Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?
Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?
That girl may be mexican-american, but she is also black.
She is not black at all, she just copies black people
black is a skin tone, she is light skinned but she is black . black is not a nationality.
She is not of black ancetry at all.
yes she is spanish people who are dark skinned have north african ancestry, also natives of mexico like the olmec ancestors were broad nosed dark skinned peoples they probably were blacker than wesley snipes.
because it scares white colonizers OP
i might have exaggerated the darkness of the olmecs, but my point is that black ancestry isn't synonymous with african ancestry. Black is a skin tone, some indians like from india and also some middle eastern people or even cambodian people look black/are black skin tone like very dark and they are all asian. Your anthropological outlook on race and humanity has holes that need to be fucked. Why do northern european americans all act like degenerate hillbillys?
She's not black in any sense of the word, stop grasping for straws
Are Japanese people white?
What you can't see in this pic is that her left shoulder has a tattoo that says "Chicken".
No. They're not even pale, they get 10 seconds of sun and become Mexican color
But if they were as pale, would they be white?
No. "White" means Euro descent, "black" means Subsaharan African descent
I'm not grasping for straws. I am exposing holes in the idea of white and black people all together. There are no black people or white people. And yes there are asians who have the same complexion as european people. There is good evidence that olmecs were dark skinned like darker than modern mexicans, and that is why modern mexicans are darker than most spanish people from spain. But regardless, it is a fact that spanish have north african ancestry (peoples who you would say are black) and mexicans have spanish ancestry so therefore, you are wrong by saying she has no "black ancestry"; no straws needed.
so what color are the rest of africans or the arabian peoples? Why are those people you mentioned white and black but the rest of the world is categorized by their nationality? There are Asians who are lighter skin tone than Italians, I would say they are whiter.
White, Black, Yellow, Red, Brown are just short versions of saying the racial terms. An Indian person can never be black, and an Asian person can never be white regardless of how pale their skin is.
Most every american under 30 acts black, what the fuck are you smoking?
so arabians are brown and so are mexicans? they are a different race. Mexicans have african ancestry through Spain and Arabians native to Asia, like Sumerian ancestry.
You must be autistic
The indigenous Mexican people look nothing like black people
Also half of Russia is in Asia, and their are some white monoloids up there.
We are talking about the olmecs who weren't thought to have existed until the 19th century. But regardless, here is a pic of a girl who is indigenous mexican and she looks pretty damn "black" to me.
Most of the people living in Siberia descend from Western Russia
Yes, but that is also why we have other terms when we need to be more specific, such as Semetic, Berbers, etc.
This Cherokee woman also looks like an african american woman.
But they are Asian, so.... Asians can be white.
She is probably mixed. Mexico has little pockets of "Zambos", aka black/indigenous mixes
Nobody calls then Asian...
You people are the one grasping for straws.
Look here, there's only two races man: Normal people who went over all the race issues a long time ago and you fucking american rednecks who need to think others are worse than you to feel like you amount to something
When did this trend start? Even the Cholas in the 90s didn't act like that.
I'm not the racist redneck here, I am the one putting holes in the fact that black and white are bullshit terms and if we are going to use them then they are terms for skin tone not for ancestry/nationality, therefore a pale ass chinese person can be whiter than a tanned ass english person. I am on your side of the race bullshit and also I am not american I am canadian. Peace and Love user.
Act like what?
Act black
As in, copy the way black people talk and dress
And how is that?
The way you think is black talk, is very similar to how cajun people talk. Watch swamp people and tell me Troy don't sound like someone from Compton.
Ah sorry to be honest I kind of skimmed over the whole thread and replied to you because your post was longer
Do you even live in the US? Black people have their own way of dressing and speaking
Have you ever considered not being a complete douche bag?
am i the only one who thinks mac 10's are kind of pointless because of how fast you run out of ammo?
or is this why they make drum magazines for them
Most American girls under 30 act black.
I just wanted you to explain how it is that black people talk and dress? I wanted you to explain it because you seem to have a passionate opinion on the subject.
How am I being a douchebag?
or is this why people shoot mac 10's or mac 11's in semi auto? i like how compact they are compared to something big and bulky like an ar 15
Ebonics/black slang, and black fashion
Not white or Asian girls
Well you seem to be hateful of the fact that Latin people and Black people dress and talk similarly and that it used to never be like that. I think you're being racist and it is despicable; in other words your opinion is a bunch of douche baggery. And then the fact that if I don't live in the US then I must be ignorant to the fact that Black people dress and talk a certain way and it is only them that talk and dress that way, but that would mean that is only black people in america who act like that and only they are allowed to. You aren't being a douche bag you just are a douche bag.
>I don't live in the US
Then how would understand the nuances of this topic? Are you really opining from Lithuania or somewhere like that?
Which has influences in other culture. Like I said listen to a Cajun person talk and you will see alot of similarities to ebonics. Also Adidas was made by a Nazi and Gucci was made by an Italian. Cultural exclusivity is bullshit and appropriation is a bullshit concept. Every culture has appropriated what is now seen as exclusive to their culture or subculture. Culture is your enemy not the people in the culture or the things of the culture, but the concept of culture itself is malignant and is what causes the deplorable nature that is exemplified in this thread.
>of this topic
>because mexican and black people can only be in america
stupid fuck,op has proven he's racist just by implying a certain way mexican american girls act
however,call me racist if you want.but hispanics act like niggers and smell like they just showered with a case of corona
Most lower-class shits acts black nowadays.
can an american even point out lithuania on a map? i doubt it
i cant wait until coronavirus is over and your president throws a fit in the white house about his shit country being the worst at handling the virus
Also even if I wasn't from the US, black people live everywhere. I understand the nuances of your racist tone and I believe that acting black is a fallacy. I understand your ideas about culture, I just simply wanted an explanation of how it is that people who are black talk and act; I wasn't given one, instead I was met with "aRe yoU NoT eVen 'MErican?".
Maybe acting "lower class" is what you think "acting black" is.
stale boomer copypasta
black people arent even from the us
they are from africa,why do trump supporters think the us is the only country in the world?
It's supposed to be America centric, you tard
That's why OP said "Mexican-American" girls
Irrelevant you boomer, that culture is dead aside from the food