COVID-19 brings out the true side of Democrats...

COVID-19 brings out the true side of Democrats. They have been politicizing this virus while Republicans have been trying to help people.

>Prove me wrong fuckers.

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Where is Joe Biden?

Isn't this his time to shine?

Utter failure.

>Republicans have been trying to help people

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>Prove me wrong fuckers.
Trump was calling it a hoax before they were. Done and done, please leave the website.

Dems have been issuing warnings

Republicans are sitting on their fucking hands

>Trump was calling it a hoax
No, he was calling the media/Democrat faux outrage a hoax
But your faggoty ass already knows that

>calling it Chinese virus is racist
>issuing warnings

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Are you fucking retarded?

dem-tards are failures in life and if it was up to them we'd all have muslims fucking us in the ass and being ruled by niggers. traitors to the american ppl

well, it's obvious you are

Don't be willfully retarded
>They tried anything. ... And this is their new hoax
There are literally people who think there isn't a virus at all because of that. Kill yourself.

I am a MENSA member and I have a Ph.d in chemical engineering from MIT and a Nobel Prize in physics.

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Republicans can been helping themselves to a nice big helping of greed.

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You're right but your not going to sell it to this fucked up crowd.

>its contained
>it wont be an issue
>it was a hoax
>mr president they were right its becoming an issue
>its bad
>doing everything we can
>i never underplayed it al all

i mean i havnt beleived a word out of trumps mouth for years. hes eather a pathological liar, extremely over confident or just plain incompetent

id probably trust the local homeless mans word more.

>Republicans have been trying to help people.
My sheep are so gullible.

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Ha! You may have thought your meme would be a decisively powerful informational weapon, but I have captured and reverse engineered it against you! Verily, I have trounced thee for good! What are you going to do now? Quit this place you ruffian, turn thee and crawl back mournfully to the dark festering hole from which you came!

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niggers are american people you fucking retard. if niggers are african, you fucks are european

You've got to admit I at least have better verbal skills than you.

i don't even care about convincing conservatives anymore

you people are beyond saving

i hope this virus kills off the vast majority of boomers, you people are a burden

Boris Burr and Moscow Mitch, those sneaky democrats!

>verbal skills
We can't hear you talking to yourself. What you are doing is called writing.

Good engineering. Deft, one might say.

I'm better at that too, Captain Pedantically Literal.

Nice larp faggot

Cringe and cuckpilled

I have no doubt that you are a better writer than all of us here. Sitting around dressed up as a gay Shakespeare with a quill pen lodged up your pooper is known to grant extraordinary literary talent.

>Prove me wrong fuckers.

Can't. Why have democrats made gun grabbing a priority during this crisis. Oh yeah, because they think no one is paying attention.

tired old boomer scare mongering bullshit

What a great insult, did you learn that in your community college theater class?

>republicans aka hoaxvirus aka dindu nuffin aka nasty question aka getting the pandemic blown out of their hands
>tryin to help
o i am laffin

your mom

Trump started the stimulus check idea for every citizen and Dems are going above and beyond to block it. They are even blocking Tulsi's proposal.

Now Dems are coming up with their own stimulus ideas? Really?

Leave it to Dems to politicize crisis.

it's literally a false flag
>no visual proof of its existence
>no pictures of an actual coronavirus testing kit ANYWHERE on the internet
>the virus was literally patented by bill gates' Pirbright Institute in 2015, not to mention event 201, an event funded by the bill gates foundation where members of "several industries, national governments, and key international institutions" (((predicted))) and played a game concerning a coronavirus pandemic in OCTOBER 2019, a month before the chinese wet market down the street from the bill gates-funded wuhan BSL-4 supposedly started the spread
>World Health Organization claimed it was nothing and worried more about racism than actually containing the virus.
>literally leeched upon by all wannabe commie leaders as the reason to install martial law within three days of its alleged spread outside of china, all right-wing leaders preaching calm shouted down in favor of fear and chaos
>reportedly 10 cases for every 1 reported case, meaning the mortality rate is actually something like 0.5 percent at worst
>media riles the public up into panic, before saying not to panic, knowing full well that they are creating a dangerous situation for the average joe
>literally overnight, the world's media and governments starts shilling terms like self-isolation, social distancing, flatten the curve, etc.
>under the cover from all of this, governments around the world passing increasingly authortiarian laws, not covered by media due to the supposed outbreak
i hate to be right about this, but we are at the critical point where any freedoms you might have had left are being taken away from you. all of the great government power-grabs in world history have occurred as a result of phony crises
Essential links:

I'm with this libertarian buddy.

Wait till they shut down voting and current administration declare extension of power until "crisis" over.


But i lost

Google it faggot

sucks that the post you agreed with was removed due to being a bot.

keep up the stupidity mate

yeah, yeah
Bush was going to do that too
and Obama

This is different than Bush era. This is global scale.

It is a fucking Chinese virus.

How many God damned times does this shit have to come out of China before we start sending them the bill?

Sars, Swine flu, bird flu, now this shit?

China needs to be broken up, and auctioned off to pay for all the economic damage and destruction of life they've caused.

Prove it faggot

How fucking retarded are you, captain Cheeto has been denying this until it's become too big, please choke on your own phlegm

>while Republicans have been trying to help
You morons just decided yesterday that this thing was serious. You're too late.

>Help People

BWAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA Imagine being this much of a giant fucking retard.

Eating the gun when you don't even realize it huh

Wait a minute. When did Dems say they want to close borders and start quarantining people again? Oh wait! They didn't. They blame the president for being late without themselves taking action. Probably busy selling stocks and not telling people.

What part was them trying to help people again? The part where they found out about it and sold all their stocks, or the part where Fox news told everyone it was a hoax and not to worry about it?

Hey guys, European here. I'm locked down. It was too late.

All I can say is this: you were warned, and you didn't listen.

The one silver lining out of all of this is that as it wipes out the older generation, there will be hardly any republicans left to vote for another 4 years of the utter catastrophe you have as a President.

Dems and media expect administration to act like they are freaking out.

Every leader will tell their people to calm down and it'll pass. Media is instigating this because they make $$$

We acted before you guys. Europeans have no say in this matter at all.

or too busy clutching their pearls and saying the President is racist

Joe Biden is in hiding because he is a coward and a failure. Donald Trump is shamelessly broadcasting his incometence to the entire world.
Whichever way it goes America will have another disastrous presidency and lose whatever scraps of dignity and respect it still has on the world stage.

No, they expect leaders to acknowledge the problem, and say they have control of it. Trump said it would be down to 4 or 5 people in a week. He pretended it didn't exist. And you don't fucking tell people to wait for a virus to pass. That's exactly the wrong thing to say. No amount of spin can fix the first two weeks of Trumps failure with this.

It's just the tip, just relax

acted? Are you an idiot? New york was only locked down THIS WEEK and that was on the state level. Trump needs decisive action to shut down the country NOW. The CDC pleasantly advising people not to gather in groups larger than 50 people is not enough.

This is far too little, too late.

This is bait

Whoa ho ho. When your grandparents or parents tell you everything will be fine, make sure you blame them when things don't get better.

Why would you shut down the country? Places like Montana and West Virginia are not impacted. They are letting the governors handle their own state. Which is a right move.

Stop comparing to Italy which is half the size of Arizona.

>Probably busy selling stocks and not telling people
3 out of 4 of those assholes had an R by their names btw. Not defending the one D - they should all be ashamed of themselves and be imprisoned - but you are cherry picking to fit your agenda and it's not a good look.

My grandparents told me I needed to work if I wanted things to be better. They didn't tell me to just sit on my ass and keep business as usual. Sorry your grandparents were shitty, but it doesn't surprise me. Gonna blame the dems and media for that, too? Don't ever take personal responsibility though, god forbid.

Aren't we all doing that? Even the media and both sides? This is how things are now.

>prove me wrong
You're literally politicizing it yourself.
Trump is adopting democratic socialism to try and keep the economy as minimally fucked as possible. Something Sanders has been trying to do, but "lol fucking BERNIE-CUCKS" don't know what they're talking about.
Biden is retarded
Trump is retarded
Bernie wants to actually save EVERYONE.That includes dipshits

I have a blackbelt in every martial art on Earth and 4 from other planets. Doesn't mean anything because it has as much truth to it as the stupid shit you're claiming.

Bernie's ideas from 1920s during his teenage years? Fuck off with those. He doesn't even know how to use cell phone.

If you want Democratic socialism, pick someone like Yang. His ideas Target this exact scenario.

provide proof of your stupid claim or shut the fuck up.

>Places like Montana and West Virginia are not impacted

This is not true. There are positive cases. The virus is there. It is spreading.

China nailed this in Wuhan because they have absolute control over their citizens and basically just imprisoned them all until the virus burned itself out. That can never happen in the west so it can not be contained.

Sucks to be poor eh?

YANG isn't even in the running anymore because the Mainstream DNC is going full-retard again this term and devouring itself.

You believe in Chinese? They started this shit. You still believe them saying they got it under control? Have you heard of fool me twice, shame on me?

I'm not so I wouldn't know. But I imagine it's even worst to be a spineless yes man for the worst president in history.

Yang was forced out collectively by media and Dems including and especially by Sanders. Why? Because his ideas are too extreme??? Need mean tested? What the actual fuck.

Stupid questions get stupid answers.