Trump now wants to suspend the constitution

Trump now wants to suspend the constitution.

Great president. Really, sure am glad he got elected. We needed a power hungry dictator that actually does all the things people claimed Obama would do.

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What did cheeto do now?

>cry moar
>Lie less
Just stop

If you don't like the source, just Google it. Everywhere is reporting on it.

That's funny, but
Sorry, you're wrong.

I'm ass-blasted about an election that happened in 2016, better go start another thread on Yas Forums for some reason.

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So you're a retard who is ignoring what's being reported on, and was stated by the DOJ.

Stay blind, dipship.

Implying Dems haven't been attempting to suspend the constitution since Woodrow Wilson

Whataboutism. Classic move of a person with no argument, who is being shown just how fucked up the side they supported is.

Alt right Yas Forums voted for him, quit whining.

Whataboutism? have i picked a side? Tell me.. what do you know about me? Who did i vote for? Do you know anything about me?
I don't pick sides, i call bullshit when i see it.
I;m not with either major party, refuse to vote for either Rs or Ds, I just know history and call bullshit out when i see it. It has nothing to do with hackish leftist crying aka "whataboutism:" It has to do with black and white rule of law.

Suspending Habeus Corpus. Awesome.

He's Russian. It's his job to minimize this and make Americans accept it.

No Refunds

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>I;m not with either major party, refuse to vote for either Rs or Ds
then your vote is wasted

Please quote something more... centrist than Politico. They fuck up their headlines as clickbait, but the stories are usually far more mundane.

big ass fucking yawn. Stay in your lane, be white, and ride this shit out, no coppers gon fuck wit u

It's not at all the same thread. This is a new topic. Suspension of the constitution has never been a possibility. Now it is. Trump wants to become dictator.

Actually, It doesn't matter.

Voting is the big lie.
Making citizens believe they have any say when the State moves along unimpeded regardless of what us peons say.

Enjoy your delusion, user.

>sUsPenSiOn oF tEh wHoLe fUcKiNg cOnStItuTiOn
sounds like I'm rounding up some fresh house slaves tonight

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That's odd. Didn't you vote for Trump because he had done a close reading of the Constitution and pledged to.. hahaha, sorry I can't help laughing.

Can't claim you did not see this coming, you voted for it.

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so what are they gonna do like hold it up over water or something idgi

>Voting is the big lie.
What's the other option?

Support Bernie, post pictures online and never actually vote?

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There is no other option, the state is supreme, the bureaucracy reigns, the (lol) 3 branches of government have been obsolete for some time now.

Bureaucracy is unelected and runs the show, elected officials are simply window dressings on the State.

I love Trump, he is making me rich.

Shame the working man that votes for him gets fucked over as always. How about you read a some books, instead of attending some rallies?

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Remember this moment. Remember how you felt and what you said.

My favorite weapon is the look in poor peoples eyes

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your "side" is the one against the "dems" ya ridiculous cunt. by going at any criticism of his orange majesty with a "I'm not arguing the point OP made - but let's dismiss it immediately because, what about them dems?" comment; which is what you DID there, your libertarianism just looks like Trumpism.

but go ahead and amaze the thread with your deep knowledge of how the media has warped everyone else's tiny brains and your superior intellect is not controlled by regular facts.

That they have no control over the people that are fucking over, and don't think they can stop it. I love it!

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Of course he does. He's testing the waters for trying to delay an election were he will get fucking wrecked. The republicans are literal traitors to the constitution at this point. Bloodshed is looking more like the only option left.

There are no sides. Just as long as we are in charge let the idiots bitch about things

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Always exploit a crisis.

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Hah, yeah Mexicans are your problem, no wait it's Chinks, no wait niggers! haha, you idiots, it's so easy

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so you were upset he didn't do anything, and now he's doing everything, you're upset over that?
figues. doesn't matter what he does, your vagina weeps.

fuck off faggot bot shills. If you have to be such intolerable tools can't you at least support something other than your own subjugation?

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I'd complain, but the money I'm making it must be right

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>forced support
sounds like a leftist thing

Hey, OP attacked trump, its only fair to show bullshit on dems side.

I have no love for Trump, didn't vote for him, nor will i in the future.

But hey, if you wanna be butthurt about me calling out "your side" too, it snot really my problem, go cry at someone else if itll mnake you feel better.

I have no horse in the race.

Sorry to disappoint, you are barking up the wrong tree if you want to attempt to rile up a "Trumptard" as your kind so eloquently puts it.

The average America spends 6 hours a day watching TV, and reads 0.7 non fiction books a years.

You get what you deserve, which is getting fucked over

Damn, that was concise.

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The average non american spends 6 hours a day obsessing about america.

You don't want to get fucked?

Fucking work at it. Educate yourself. Don't trust idiots and assholes to lead you!

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This is what you look like right now.

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>spamming Yas Forums with Trump threads since mid 2016
>calling people who are tired of it shills and bots

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reading comprehension approaching 0%

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Nope. Far from the south, in a state far bluer than California and further west

You're an unabashed idiot

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And you don’t have to be republican to know the world obsesses about america

I didn't say anything about where you are. I commented that you look like a fucking moron, because you talk like a fucking moron, because you likely are a fucking moron.

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Guess which Country I'm in

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Nice of you to parody something an Obama staffer said. Funny how no Recucklicans have said anything like that.

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Canada tops the list as the most educated country in the world. According to the OECD over 56 percent of adults in the Great White North have earned some kind of education after high school

Good guess

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That person you posted is a MENSA member

Also we respect our minorities and try to have sex with them.

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you got called out for whataboutism. like as in you LITERALLY responded to a post with

>whatabout dems?

it's not being butthurt to try to clear up what you are somehow STILL confused over. Dismissing what one side does by saying "but whatabout the other side?" is playing the game of false equivalencies. You're taking up a side at that point in the same way as if when people were spreading stories about how the Clintons killed Epstein, some defender had gone on about how DJT had spent just as much, if not MORE time with the guy & WAY more reasons and resources to get the job done... nobody said that because the Clintons definitely didn't kill Epstein (that was Freddy Krueger, same way he did with Tina's BF).

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