Share your unpopular opinions thread
Share your unpopular opinions thread
downblouse is better than sideboob
limited bullying builds character
China is the best country
Handicapped parking spaces should be abolished
You should've worded it like:
Being laughed at for being a retarded sperg (which most kids are) is building character.
If you dont grow out of being a fucking sperg past your kid years that means you havent been bullied enough or youre a lost cause.
All white ppl who support sjws and all non white people should be treated like trash and have no rights since they provide zero profit
Women should not be allowed to work nor vote.
I hate how Yas Forums has dropped any standards it had, and allow women to post with out showing tits first, and allow larp threads to flourish. Yas Forums may have never been good, but I clearly remember a time in which this shit was not tolerated. I can forgive all the porn threads, yall as a collective allowed it, but can he have some fucking standards and stop putting women in a pedestal and demand tits before they can talk, and demand larpers to provide proof its really their step-sister? Guess Im alone on that because If I call out a Larper, I get told to fuck off, and seeing that daily Women Q&A post without once that Bean fucking whore not showing her tits just makes me sad.
Everyone should worship Andy Sixx and his logs!
People hoarding supplies right now aren't assholes, they're smart. Even if they're slack jawed yokels their instincts are working properly. Supply chains are incredibly fragile and it's entirely possible that large swaths of the population begin to see shortages in critical items.
Implying it had standards in the first place you gigantic niggerfaggot.
unpopular opinion: asking people in the army if they ever killed anyone isn't disrespectful... that's their job. it would be disrespectful to ask that to a doctor... but to a fucking armyfag? foh.. nigga thats what you signed up for.. how did you kill people tell me
Talking in a crowded movie theater and engaging with other people. heightens the experience and makes it better, not worse.
The only reason I like paranormal activity 2 is because folks were laughing and yelling at the screen the whole movie.
It should be legal to sell your blood and organs, even vital ones. Also, we should execute irredeemable criminals (serial rapists, murderers, professional criminals etc) by harvesting their organs.
Dubs of truth. It absolutely should be legal.
Not all women are manipulative money grubbing whores
based golden-retriever-poster is right; there is literally nothing wrong with fucking animals as long as you do it right
School shooters that only killed their bullies shouldnt be punished. Theyve been punished enough by their own school admins for the crime of being a victim, instead of getting any fucking help. They're doing the rest of us a service by making sure no one else will ever have to live with that trash
I am disappointed in the amount of gayporn Hitler made.
Dolcett practices should be the norm.
Any kind of depraved shit should be legal as long as it's taxed enough. Like if prince Andrew wants to fuck a teen, or Zuckerberg wants to kill a guy, sure as long as they pay enough millions. Think about it, if the tax money goes to making people's lives better then there must be some amount of money where the benefit of the taxes exceeds the harm of the deed. Money for health care and better roads save lives after all, so it's blood for blood.
melanie martinez is actually pretty hot
>any type of seafood is fucking disgusting.
>the current dating scene is pure garbage.
hair over forehead is much better than an exposed one
Caesar's Legion is good.
I want to cum inbetween her tooth gap while she's dressed as a toddler. she's hot as fuck. Makes decent jams as well.
angela white is over rated
Freedom of Speech is overrated
Democracy is a failed experiment
that may be unpopular because it's fucking stupod
boo-hoo.. i was bullied im gonna shoot up the school
fuck off, grow a spine
The NCR are so unbelievably fucked it's not even funny. The Courier has to fix THE MOST BASIC problems that a functional military could handle. They don't deserve the Mojave. Though Caesar's death would undoubtedly lead to a civil war and the various Strip families would be the Game of Thrones houses choosing sides.
MMORPG's are shit, they all feel like a retarded carnaval where everybody grind and complete leves like getting in roller-coasters.
big agree, minus the toddler bit. music is pretty bitchin and she seems like a very genuine person. would not mind her gargling my sperm before a show.
It's actually good that we're ruled by the Jews, because Western Europeans are innately authoritarian sheep, and Christianity is a prudish and servile religion. Only the chosen prevent Europe culturally reverting to the Middle Ages (or the Middle East).
The baby fetish shit is her thing, not mine.
well, we know andew is raping lolis and zuckerberg is doing whoever the fuck knows what, and they get off with a slap on the wrist... because they are bajillionaires...
my issue here is that the money they pay as bribes shouldnt go to the judge, or to politicians... it should be public
the chick from the office?
but user, jews are both authoriarian and prudish+servile religion
wait, is it taboo?
Yeah exactly, it's like with the war on drugs: tax and regulate. Billionaires are going to do depraved shit anyway, so might as well tax it instead of them spending millions trying to do it in secret and getting blackmailed by Mossad.
ive heard it is frowned upon
fair. if she asks for the crybaby costumes to be a part of things, who am i to deny her? all's fair in loving whores.
no that's angela kinsey, pic related. i'm talking about the porn star.
Who do you think worked to undermine Hollywood censorship, to introduce sex and obscenity to the airwaves? Jews have typically been a liberal influence, for example many early communists were Jewish.
The shallow platitudes of "thank you for your service" usually render soldiers as god like, unfailing deities to hardcore nationalists. asking them something like that is a nono.
i guess it is mostly PR (ie. keeping appearances).. like, i settled it on the downlow so it never happened (e.g. trump)
also, they are the puppet masters so they wont the law change against them
would love a 3way with those chicks and meredith
Pitbulls comparatively are the niggers of all dog breeds.
Eugenics should be fully implemented. No tards, autists, or gimps. A space for every race should be a thing.
pam works your knob, angela smothers you with her cunt, and meredith licks your asshole all at the same time. try to find a better fantasy
How is that even a remotely unpopular opinion?
Obama was a good president.
Also, ethics in scientific experimentation shouldn't exist. It has held back discovery for far too long.
ye u know meredith would be getting dat brown
gotta say you paint a good picture, user
I would prefer to lick Angela's anus.
i mean, you can change positions fam
dry handjobs are better than bj's
I agree. Side Boob is foreign but exciting down blouse is classic
i forgot the movie and can't be fucked to look it up but she had a nude scene in a movie recently. might want to look into that.
Pathetic either fight them or fuck off. Even if you are small and lose a fight people will have more respect for you than someone who's a bitch. If someone knocks me the fuck down and beats me Imma get back at them when they arent looking I'll show a mother fucker not to turn his back on me
You are a black teen, right?
niggers are not humans
I'm pretty sure shooting niggers who disrespected you is black teenager 101. Not exactly the type to endorse hand to hand combat.
We should go back to having the Senators appointed by state governments instead of popularly elected. We should only give the president the commander-in-chief role over the military when there has been a declaration of war by Congress. Officers in the military should be commissioned by states, not the federal government.
Supreme Court justices should serve a single term of 16 years. The Senate should be required to either vote on nominees to any post to which they advise and consent within 100 days of nomination. If they don't the nominee is automatically approved.
All income should be taxed at the same rate, regardless of whether it was earned or came from a windfall like capital gains or inheritance.
No white but I've grown up around niggers and non whites that's the only way you gain respect in an environment like that. The guy you got issues with with either chill out or still hate you. If he still hates you other people will back you up that's how it is
banana juice > orange juice. wish it was more popular in the US. shit's hard to find.
Possession and distribution of child pornography shouldn't be a criminal offense.
Yes, I know what your first initial thought is. "Fuck off pedophile, you're just mad because you can't watch little kiddies be abused so you can cum you sick fuck people like you make sick".
But here's a logical argument. Firstly, the very definition of child pornography is changing. Most would imagine a 6 year, old molested but now it's even "naked selfies" a 17 year old girl has taken herself with no coercion. Despite her being a legal woman (uk) certain images of her could land men in jail and not only that, herself for that case. Fuck, even cartoon images are obtaining this very definition of child pornography. So, it's fucking peoples lives up needlessly when it could be a consentual relationship.
Secondly, you may say it harms the children and raises demand for more to be produced. My argument is viewers and distributors are not creators. The creators are in fact (ironically) the bottom of the food chain for the average pedophile. We may have the urge to love children, but to abuse them for our own need is what the average pedophile wouldn't do. We are merely seeing content of something that has already happened, where the damage is done. Same when, you ask for search for pictures of people getting stabbed and some weirdo decides to go stab fuckers to profiteer from it in the form of selling videos and pictures online. Are you responsible for the damage done? Not really, is it the creators fault as they went out to create the content. Just because loads of people have a demand for something doesn't mean you are indirectly responsible for abuse of a child. Chances are, the creators will always create this content as their goal is to appease themselves not others.
Thirdly, it is a major privacy violation. On the internet we have freedom of speech to say what we want when we want. You could click a link, go to jail accidentally.