Redpill Me On Qanon

Is Qanon legit or a larp
What is 'the plan'?
What is the latest from Q?

I'm pretty much completely oblivious

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Other urls found in this thread:

QAnon is a filthy boomer LARP. The end.

Plan is to unite all Americans (white, black, latino, asian) together under 1 political party. The Freedom Party.

Lurk more.

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Seems to be a larp that just drags on and on. Boomers love it for some reason.

What's "the plan"?
Hope you like to read

Feels like a larp to me but Q PREDICTED THIS

all Q proved so far is that they're working with Trump
beyond that, not a lot has actually happened

It’s a larp based off confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s run by Scott Adams

Study old threads. It's still ongoing. Figure the puzzle out for yourself.

Question everything - which is what we do here.

Whatever it is it's turned a lot of people into schizo's.

basically this

Q is for insider info from the Trump campaign

Cold reading#shotgunning


it's schizo shit dude.

Listen I've been on Yas Forums since 2006.

Tripfags are hated. They desire fame among the fameless. We're not here for fame otherwise we'd be on reddit or some other message board trying to get that fame.

This website and all chans should be anonymous. So yes Q is a larp. It's nobody. Even if somewhere somehow some celebrity or politician leaked some info that was legit then it was a one-off. Because at this rate Q has been wrong more than right. It's santa clause for the chans. IE it's bullshit.

Q is a letter of the alphabet that triggers the living shit out of this board, and makes "36 posts by this ID" to follow you from thread to thread mass-replying "take your meds".

That's one shitty plan


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It’s far more likely a psychological operation than true. Both would have the same evidence

Probably 99% larp to rile up all the skizos and MAYBE shits out a redpill once in awhile.

Q is a legitimate LARP, that got taken over by Trump Advisors.

What are the few redpills he or they have dropped?

Basically if it's true, we will kill a lot of evil in elite positions sooner than later which has massive implications for everyones quality of life.

I don't believe it, but it doens't bother me also like so much of the anti Q shills here. They're still interesting threads to kill time. If only that

Even if it is a nobody, a complete hoax and fabrication, you still have to recognize what that faggot has done. He has the longest running larp of all time that stretches all corners of the globe, and to this day has never been identified.

Don't forget that normies started asking questions, not only on banking cartel but also on some deep shit

if you don't understand it; it's because you can't. anons, do not waste your time with
>explain this
>you're a jew
these types of posters. stay focused, dig and post findings for other anons who comprehend.
praise Jesus Christ.
God bless all Patriots and God Bless Donald J Trump.

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A larp who is pretty intelligent to figure out what could happen in the future.

>D-DON'T LOOK INTO THE "LARP"! It's nothing, goy!

It's the biggest motivational psyop in human history.

to any anons who are still on the fence. do not succumb to fear; the road has been long and difficult, but good is winning.
>pic related btfo zephyr posters

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Jared qushner and his black cube shit. You really think someone who was bailed out by the Rothschilds, mentored by Roy Cohn, and married his daughter to an insane Zionist is on your side? You dumb niggers wake up

Won't know until mid April at the earliest, November at the latest. The Chinese shilling against it means something about it is undesirable.

Q is a small group of insiders within the Trump Administration/White House/Campaign that post to serve as a backchannel between Trump (Q+ who runs the information operation) and anons so anons can spread information around the MSM. Anything else is theory or hype.

Fuck Zionists and fuck you

8kun has a board /qresearch/ which has a proof thread
Best to check it out yourself and draw your own conclusions

Its hard to wade through all the weeds. On one side you have Q throwing shit from 2018 yelling "SEE! SEEEEE!!! TOLD YA" which just makes them lose any credibility, on the other hand you have shills coming out of the wood work yelling about Q. Q bros posts shit from 2018 I lose faith, then shills come running in yelling as if they stubbed their toe on their giant dildo, and then I trust Q again. At the end of the day, I want Q's timeline it seems like the best outcome.

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Anyone who doesn’t like q is now a Chinese shill. Hahaha you dumb niggers

Implement Trump's policies and counter investigate then arrest those who tried a coup on the sitting and duly elected President.

It’s got a lot of truth and a lot of disinformation. Dates, times, specifics like that which get confirmed to the second are hard to explain away as a LARP. anyone who says this is a LARP is a jew shill.

they want you to believe it's a larp or psyop but it's real and it's happening

check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA

here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?

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There are people who actually believe that a shitload of drops, walls of text, timings, names, etc. are achievable through a simple LARP.
Imagine people who believe there's a dude who has nothing better to do than shitpost on chans 4 yeas in a row.

Q is an omnipotent being that fucks with humans just for shits and giggles.

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Many now admit Q is a real insider, but then spew the same low IQ attacks on Trump like zoin don and kushner, etc.

You q faggots deserve a fate worse than death for deceiving anons

>Is Qanon legit or a larp
it's a legit larp

Its all real
Its all happening
Fuck Qoomers,do your own research faggot

boomer larp

>anyone I disagree with deserves to die
Spoken like a true communist cunt. Also nice talking points.

Yup there's also the unprecedented amount of sealed indictments. I honestly think we will see mass arrests of political figures and the declass of a lot of hidden information. However it could all be a scam to restore absolute faith in government while only feeding us new lies and installing new puppets. Q has already said they won't be telling us everything.

There’s no chance it’s not an insider or a group of insiders. There’s just no way possible

They be mad yo

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Shill is mad

It's happening

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If anyone ITT who hates Q cared to look, they'd know that it's been confirmed Q is a small group of insiders close to Trump and has insider information countless times.
Also, imaging hating what you think is an irrelevant "LARP" so much you seethe uncontrollably at it in the same way SJWs seethe at Trump.
They be mad, indeed.

the 1871 act is treason. the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is no more.

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Basically it was some dumbass poster on Yas Forums asking questions in a cryptic leading manner which turned into an addiction for people that like solving puzzles

Shills in overdrive

>muh nothing is happening

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it's a bunch of retarded boomers being their usual selves

The timing with Trumps tweets is accurate.
A basement-dwelling larper can't be this precise that many times

>some dumbass poster
Which happens to be an insider close to Trump lmfao.

the easter egg roll has been a tradition since 1878, only occurring under THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION occupation of this country. it has been cancelled this year. no more white rabbit.

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For years the Q parasites were kicked off this site and laughed off much of the internet except boomerbook and cripplechan. Suddenly they're back and in huge numbers. It's clear that this Q shit is a signal jamming op that's meant to break up online discussions

If you’re not a zionist you’re a shill! Reeee. You trump fags are nothing but golems

Exactly this

My dad is huge trump supporter and denies that Jews have a connection to anything bad in history, just sent me a 2hr long video explaining Q user. He has no idea about this place, I really wish I could show him this place. He is a total MIGA retard, he's even been to Israel (before he knew about Q). Completely blinded by Q. It's a very effective disinformation campaign. He actually believes Catholics sacrificed kids, I tried explaining to him that child sacrifice to Molock was a Jewish thing but nope, they're the chosen people. He's so close.... so close. He tried to red pill me on the Rothschilds.
GG Q you got my dad, another useful idiot. Lol.

Where have you been? There has been constant anti-Q threads that get btfo by anons who actually know what they're taking about.
Then a few pro-Q threads get made and all you faggots lose your shit as if it's worse than the discord organized /leftypol/ shit that's here all the time.
Keep seething.

Q is a minge topiarist
There to make cunts look good.


Fauci said ZERO DAY in the briefing monday the 16th. shortly thereafter, google filters removed, democrat party logo is a rat and captcha becomes unfucked.

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Trust the plan! JOHN HAS A LONG MUSTACHE. 588QQQ5IE22

t. Q

>a signal jamming op that's meant to break up online discussions
About what discussions, motherfucker? Is X white? Is Y jew? Nigger dick threads?

Was it taken over, or did it just get big enough to catch some attention and have people occasionally start tossing him tidbits of information?

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.


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Show him this.
Some people are blinded by their preconceived notions they'll never go into the JQ.
And what disinfo has Q talked about again?

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Everything here is a LARP.

Doesn't there's frequently an element of truth though.

They're mad
>Why tho ?
Because of this

Zero day is a common term. Now post the timestamp from that post you fag


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If you can’t explain your argument in words it isn’t an argument

Q confirmed by emergency trips

>18 Feb 2019
It's all ogre


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You want me to explain to you how ancient Moloch worship is analagous to what the elites do today?
Stop being a retard. Your graphic is complete nonsense.


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>Q confirmed by emergency trips
>119 think mirror

No shit, you cryptic asshole, I'm just trying to understand what's going on this thread, you faggots talk in circles like you're larping an episode of X-Files. Also you're instead with trannies, just rent yourself one for the weekend and suck its dick until you get your fetish out of your system, you closeted sodomite.

As real as you want it to be daddy’o

Yes we need to delete Q threads with sourcing and discussion of current events to make more room for BBC and D&C threads.

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If Q is a "faggot larp" as the shills say, why don't they simply leave this thread? What's to lose?