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So... we're inventing time frames and numbers, but still not making it as deadly as this virus has already become?
Thanks Obama
No, I remember catching it nigger.
Oh, I'm sorry. You got sick once so now everything in OP is true?
God damn nigger logic.
Talking about libs crying when all I see is the right
you do realize that these are the same virus right? You can't even keep your blatant lies straight.
No, I was tested. Confirmed H1N1 faggot.
How much is PUTIN paying this same trollfag?
>mfw this thread
good point its not a cult more of a life choice
Except Obamafags were definitely a thing. The state you live in does not reflect the entire country.
Are you implying there's something called a Trump Virus? Me typing those words is literally the first I've heard that term used.
holy shit now i get it she was compromising his social distance
Niggers are a tribal cult. WTF are you going on about?!
Bull shit, Nancy Reagan was never a Republican.
I guess you also forgot that Ronald Reagan, switched from being a Democrat, to being a Republican.
Total US deaths of the H1N1 variant of 2009/10 were around 12,000.
The first known cases in the US were on February 1.
Because the US does not have sufficient test kits, we are not sure still how widespread the virus is, and are only aware of cases that become severe enough to require medical intervention.
We do not yet know what the death toll will be -- but at the moment we have around 27,000 KNOWN cases, with approaching 300 dead around 150 recovered.
The recovered to dead ratio is not looking good, though worldwide it is more encouraging, with about 1 dead for every 10 recovered. That ratio will likely continue to skew towards more recovered as the impact on health care systems lessens in ares where the virus is brought under control, and as better treatments develop.
(Updated daily, so lags a bit behind realtime numbers.)
is that michelle obama?
where ?
remember AOC said we can't arrest them because it's racist to enforce laws against minorities!
a false equivalency
general misinformation
and a very strange straw man (which media outlet is calling this the "Trump virus?")
>LoL, fallacies
nah she didn't have 23 people with her
The US death rate was .02% jackass
HUGE difference.
With Ebola the death rate was huge, near 50%, Obama sent troops to shut that down.
The response is not static for each threat.
We should have been testing more vigorously from the start, instead your man child had to give his buddies time to exit the stock market.
yeah laws are for white people its part of their privilege
Well, what is a "kit"??
You collect a culture using a strand of fiber-optic material, and go up the nose. WTF kit are they going on about??
Like you need a special kit for a sperm sample or a urine sample??? Your are taking a fucking culture for Christ sake!!!
already explained that the national flu response system is more-or-less automatic. Also, Obama didn't cull the CDC's pandemic response ability by 80%....Trump did.
So, why don't you fuck right off with your bullshit?
OP == fag
No, Obama is a fuck up. He let me get that shit because I'm white!
.....and Niggers
a "kit" doesn't really man anything more than the amount of pieces of equipment/tools needed is greater than one.
even if there was just a collection device and a dish/receptacle, you could call it a "kit."
quit spazzing out
You forget what party your boy Trump lined up with until Obama made fun of him in front of wealthy people?
Hahaha AOC had an actual job like a regular citizen instead of being born into a rich family? What a fucking loser!
Yeah, a flexible REUSABLE stick.
Big fucking deal!!
Muh, we need kits Mr trump.
Fucking ignorant assholes!
So why couldn't he win NY? You know, his own state. Like every other presidential candidate. Could it be possible we knew he was full of shit and was conning you?
New Yorkers are stupid assholes. Visit sometime
deep down you know she is an idiot dont you ?
I live here. You are the ones that keep coming here to make us hate it. Because you're life is empty, but we got them big buildings you can photograph!
I thanks religion, seeing through BS and valuing smart choices has never really been their thing, and now that they have internet they fall for every conspiracy and elected a shady New York real estate guy.
behold the ULTIMATE in irony
I don't like or support her, but mocking her for at some point in her life, working in a bar is just silly.
it's actually kinda hilarious you're sperging out this much over a correct and harmless use of the word
where does this come from?
were you touched by a kit as a child?
it's okay to talk, this is a safe-space
I don't come to your shithole island anymore. Never again. You are ruled by dangerous retards. No longer a safe place.
true we should mock her for the shit that comes out of her mouth
Funny. I've lived here all my life and don't think I'm a victim. Nor do I envy your podunk ass and the shithole town you live in. We don't visit you because there's nothing to see where you live. But you'll continue to come here to visit the M&M store, no matter how tough your internet posturing is.
Nice deflection you racist nigger.
Obama gave me H1N1 so fuck all U Nigs
she has a ginger boyfriend is that forgivable ?
Most people can't smell their own shit. This is not surprising
Back to my original point: We knew Trump sucked. Knew for years. How long is it still taking you? Bonus points if you don't bring up Hillary or Obama.
Explain what about that image makes AOC an idiot. She has a great point here.
I do not care who she fucks. You seem to be hung up on it. Do you like him? Is that it? Best come to terms with those feelings. You'll feel more free in the end.
it - might - be slightly - difficult - to - recharge - your electric - car - when - the power is out
My ginger fetish is none of your business
kek. I like you user.
When all of this blows over we should grab a drink.
Makes no sense....Op