insult, usually used by idiots that think any form of human compassion is just people being too stupid not to be narcissistic idiots, used primarily by people that think cutting in a line or running a redlight is the height of wit.
This is the closest thing I've ever seen to conservative satire, and this fucking retard was trying to hype their shit.
What a failure of life. They should make like their team and become an hero for the good of us all.
God Damnit, Marvel. This is why I don’t read your comics anymore.
>"She's a group home and foster kid who is volunteering at a senior center when this mysterious threat shows up and Night Thrasher runs to the rescue,"
Oh no, i never liked much Marvel, didn't gave a fuck when Marvel old pet Lee died, now this, LMFAO!
All of Marvel’s characters are obsessed with memes, TBH. Nu Loki, Squirrel Girl, Gwenpool, Ms. Marvel, Nu Deadpool, ect. All of them spout out memes in their respective comics 24/7. They’re trying so hard to be hip, it’s painful.
Power is collecting welfare checks
this is awesome, term reclamation is great!
Dora the diabetic
Tumblr is that way
He's literally just a Google home puck disguised as Ben 10
I know you're being sarcastic, but they're not reclaiming anything with those ham-fists.
>I will forgive them if they end up fighting ham-planet, almost losing, but then galactus roles through with a loaf of wonderbread
>Troon Titans Go!
this is real?!
>so late? i think it's time to kms!
>Snowflake (No joke)
>Safespace (You can't make this shit up!)
>Dora la Engordadora
>Experimental Internet BRAAAAAAAAPP Kid
>The one nobody gives a shit about
old faggot lee is turning in his grave at 300 rpm
"Are you sure this will appeal to the youth and sell comics?"
I have to agree with Hitler, this looks bad, are you fucking with me you /bastard's/
aren't you guys anti echo chamber
Trump is going to reclaim another term.
The left doubled down on their retardation, instead of trying to be a bit more logical. Of course he's going to win a second term.
fuck outta here faggot
Yas Forums echos anything and everything.
it's got the haters and the shit they hate reverberating for eternity.
90's Spider-man Morbius had vaginas on his palms that sucked plasma from his victims.
Why did the artists give every single one of them fat fucking blow job lips? Nvm I know why
>created by Daniel Kibblesmith, a writer forThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
It all makes sense now.
>Kibblesmith is behindLoki,Black Panther Vs. Deadpool, and the children’s bookSanta’s Husband. He is, by all accounts, an ally and someone who has created really thoughtful LGBTQ content
Its (((them)))
...and the gods cringed
Actually the left is hating on this just as hard as the right, because they're finding it extremely offensive.
The right thinks it's neo liberals being serious, the left thinks it's the alt right mocking them.
In reality it's out if touch boomers.
I'm not really political.
Just seems like they're reinforcing the reasons he won and I can't pass up some wordplay like that.
mmm yes
perfect diversity
three black kids, an asian, and a vampire
all races equally represented
Should have called her Weight Watcher
Yeah its definitely all lolitics and not about money at all man im sure glad i have you social media parroting retards in my life making sure i cant get away from this clickbait esque dinner kroger bullshit
No, sorry. This is leftist shit. They own it. The fact that there is always some holier-than-thou fag who's trying to be even more righteous doesn't make it non-leftist.
what do we call this body type? the grimace?
What the actual fuck
Stan Lee is spinning so hard in his grave that at this point he's become a turbine
>sucked plasma from his victims
Did he just hate pregnant females or something? Plasma donations serve a purpose.
It's Allah and everyone knows it.
the only trail she's blazing is the buffet line. . .
>Strongly agree
> Her “magic backpack” is actually a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite space, from which she can pull out useful or random objects—it’s not always under her control.
The fuck... She is literally Doraemon
Guess the author of that gilded garbage doesn't know what Islam was bases off of and got its object of worship directly from
YES. Grimace is back and worse than ever.
>She can put anything in her backpack.
>except herself
And basic human rights
marvels going to loose money. nobody who reads comics is going to be into this
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda
Me too!
absolute legend
Snowflake is our great leader she will bring the white race to its former glory
I'm gonna smoke you!