Why are we trying to stop a virus that's killing all the useless fucks in our society...

Why are we trying to stop a virus that's killing all the useless fucks in our society? Let natural selection run it's course.

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You mean old people ???

You're right. Let all the retarded Republican Heroes die. Then we can get things done.

Your Dem Heroes are older.
Biden 77 & Bernie 78.

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Birds become carriers.
Everyone panic buys rat poison and bird feeders.
Several hoarders get poisoned from tying their crates to the car top too tight.
Deaths reported as corona related.

Old men are the only fucks who vote conservative, i wanna keep them around awhile longer

>Birds become carriers.

>exterminate birds
>Great Leap 2.0

There are tons of young / black / gay conservatives now. That's what you get when you make Liberalism mainstream. People flock to the counter-culture. It's a shame that you think conservatives are all old white men tho.

They're trying to stop it, thing is it can't be stop. Meanwhile, Corona-Chan is mutating quickly while medical tests & supplies are limited or not available.

Pick one

Because it would fuck over the entire country, it's not just some people dying you short sighted fuck,


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What I find funny is people have been on here, quiet this week I wonder why, declaring nothing to be worried about it's just the flu etc.

Yet they hide in their houses, panic buy and try to act tough like everything is calm, but outside of Yas Forums they are shitting themselves scared to go anywhere.

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Because it is just the flu for most people, but it can and will have a signficant impact if it spreads, nothing to do with being scared or being in a panic, its called not being a fucking retard and seeing the bigger picture and long term effects on society.. and realizing that staying home is the right thing to do.

Natural selection is a bunch of made up bullshit.

Reply to this or you will forever experience viral bird shit. No immunities, and lysol wont treat stains after it dries

I have a little cough since yesterday

am i gonna die??

If it kills you I will be happy.

But why stay at home if it is just the flu? Not like you all stayed at home for years when the flu is always about right?

Notice what you said makes no sense now.

hey looks it's the Yas Forums psychologist


You're going before any of us

The fuck did I just say.. because of the long term effect on society. The virus doesn't have to be deadly to cripple a nation.. it's going to overload the healthcare system, destroy the economy, make people lose their job, people kicked out of their house yada yada, that's aside from the impact of 10 million people dying.

That's why you stay at home.

>gets upset from the truth

It's going to happen no matter what. Its alittle to late to stop it.

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Again I point out that people claimed it was "just the flu" but yet don't act like it is "just the flu".

Because it's ANOTHER flu, on top of the regular flu which already kills hundreds of thousands a year.

It has nothing to do with what it is, it has everything to do what effect it has.

It isn't, the normal coronavirus is a common cold not the flu, and this is not a normal coronavirus.

So get rekt.

Again I will point out, people were acting it was nothing, but scared to go out. Which is the point you keep missing.

You're a fucking moron, people aren't scared of the virus, people are scared of the effect the virus will have when it spreads because of morons like you.

Nice try 1% but we got social security on our social democrática country... Nice form to kill all those normal ppl on ur 3rd World health sistem

Stop crying and getting salty about a conversation.

You got what I said wrong, you don't understand the virus and you are completely cut off from reality on what is going on.

You are the classic case open mouth think 1 year later about it. Enjoy your basement bubble.

Yeah, just stay inside you fucktard.

Straight out of freshman gov/econ, huh?

In the UK the government will pay 80% of peoples wages during the pandemic.

In the US people get $1k. WOW

Don't have to, I am careful and can go places. I am not scared like yourself.

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>my job is considered an "essential service" according to the CDC
>I will not be out of a job even if everything closes down
>I'm in my mid 20s so the chances of it doing anything to me is pretty damn low
Honestly, as far as I'm concerned you should be joining the Cornavirus Liberation Force and spreading it to as many people as humanly possible. If 10+ million people die that means more jobs for the rest of us when everything gets back to normal, less retirement shit we have to pay for as taxpayers, and a much younger electorate. I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this.

Oh yeah, enjoy your springbreak.

Now you are assuming people's ages, I am 47, and will be enjoying time from work having my wages paid mostly by my Government so I don't lose my job, and being able to confidently go shopping and enjoy outside by being safe and cautious and keeping hygiene levels up.

Not my fault you are from a nation of 80% overweight people, 42.4% being Obese.

Enjoy that luxury $1k KEK

For real, there is zero reason for this many people to be alive rn. Can we just air spray africa and the middle east while we're at it, and the rest of China as well. I'd say India, but apparently all their Reese's feces fingers style of life has made them immune to everything

>India superpower by 2020
Holy FuCk, is this what they meant

Good idea.
Chances are you have an undiagnosed weakness and die from Covid-19.

>I enjoy being overly safe and cautious
Your government has zero need to life these totalotarian measures huh. They'll probably enact more because you won't ever squeal as long as you're safe

Don't lay out all your cards out like you have. Save some to extend the conversation. Makes the larp more fun.

No because we aren't paranoid and actually read up on shit to understand things.

Not like screeching boifats who assume shit all the time.

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But all that is already happening despite roughly 100 deaths nationwide. We don't need deaths, we're doing it to ourselves just fine. Economies get rekt when people don't go out and don't buy.

I don't understand

>"No, my government will lift these measures because we read things"
Or..? Please rephrase

All da kiddies smokin an vapin dun kno thatz enuf to get KOVED19 ta killz yah

Who considers biden their hero?

>getting rid of the old who contribute nothing and eat up all the services and tax money
>also here's some time off work

I'm okay with this.

only when treated.
when it snowballs, we're doomed
they're trying to stagger it actually, see above

To be honest, i think humans live far too long. When I am baked, and i often am after work (im baked now), I often realise like life's really more about the short term than the long term to live how you want.

Humans are so selfish dude, including me. I am like 23 years old and like I am perfectly healthy but I know one day I will be old losing my fitness and health and life will just get shitter. Theres the health and existence anxiety I get cause i know deaths coming and it sort of makes life really crap, on top of that you got to do loads of shit you dont wanna do like exercise, not getting baked and eating boring tasteless crap forever i just cant do it id rather chill too stressful oh and keeping yourself fit so the bitches actually want to fuck you.

I honestly think 30 years is definitely a good age to live to. You got 3 stages of your life then dude, child, teen and adult many don't even get that priveledge and we're all competing for who can live the longest even if it makes them miserable doing it.

We definitely need coronavirus to wipe out alot of our population, even if im included because we are a form of cancer even to each other. I mean, Yas Forums is the worst place for saying it but fuck we don't love each other anymore. You look different and shit and people make you want to kill yourself it shouldn't be like that. We all need to change, and i don't have the energy to care.

God damnit CoronaChan!

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It is just a flu.
People belive its more because they want to belive it.
They do this because they are bored.
Bored of post modern lukewarm history.
Now they can pretend that something of significance is happening in the world.

You kids do the same here.
You are excited that the boring comfy 21st century lifestyle is shaking up a bit.
Finally you can pretend that you worth something.
Finally you can act like the protagonist of your life.

Until it goes away like every other flu and boring comfy empty life returns where the biggest happening is Trump posting covfefe on his twitter.


He's da Easter bunny?

It permanently fucks up lung capacity by 20-30% in everyone and can cause sterility in young people. But please go get it for yourself

That's why its important to seek lasting happiness instead of momentary. I don't care if you don't mind dying when you're 30, I'm 30 and I don't want to. Also you have problems if the only things you enjoy are unhealthy food, getting stoned, and sex, and everything else is just a chore. Its possible to have a healthy lifestyle and enjoy it too, not to mention be part of a community. Also you can be healthy your whole life if you take really good care of your body, something most people aren't prepared to do.

I wonder how you'll feel about this when you're old you hypocrite. Young people are niave and a healthy goal is to work towards a good life which usually requires sacrificing your youth unless you're some priviledged fuck.

So when do you think youll die user?

>I wonder how you'll feel about this when you're old you hypocrite

I'm from a generation that's been shit on, not handed everything on a silver platter. What I have is earned and not the result of lucky birth date. So yeah, if this happens when I'm old I can be happy knowing that the care I get I fucking paid for.

Where can I get a People's Republic of Corona flag?

EU fag here
It also kills younger people
In Belgium a baby has caught Corona
In Italy and The Netherlands (My dumbass country) the mortality rate is more than 50%
It’s between 10 to 30 times more deadly than a cold
This disease is terrible and you should thank Trump for closing borders so quick
Here in The Netherlands we are so fucking fucked man
Our Prime Minister wants to try an immunity herd but you can get Corona twice
(Someone in Japan got it twice)
It kills older people quicker but don’t think you’re safe just because you may be young or healthy
The mortality rate is still extremely high >.<

(Pic unrelated, just a little laugh in these dark times)

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But you'll still be one of those old parasites you described, resting on other people's hard work and your laurels, hypocrite.

There's two strains, and surviving leaves you with vapelung.