Reporter: President Trump, in this difficult time what message of hope can you give to Americans?

Reporter: President Trump, in this difficult time what message of hope can you give to Americans?

Trump: That's a very nasty question

hahahahahah you Amerifags are fucked.

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Yeah we know he's a retard. No need to have a whole thread about it.

Go eat a dick and kys while you're at eurofuck

No Refunds

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You Amerifags will be lining up for weekly distributions of bread, water and 10 sheets of toilet paper in about a month. Get ready

Don't cash in the stimulus check, pussy

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Lol. He had one job. To give people hope and reassurance. That question was an easy setup. How did he manage to fuck it up so badly?

trumps response was still bad but that wasn't the full statement

he started by naming a ton of statistics of people dead infected and so on

Because he's that fucking stupid.


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That isn't what the reporter asked.

>You Amerifags will be lining up for weekly distributions of bread, water and 10 sheets of toilet paper in about a month. Get ready
Replace america with eurofags and also replace 1 month for two weeks for italy and germany

The reporter himself said he lobbed TFM a softball.
Then he lobbed the same softball to St Mike and got the softball answer he originally wanted.
Proud yet, muriKKKa?

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"What do you say to Americans who are scared, though? Nearly 200 dead. 14,000 who are sick. Millions, as you witness, who are scared right now. What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?"

ya i am glad trumps nota a pussy faggot. now kys shitskin.

The president of the United States is functionally retarded. He has no idea how a normal person is supposed to act.

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Believe me!

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You're right he's not a pussy faggot, he's retarded

That isn't what happened at all...

stay out of this, Hannity

Anyone defending Trump on 4chins is either a troll or an absolute retard.

Quads check, don't worry there are a lot of bots in this thread sowing disinformation

Anyone constantly criticizing him is a nigger lovin faggot
what's your point?

Someone explain why his hotels are still open when all are supposed to close.

Why does he want this bailout so bad.

He's not supposed to benefit from his presidency.

Looks like he's gonna.

Oh oh, looks kinda bad.

I rest my case.

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of course you do

Hillary lost faggot, get over it

more like this

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It took Trump four years to convince rednecks and rubes he somehow made America great again.

It took China less than four months to break him.

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Your opinion means nothing here, douchebag.

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Yes. Everyone who recognizes Trump as a fraud and a doofus must be a Hillaryhumper. Your genius is blinding.

> How did he manage to fuck it up so badly?
he's an easily triggered snowflake that throws tantrums when he isn't being praised.


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shut up you faggot hillaryhumper

anyone defending him is a racist. you just proved it.

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They will continue to eat the shit right out of his asshole no matter what happens. Truly pathetic

you just proved you're a racist

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Trump is a retard though.

replace your president, and might see a brighter future.

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>Anyone defending Trump on 4chins is either a troll or an absolute retard.

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yes it is, watch the vid.

>Hillary lost
you're still stuck in 2016

He's fucking retarded, only other retarded people don't know when they see a retard... I mean this board does self identify as autistic, did you think that was a fucking joke?

Lol, he got rich off of daddy’s money and fucking over the type of people who voted for him in the first place.

woah wtf I totally love trump now

Our option is literally an 80 year old with Alzheimer's and dementia
I'll take what we've got

Nobody cares you autistic goober

why do reporters even bother with trump anymore? do they like the fact that he's just going to shit on them the whole time

trump throws tantrums daily. for the world to see as he melts down? and he's your guy?

Bonkers Biden is still a better bet; he's harmless and the technocrats will run the show for him.

>’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you ...

“It first struck me how different it was when I saw my first coronavirus patient go bad. I was like, Holy shit, this is not the flu. Watching this relatively young guy, gasping for air, pink frothy secretions coming out of his tube and out of his mouth. The ventilator should have been doing the work of breathing but he was still gasping for air, moving his mouth, moving his body, struggling. We had to restrain him. With all the coronavirus patients, we’ve had to restrain them. They really hyperventilate, really struggle to breathe. When you’re in that mindstate of struggling to breathe and delirious with fever, you don’t know when someone is trying to help you, so you’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you, but you are drowning."

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I have no idea what this means. I don't use Reddit. But I'm sure it's a deflection from my post. Which is true. So....

>the technocrats will run the show
Imagine thinking this is a good situation

it's literally a false flag
>the virus was patented by Bill Gates' Pirbright Institute in 2015
>Event 201, an exercise funded by the Bill Gates Foundation where members of "several industries, national governments, and key international institutions" (((predicted))) and simulated a coronavirus pandemic in OCTOBER 2019, a month before the chinese wet market down the street from the Bill Gates-funded Wuhan BSL-4 supposedly started the spread
>World Health Organization claimed it was nothing and worried more about racism than actually containing the virus.
>within three days of it going out of china, all wannabe commies start claiming we need martial law immediately, all right-wing leaders preaching calm shouted down in favor of fear and chaos
>reportedly 10 cases for every 1 reported case, meaning the mortality rate is actually something like 0.5 percent at worst
>media incites mass panic, then claims there is no need to panic after spending three weeks telling people they will die if they contract this virus
>overnight, the world's media and governments starts shilling terms like self-isolation, social distancing, flatten the curve, etc.
>governments around the world are passing increasingly authortiarian laws with no end date and infinite resignability, this goes unreported and is cheered on by general public
i hate to be right about this, but we are at the point where any freedoms you might have had left are being taken away from you. all of the great government power-grabs in world history have occurred as a result of phony crises
Essential links:

Not everyone gets off on watching their children struggle financially. That's a liberal shitbag for ya

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Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”

Feb. 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. It’s going to be fine.”

Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Feb. 25: “CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”

Feb. 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”

Feb. 26: “We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Feb. 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Feb. 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”

March 2: “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”

March 4: “If we have thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work – some of them go to work, but they get better.”

March 6: “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”

March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. And the tests are beautiful. They are perfect just like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”

March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on Coronavirus.”

March 9: “The Fake News media & their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power to inflame the Coronavirus situation.”

March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

Ok retard

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Fuckin amen to that. Dude had a chance to hit us with a 'ask not what your country can do for you' type speech, and instead cries like a little baby bitch. Hes such a weak little cunt.

Dubs but you're cringe

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>4 more years

>Posts a meme as a response

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Hurrr durr still yur prethident