H-hey Anonymous! How are you feeling?

H-hey Anonymous! How are you feeling?
Confinement c-can lead to depression, so if you aren't feeling well or j-just want to talk, come on!

I'm here for you Anonymous.
Don't s-suffer in s-silence
Have some Therapy Tea and talk it out instead!

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I'm a drunk drug addict

Hey, Alice. I love you.

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W-well Colbs, this w-was a rough awakening, but I'm g-glad you finally admitted your problem.

What can I d-do to help?

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N-nice to see you

The ever lovely Alice has returned!

is he actually a guy? not that I mind, still would fuck that ass till my dick is raw or even fuck it till my dick's skin fall off.

T-that's me

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Not sure If ur talking to me. But idk probably nothing. second post ever btw

Oh? Are you s-sure? How are you doing tonight then?

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I’m kind of scared to start my new part time job. I’m afraid that I’ll mess something up and let my team down. I don’t want to disappoint anyone

Oh m-my, congratulations on your job!
What is it and w-why are you so afraid? I'm sure your seniors w-will be happy to help you out if it's a good working environment, and if it isn't, all the worse for them.

Everyone makes mistakes, Anonymous

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Just laid off cause of the pandemic and am starting to over think alot of stuff with all this spare time to myself

LARPing faggot

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Drunk and miserable. how the fuck do I reply to a specific post. long time lurker first time poster

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I'm on an image board, n-no such thing as larping here.

Oh d-dear

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It’s just going to be a pizza delivery job, and I’m going to work with the food also. I’m just afraid that with my anxiety that the pressure will get to me and I’ll mess up orders or not be able to catch up.

click the post numbers newfriend

That was one crazy badminton game

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W-what are you doing to treat your anxiety, friend?

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I can't see my girlfriend in person because I'm in quarantine and she lives in another part of town. I miss her so much.

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Oh m-my. That's awful, did you test positive for covid? Are you ok?

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I have a few memories from when I was a kid that are cloudy but mystical, because I was talking asleep watching TV. One was a creepy overview of the outside of a residential cobblestone street on a rainy night, with creepy music playing as they panned toward an open door to house with the light on inside. As you could see in, there was a guy talking to a crowd about porcelain dolls and dollhouses. Then the show was just this well-spoken man explaining these antique dolls. That's the feeling I get going into one of your threads.

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Ok cool thanks. and I really feel stupid letting it all out on this forum but fuck it. I'm just a drunk crack addict and my life is falling apart

Nice tea. Lovely dress btw

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D-don't worry

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Ok cool thanks. and I really feel stupid letting it all out on this forum but fuck it. I'm just a drunk crack addict and my life is falling apar

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I'd walk it all back if I could. Sometimes the dream is better than reality.

Just some pills. Sometimes they work, sometimes the anxiety is too much

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Now this is my kinda thread

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What's g-going on?

What is t-the name of the medication in them?

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Fuck me man I can relate

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I have a sore throat and a slight cough. I feel the a touch of the corona coming on. Oh lord! Please send nudes to hasten my convalescence.

Yas Forums is the creepy street and the thread is the cozy hideaway. Looks like you got some company from outside in this thread tonight

may i ask you one question please


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Fuck off spamfag, only good vibes are allowed to swarm through this thread

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Fuck all of this uncertainty noise, things are going exceptionally well now don't need some depression to fuck it up. There is like a fear in the air you know? A stink that permeates through everything. Even if I lose my job I'll figure out a way to make it work for my family but it would be nice if I could continue to take the path of least resistance you know? Not a tea guy but I'll take a drink of beer and do a cheers to stability

Yas Forums is not what it used to be

tits and time stamp or else gtfo please

if you are sissy we don't care, cause we love it

but tits or gtfo is the baseline.

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S-sorry, don't have any

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A-Alice, how d-do I get b-blood stains out of c-carpet?

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You know who this is and you know what's going on. I'm sorry. That's all I've got.

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You d-don't stutter on vowels dear.

I d-don't, you'll need to be more specific. Is this Fulgrim?

This pandemic has me worried for a friend of mine. They're especially vulnerable to this kind of thing and I can't stop worrying about them because of it. Of course, I don't want them to know how much I worry because I'm sure they have enough concerns without my redundant worries.

I just wish the pandemic was over.

Alice thwead

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How big is your penis?

Well please consider taking some nudes, time is a factor here. C-Cough.

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Crack addict here. Someone talk to me plz

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I'm with you there. T-the sooner the better.

I d-don't have one.


Hello t-there

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Ya. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

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I need your help, please don't abandon me

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Stay safe.

Ca. Not great. I don't even know what to say but I feel like maybe this anonymous human contact is helpful

This is some top drawer shit.
best gore.

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Ca just talk to me plz

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*hugs tightly* T-that's what I'm here for. What's eating at you?

Hello t-there

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How long ago did you get your penis cut off?

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why won't alice help me?
she said she would help me but she never did...

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I-I can stutter o-on a-all the vowels I-I want. O-ok. E-european U-union.

That's not going to happen. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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It j-just looks silly.

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I don't know. I spend all my money on drugs and it's finally getting to where the people around me are sick of it. I know Yas Forums isn't the place to come for sympathy lol but I feel so lost

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*gently runs her fingers through your hair* Got the monkey on your back huh? What's your story, Anonymous?

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Sometimes I fear for my future. I’m afraid that my life will be miserable and that I won’t be able to live comfortably, no significant other, no kids. Just nothing

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H-how is your life going right now?

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We love you Alice

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I love you, Anonymous

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Well with my stepdad leaving and screwing us over financially and college draining funds, plus depression and anxiety, not too well. Not bad but not good either

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Why not zoidberg?

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Whew! T-that does sound awful, I'm sorry you are going through that Anonymous. What is your degree?

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How much did your outfit cost? Did it include the wig?

Idk I've had such an easy life but I just cant make it work. I've got parents that love me and a pretty stable life but o cant stop doing drugs. I try so hard but I cant stop Myself

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Says y-you.

It w-was quite pricey. Probably 200 total?

I m-mean, that's what an addiction is, Anonymous...something you can't let go of, even when you want to.

What have you been trying to stop?

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I wouldn't be surprised if that were actually Alice's victims

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I was drugged and assaulted on new years. It's still haunting me. I just lost my job and my schedule is messed up. scratch that. it's ompletely gone, it's something I rely on for my mental health and now its gone. what are some things i can do to improve my mental health? i should include that i smoke too much weed. I know it's not helping but i feel like i need it. any advice ?

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stop starting shit

Ca. Crack alcohol and heroin. I'm pretty far gone. I need professional help but I feel like I can't ask for it

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Oh d-dear. Did you report it to the police? Oh m-my oh my, are you alright?!

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