Fb thread /b

fb thread /b

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What would you do to this slut

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Abuse that ass until she can't even walk straight anymore

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What else?

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worship her feet

After that I'd make sure to teach her how to deepthroat properly until her makeup starts running down her slutface

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rate? wwyd?

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Get the bitch pregnant

Tell me more about what you would do with her

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this thread has been marked for death

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Kik burnerburnerburner1 for more

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Looks ready for it

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Attached: 06292DD5-F848-49BD-8E83-B57D1A394A83.jpg (1114x1424, 282.95K)

Pretty sexy

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gonna need mor


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please have sauce

Yes please

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Damn nice ass

my thoughts exactly

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Hold that body snug against mine and give her hair a tug. Press her against a wall and tell her to grab something

She really does look ready for it

i want more of her


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Attached: D80932AE-E865-4035-8703-138DE664FB88.jpg (859x760, 122.23K)

How many loads would u bust in her in one night and how long would it take ?

Attached: B.jpg (1488x1636, 1.09M)

Hell yes those thighs got me going

more of those long legs?

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rate? wwyd? my gf

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please more

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Attached: 71B7E560-38B2-4E6A-BBC7-7784BE6C46DF.jpg (704x960, 68.71K)

She needs to get bred. At least 3 loads in her pussy daily.

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mmm more body

Attached: 19059708.jpg (750x749, 55.04K)

Ready for anything

Attached: Screenshot_20200322-023128_Instagram.jpg (1078x1029, 502.16K)

Holy fuck

oh Emily

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I like her. More?

9/10 damn super cutie more

Ugly face

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You like?

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Attached: 85136A24-B51F-4889-9E08-86403CB82189.jpg (1601x2047, 377.52K)

Give it to her like that for a while until I wanna see that cute face, then pick her up in my arms so I can kiss those soft lips while I rock her up and down on my cock.

Attached: 53835424.jpg (960x960, 106.04K)

What do u like about her?

o shit more

This is the closest one I got. All she ever takes pics off are her DSL

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Attached: 369AD494-B31C-491F-9414-398FA6D8D10E.jpg (536x720, 97.88K)

Holy god, more please!

long legs


looks very promising

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Trash ass slag

Fuckin perfect


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Attached: 681ED161-7488-4D65-8821-E255C88C2210.jpg (1080x1350, 417.65K)

That fucking body. Slut's ass is perfect.

Fuck she’s hot

I'd lift her ass and rape her asshole while she faces you with hear teary face begging to help her.

I bet she would enjoy that totally

Attached: 61839382_449591355869562_1087542517372696916_n.jpg (419x750, 118.38K)

Holy damn hard af

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Still a spinner tho

Attached: F0726EF2-8D13-4D42-9CDA-158DBC6723FD.jpg (960x960, 132.43K)

Of course I do. Shes crazy hot

Fuckin moreeee

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fuuck what an ass


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Haha, I'm sure she would. It's my favourite thing to do with girls. She could do with a little face slapping and choking too, but I'd need to lay her down for that

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such a good stroke

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She’s the best

can tell she rides cock like a pro


Grab her by the ponytail and lift p her skirt to reveal her soaking pussy before I fuck her in front of her friends


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more bikini?


Attached: F45E3616-EEE8-4964-A75E-3FDE835D1DD9.jpg (622x1098, 561.2K)


She needs a load on that face badly, honestly.


Could she take a dicking?

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lucky she doesnt like wearing panties

Attached: 20213773t.jpg (1080x1080, 277.12K)

That body is perfect in every way

hnnnng keep going please


maybe you'd be interested to see how it looks like?

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She looks so innocent, i bet she is really dirty-minded... Do you mind tributing her somehow?

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Even hotter than I imagined. Continue please


loves taking it deep

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God damn

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Attached: 61.jpg (498x1350, 129K)

cock is out holy shit

need that ass grind

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Looks nice. I'd go crazy on her asshole and gape it so hard it would never close again.

She is fucking incredible

I would coat that in cum

>Tats, nosering, post pics online
Yeah, user, she definitely has a dirty streak, lol. And I'm afraid I don't have the load she deserves in me to trib her. But fuck, coating her pretty face with a few thick ropes would be a pleasure

More fat dsl

You can really tell from those pics that shes a huge slut, or atleast looks like one

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would love to fuck her tits

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Easy access slut. She needs a fat load across that pretty face. More revealing?

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Would fuck them absolutely senseless, tight bod, cute face, let’s see the ass

Attached: 22580945_121586265199612_895436462864990208_n.jpg (600x600, 37.09K)

more legs and feet??

Attached: Snapchat-1137761159.jpg (1080x1776, 345.23K)

keep posting her she’s fucking tight

please more

she isn't satisfied with just one load on her face

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Literally perfect

Attached: 39318283_450116038831679_8894988346460209152_n.jpg (862x573, 951.6K)

Doesn't have to be the biggest load on earth. Thinking of another user cumming on her is more than enough! She deserves it really hard

Attached: 45662149_359741531466205_2067144557623825478_n.jpg (937x1171, 69.69K)


Oh she’d get more than one out of me alone

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love stroking to this slut

Attached: 29093808.jpg (640x640, 40.72K)

Let’s see some more skin then

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Oh I bet. She’d make for a good party whore how many cocks would she suck if she could


Fuck, more on disc please? She deserves this load

her lips and tits have me unzipping

Best photo you have will get my load.

Trust me user, I'm definitely cumming for her even if I don't tribute her tn

i dont think she gets a choice...there'd be a line out the door to use her

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and what do you think about her front user?

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Can't stop staring at her lips wtf

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Holy fuck user she has me so hard I have a big load for her

fuck, that cleavage

Mmm let’s see some more bikini shots

good lord what a fuck doll

just here

Attached: em (157).jpg (720x960, 60.64K)

Got discord user?

For me this is her best pic. I came countless times to it as well

Attached: 43188213_335824253846315_8229782984945137943_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.71M)

so hard for her

More skin, the world needs it

Id leave her quivering in a pile of cum at the end of the night

Holy fuck user, more please


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Very cute

Keep staring then!

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imagine that tight body drenched in cum

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Such a beauty

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