what do ya'll think will happen in the next few months?
What do ya'll think will happen in the next few months?
Who cares just give me my NEET check already
It will reach India, mutate and kill everybody
Coronavirus will be confirmed a hoax and Trump will move forth to becoming the lifetime president he deserves to be
nah no mere virus can survive India
martial law in the us this week
next week they'll announce that we aren't flattening the curve and a national lockdown will be in place until July 1st, with a July 4th announcement that we have defeated the virus.
Probably true Them niggas are immune
trump will commence the great dick flattening and flatten the dicks of all betas with covid
Your dad will continue sucking the nigger dick that fucks your mom
You will transition and be so pretty and feminine
The rest of us will keep living like nothing happened
yeah germs and viruses dont scare Indians
its a deadly secret that i carry
Boris will say paying 80% of my wages to stay at home was just a joke and the wife will say "i bloody told you"
chinese will buy up all the money making stocks and gold and life will resume
it'll peak in mid-late April but won't fully go away unless it mutates (to our benefit) or we get the vaccine. the method we are using to contain it is suppression, but that can only work if it's kept up or done in waves.
I’d say we do a lockdown for at least 3 weeks and then after that hopefully the numbers will be much smaller so we can only isolate certain areas instead of the whole country.
When do see us going back to our normal way life, i.e., gyms, restaurants, theaters open again
Tens of millions of people will die by the coronavirus..
current estimate is late april but it all depends on what happens in the next two weeks
could be late april, could be never
The Americans will pay the price soon, just wait for the truth
I don't think this will be over anytime soon. Personally I'm betting on August or September being the turning point where we can start returning to any semblance of normalcy
Corona virus will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus is already contained in China. It has peaked in Europe too and the number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly. Everything will be like it used to be in 3 weeks.
>could be never
It wont be never. It will last until there is a treatment or a vaccine.
>The virus is already contained in China
Because martial law. Not happening elsewhere.
Same shit that's happening now. Take immunity supplement and smoke weed. Seems to be working so far, I work at Walmart to its pestilence central.
wallmart thread ?
Yes because we are all fucking stupid enough to trust the chinks and there propaganda...
Just depends if we can slow it way down like 5-10 new cases per day.
It will either be destroyed or become the T-virus
This is really, uhm, stupid...
In the next 8 days, the number of total world-wide confirmed cases of covid-19 will double. That means over 400k. The number of deaths will increase in proportion to that. The reason for this is because of the USA's really lackluster response. However, a large majority of deaths will still be in Italy, with their aging population, they're a perfect target for this virus. Also, we will see if the drugs currently being touted will have any real impact (kinda hope they do, to be honest). After the 8 week mark, look for another spike in world-wide cases and deaths...all because of sub-Saharan Africa. Those chucklefuckers are so stupid they're going to start spreading it like crazy.
maritime law
Praying for zombies. But slow zombies, like in Night of the Living Dead, not them nutters from 28 Days Later
The trajectory hasn't even inflected yet. This is baseless guessing.
Although it’s happened extremely fast. In 2 week, the number of confirmed cases will probability be close to 1 million, if not more.
Ultimately wuhan virus isn't deadly enough to keep us in lockdown. I'd give it 2 to 11 more weeks.
Agreed. The zombie apocalypse should be fun but those fast zombies would just be scary as fuck.
That’s a big difference. Why the fuck do you say “2 to 11”?
>I'd give it 2 to 11 more weeks.
I give it from 1 day to 5 years. Screencap this, because this prediction is 100% accurate.
Female drivers are far deadlier so its unlikely this will last much longer
I thought these fucks were kidding but really will take your money
Why hasn't there been a wave in India? if you're so smart
Exactly. Plus I'm in the UK, so I'm gonna be stuck killing zombies with a fucking catapult and a crossbow
I've got a legit poured concrete bunker. But I guess if I were in a hurry I'd have to buy some prefab shit.
hopefully republicans get smart and throw trump out of office so we get a person who actually knows what he's doing to handle the coronavirus.all we have now is a fat moron who doesnt want to do shit about it and his supporters like everything else he's failed on.are just fine with that
Sheeeeit m80 at least I've got a boomstick. If we ever meet up, I will honor to your zed dispatching skillset.
I remember a time of chaos
ruined dreams this wasted land.
But most of all, I remember the Road Warrior
the man we called Max.
To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time
when the world was powered by the black fuel
and the deserts sprouted great cities of pipe and steel.
Gone now swept away.
For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war
and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.
Without fuel they were nothing. They'd built a house of straw.
The thundering machines sputtered and stopped.
Their leaders talked and talked and talked
but nothing could stem the avalanche.
Their world crumbled the cities exploded.
A whirlwind of looting
a firestorm of fear.
Men began to feed on men.
On the roads it was a white-line nightmare.
Only those mobile enough to scavenge
brutal enough to pillage would survive.
The gangs took over the highways
ready to wage war for a tank of juice.
And in this maelstrom of decay
ordinary men were battered and smashed.
Take that back, libcuck. He's not fat.
>panic shopping are for stupid people
>panic shopping are for
Who estimates late april and can I have some of that hopium?
Its not ready ? what kind of prepper are you ?
>It has peaked in Europe too and the number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly
Italy had 6000 new cases yesterday
Italy had 6500 new cases today
> -2000 points to stock market
>Corona Mutates
Lol, if i spot someone with a gun they going down, may only be a ball bearing launched by elastic but one shot WILL take you down. Your boomstick will be mine haha
I dunno if the virus will be over in that time period but you can bet your ass us short-attention-span narcissists in the USA will have completely forgotten about Corona in that timespan and be back to spreading our usual brand of funk again
we've done it in that time with literally every other global outbreak in the last few decades
The economy will collapse and there will be a lot of violent, jobless people and homeless people.
Yo stop using the same facepalm reaction pic in every corona thread