I hope you have a gun, Yas Forums.
>pic related
That's my Sig P365XL.
Post what you have.
I hope you have a gun, Yas Forums
A penis i'm not self conscious about.
Remington Sp101
I'm assuming you were inspired by John Wick and wanted to weaponize your pencil dick to defend your family and property with?
Rockin an overpriced Colt AR15 (purchased back when you could still get them) dressed up w/ red dot and laser/light.
you're going to be apart of the first wave of makeshift real doll style corpses you wannabe quaker fucking faggot
mirin from canada
watch your cholesterol and stop fucking your sister
So if some one comes to loot your shit are you going to shoot cum at them in self defense Mr. long dong silver?
ill take cover behind your fat ass, it would take them minutes to run past your humungous body
I mean at least you have something. Someone will probably buy that lower off of you for a good buck
But I have guns to shoot with. Also why in your little scenario am I not only fat but am apparently at your house? Do you have gay homosexual fantasies about strangers on Yas Forums.... but only if they are fat?
wife has a glock c9 and I got a Beretta model 70s.couple hundred rounds for each and a single shot 12g. that's it. hope its enough to get to my family to my brothers in the country, hes got our dads guns.
Lol someone doesn't own a gun
>stop fucking your sister
I guess that makes me your uncle, softcock
Well according to the large penised user your wife only has a gun to compensate for her small penis
Ok here, also have a Sig P320 (M17) with disconnector, 1911, Ruger Single Six, AR15, AR10, Ruger RPR, Mossberg 500, Marlin 22lr
One of many
I'm actually a new gun owner just for this reason alone (I've noticed I'm not even close to the only new one) and I honestly didn't have a ton of cash left to drop on a gun and I don't necessarily want to kill anyone I just want them to leave me the fuck alone. So I bought a 320 20 gauge shotgun with two boxes of bird shot (again don't really want to kill anyone if I don't have to). Thoughts?
Bird shot is a no go. Buck shot or slugs. Remember if you have to shoot someone in self defense, you want them dead, not injured.
Get buckshot. Unless your barrel is practically touching, birdshot is ineffective.
If there isn't a threat to your life, don't use a gun. If there is, end the threat, don't just piss them off.
probably the only thing he could get given the current state of things
If you have a nigger busting into your home, its ok to kill him. If you don't, he'll just rob and potentially kill someone else. Do the world a favor, and ice a nigger.
does a BB gun count?
yea bro like your style
Yeah I get that. You can probably find some online still at least. I’m just letting him know so he knows what he’s dealing with.
But I figured bird shot would be fine, since I have a smaller house any shooting that would take place would be pretty close and most people wouldn't get back up to fight after taking one shot in just a few foot distance. Or am I wrong in assuming that? Again I know very little about guns. Just bought this a few days ago
bird bird buck, two chances may even be more then you get, most likely youll be fine but baddies wont return any favors
good taste
Oof the bersa. Better than nothing I suppose.
in all fairness, her penis is quit small. about the size a pea.
You can never assume you’re gonna drop somebody with one or even 2 shots in most situations. Adrenaline does crazy things to the human body and people have been known to take multiple chest shots from AR’s and still be able to shoot while laying on the ground. The likelihood of this happening in your home is debatable, but I’d rather be prepared for the worst than expect things to just fall in my favor. With that being said, I’d try to get the most lethal ammo possible. In this case, buck or slugs.
Shit that thing is nice man. Yeah DD is one of my favorite AR brands. I’m currently in the works of building a MK 18. Kinda sucks the gun industry is so fucked right now which is slowing it down for me.
Imagine having literally zero agency over your own fate and then making yourself feel better by cracking a dick joke. They hate us cause they ain’t us
That muzzle device pinned and welded? Don't look 16" to me and nobody in Thier right mind would sbr a Palmetto state lower
come at bro
Fuck the ATF
I suppose so, if I go get some buckshot tomorrow how much do you think I should get user?
Maybe 15 rounds if you're tight on cash. As much as you can
just did a quick search on academy, lucky gunner and ammunition depot and didnt find buck or 9mm. not to say EVERYTHING is cleaned out but yea user, soon as you can get buckshot.
With the current situation, as much as you can afford realistically. You can never have too much, and since this is your only gun you might as well have a lot. But honestly if you don’t plan on going and target shooting, maybe 50-100 rounds minimum. But again, get what you can afford. If they’re sold out, try looking online. I’d imagine you’d be able to find something online somewhere.
I mean, if it's a .50cal airgun, then yeah
gun.deals is also sold out on ammo.
if you didn't prepare your shit outta luck.
god speed
get some buckshot.
>I’m currently in the works of building a MK 18.
>Kinda sucks the gun industry is so fucked right now which is slowing it down for me.
Yeah it sucks. I'm trying to finish another AR and buy odds and ends, but nothing is shipping for forever because of the panic buyers. Oh well, least I'm stocked up on ammo already.
Ready for anything...
how do you like that double stack sight swag? seems like a lot to me.
to each their own.
True that. I bought a couple thousand rounds right before shit hit the fan. Sucks for everyone who waited
to OPs defense PSA puts out some good shit honestly. The main reason its so cheap it does everything in house and cuts the middle man out
PSA really only makes crap AK’s, and I think their newest AK is actually pretty good from what I’ve heard. Not everyone can afford to buy LMT and KAC and shit. PSA isn’t bad.
that sling on both sides bothers me
Beautiful. I’ve always loved the way a good DD looks and feels.
You guys are absolute fools to post what you have on the internet, especially on Yas Forums.
Just bought a 365 on Friday actually. I LOVE it so far. Easy daily carry.
I like it a lot. I think it really varies person by person though. It just will be too high for some people and be uncomfortable. For me, no issues. Chin weld doesn't bother me, especially with the sopmod stock.
A sling on the same side is slower, snags armor, etc.
Their ARs do have QC issues too. You get what you pay for. The jump up in quality to BCM or Aero is noticeable. You don't have to go all out and buy top-tier, but it's worth it to buy better than bare minimum quality gear.
DD and BCM are the only rifles I will stake my life on.
If I'm just at the range practicing or instructing, POF are some of my favorites.
Obviously yes. I only buy top tier stuff, but for some they may lack the knowledge or financial status to get that. All I’m saying is PSA isn’t as bad as people say.
meh maybe.
its prob the same snag honestly
You need to try KAC
Don't get me wrong id love to have a DD or BCM but unfortunately my budget realistically only allows for this for now.
I only ran 15k+ rounds last year through that particular rifle. Another 15k+ on my department rifles last year. Most of which was done with a plate carrier. Constant use of a shot timer to track progression. A sample size of hundred of officers I instruct and track.
I'm sure you're right though.
Have fun reloading, assholes!
Solid post
oh look, ms13 is here
I can reload faster than you can waddle over here, dork.
have fun getting shot 200+ yards away.
I resent that, sir. I’m just an outdoorsman.
It won't take all 30 rounds to drop you, Jose
Y’all say that, but how many times have you been stalked with a machete in the gun range? I guess some day we’ll see.
I've heard they're good too. I've found my defense solution though. When POF can get their quality control in line, I'll carry one of those. Until then, its DD for work, and DD for home.
this guy counts rounds shot.
>I guess some day we’ll see.
Don't think so champ
>how many times have you been stalked with a machete in the gun range?
How many times have you tried to bring a knife to a gunfight?