a/fur thread.
the "a" stands for "another"
A/fur thread
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how about we post more assplay, f on m preferred
hey, user, I accidentaly this thread.
we've all fucked off to currently
if you wanna keep it open for the next round, feel free to bump ofc, there's no way me stopping you
bump for later
The threads never end! Woo! I don’t think I can quote you user but I think I know what you mean though.
Delicious fuckable butts~
Just keep posting. All these pics get me going. 10/10 guys
I do hope it works out for you, user.
people need to get laid properly. I'm with barney stinson on the whole "all conflicts are born out of sexual frustration" theory
>to each their own
more traps
you post em
I don't have any porn saved because I tried to clean up my act
Thanks, I hope so too. I'm a very non forceful person, like I'm super sweet and patient but holy shit I have to hold back so much when I try topping my bf. I go super slow and only get half of it in before he says it's too deep and hurts. I use tons of lube, like to eat ass when he let's me etc. Its hard to figure out why he doesnt wanna ever practice despite occasionally saying he does >w>
Somehow he comes to the opinion that "sex is overrated" when it's the idea of him bottoming. He doesnt even play with my weiner in general anymore ;×; its not fair. I'm a nympho and I have needs!
Cleanliness is important. Stay hygienic while you relax and enjoy furry porn uwu7
well that turned out a dumb idea, didn't it?
anyways, I dont have any twinks/traps/whatyacallit
look,I'm in no place to give a total stranger gay relationship advice, but if it was any of my friends telling me they don't get laid in their relationship... well, for me it is and always was an important part of one. not the most essential, but non-negotiably it has and always had to be part of it all.
Communication is important. Does your bf know you want him to put in more effort? You should tell him what you need for the sake of your relationship.
Yeah its important for me too. That's why its so hard for me to talk about it with him when he outwardly responds with disinterest.
He definitely knows. He just gives an excuse every time it comes up and afterwards nothing is really different :/
Its weird because we are kinda codependent on each other for emotional support/stability, and yet when it comes to our sexual connection it's entirely unbalanced and kinda wack.
Not really. I stopped fapping and I've never felt better. I only do it every now and then to get rid of the tension
Hes a femboy, too. I mean he has natural very-feminine curves and an ass that, well, made me want to date him initially uwu'
We became/are best friends but when it comes to sex he just doesn't wanna bottom for me in any capacity anymore x_x idfk. I hope it's just a really long, annoying phase that will soon pass, as my Nova with a cumtube attachment comes this Tuesday úwù I hope he uses it for training godammit. I'm gonna use it too regardless because buttstuff is awesome.
Anonymously venting while sharing porn with no expectations is therapeutic in a way
>I stopped fapping and I've never felt better
so you're one of *them* people...
>I hope it's just a really long, annoying phase that will soon pass
I do too, user, for your sake, but do me a favor, will ya. if it turns out it isn't, it'll be better to break things off than stay in a maddeningly frustrating situation for an indefinite amount of time
Over 120 pictures from these threads saved. Thanks, but I just can't hold anymore.
>Hes a femboy, too. I mean he has natural very-feminine curves and an ass that, well, made me want to date him initially uwu'
Dang how do you even meet femboys? All of the ones I've met have either lived very far away or have been clinically insane.
I have a headache :(
milk that cock dry, user
Milking my cock with your mouth and boipussy might make your headache go away. >:3
Reasonable advice. I'm just gonna buy more bad dragon toys and fuck them until my BF hopefully comes around. I dont have any other friends atm, and because of my anxiety disorder I dont meet new people or go anywhere irl ;-;
Move on is my advice but you do you. Maybe toxic relationships are you jazz. I’m not gonna judge.
Telegram my good sir. Thousands of thirsty fembois and every other type of gayboi you can think of, who like furry porn. The public NSFW chatrooms are where you can find em. I met my bf in a local (ro my area) chatroom there
I'll probably just bust one nut, immediately regret my life choices and then delete everything.
Good luck finding me Ex dee
as cheesy as it sounds, but people are actually able to stay friend after breaking up.
now now user, you don't know him either. maybe they work really well in other ways, just not in the bedroom
You are the second person to mention this telegram thing. Okay so here me out. I like furry porn but idk if I would even want to fuck a guy, would you suggest I get this telegram app? Would they welcome me? I don’t wanna intrude nor be bullied by a bunch of effeminate homos either. (That was a joke please no triggered furs)
I’ll assume you don’t live in the south USA right?
I haven't really used Telegram before, I wonder if there's a chatroom for my local area. Would come in a few weeks when I'll have be all alone in the house,
I feel better than I ever have. Chronic fapping causes a lot of problems. After about a month my balls hurt so I blow my load to some really far out stuff that reminds me to stop doing it.
I don't talk shit to people on their kinks and porn interests, don't take this the wrong way. I'm here too lol
come in handy, I mean. God I'm getting tired.
Maybe I do :3
Don’t do that...Don’t give me hope.
It's just the only relationship I have with anyone, outside of my dysfunctional parents. I wish I had other options but realistically I am stuck with what I've got. I have to try and make the best of it. He wouldn't object to me meeting a fuckfriend though, so theres that. I'm just too shy to meet people irl. Anyway I mean our relationship is fine outside of sex. I just need more than what it is right now.
Well depends. Are you cute? haha
and to expand on the staying friends thing, it's no good if it's just the two of you cooped up at home all the time. belive you me, I know. you start getting angry at the smallest things. both of you need a live outside of the other - and I don't mean separation, but generally something going on without the other having to be involved. fuck it, going to the gym is enough. but having your partner in literally every part of your day is maddening over time.
Okay so this makes more sense now. Sex is important. If sex is lacking then relationships get rocky. Doesn’t matter if you are man woman straight gay etc. this is fact. I’m just giving you my advice. Ultimately I am not you and you know what’s best for you. :)
a life
Girls tell me I’m cute. I’m not a subbu fem boy. I’m just a guy who likes furry porn and never did stuff with a guy. Honestly I’d be a lot of work. I’d be embarrassed and junk.
We broke up once and then became friends again, then he asked me out again. Life might just be too hectic for him to get into bottoming for me yet. We're best friends as well as trying to be sexual partners, and hes got a lot on his plate to deal with in terms of moving out from his parents, so I've gotta be patient with him i guess T^T
I just want to nut inside of someone so bad. Life is unfair
well, maybe the wait will be worth it.
Well we can talk if you want.
Doubt it will lead to much though.