why arent the american people more outraged over this orange turd's lack of response to the coronavirus
how many more people are gonna die because people forgot how to quarantine other people right
why arent the american people more outraged over this orange turd's lack of response to the coronavirus
how many more people are gonna die because people forgot how to quarantine other people right
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How much do they pay you to keep saying the same things everyday?
you're a scourge on this board, if Hitler... I mean Hillary was in office she wouldn't be doing shit and the death toll would be out of control.
Why can't we just let some people die. Our species is growing weak because of all the shitty genes that get passed on. Survival of the fittest doesn't apply much anymore. Only whoever breeds the most. So I say FUCK YOU! And fuck them. It's ok if some people die
Trump worshipers are literally brain dead cultists who hang on to every lying word like he's the second coming of Christ. He truly is the antichrist in the time of the apocalypse.
Wait until your mom or your dad or your grandparents or aunts and uncles start dying then come back to post on how cool it was to watch the people that have cared for you die - simply because some deranged chinks thought eating bats was a good idea.
Trump lied...he has the virus
>if Hillary was in office she wouldn't be doing shit and the death toll would be out of control
You know this how?
i wonder if he's going to give up on the tariffs on medical supplies
You do realise that when you have to resort to blaming the other side, who lost over 3 years ago, and point out how bad you think they did, then in reality you've lost the argument, don't you?
Shh. Intelligent people are working. It's a mighty big world.
Fucking idiot trumptard. Go back to the 2nd grade and finish your education
He sounds like a fucking fifth grader when he talks
OP the Chinese government allowed this virus to secretly spread for 3 weeks before announcing it was even a thing. Go jerk off or get informed you retarded faggot
Please let him die gasping, lungs filled with fluid. #MakeAssassinationGreatAgain
M ake
A ssassination
G reat
A gain
U.S. President Harry S. Truman kept a sign with the phrase "The buck stops here" on his desk in the Oval Office. The phrase refers to the notion that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.
Trump has already said he doesn't accept responsibility for doing something it was documented he both did and knew happened (dismantling the the National Security Council’s global health security office) and tries to blame the Obama administration for everything
If Truman was being presidential, what does that make Trump?
>implying donny didnt deny its threat for weeks before completely doing a 180
Trump has been an utter embarrassment since his first day in office, I don't know how you can be surprised about his incompetence at this point. Him reacting accordingly to a global crisis would contradict everything about what defines his politics.
Lol. Typical liberal faggots.
Need a politician to save you. I can’t wait until I am Able to come into your house, fuck your gf and take your shit.
I love these threads. It solidifies what I already know: nobody has the ability to look at this stuff objectively.
It’s coming...
>trying to bait this hard
Not his fault you dumbasses are traveling all over the world. Fuckers can't stay home jesus christ
Same thing was said about Obama. Castrate yourself faggot
>I can’t wait until I am Able to come into your house, fuck your gf and take your shit
I'll be your Cain
looks like the phrase for today is "orange turd"
fucking libshits can't have an original thought if it killed them
The good thing about Trump is that he makes everything look so clear cut. He is so unambiguously evil, it is almost a reassuring sight in this epoch of uncertainty. He's like a beacon of negativity, a reference point for everything hurtful to mankind in general. In hindsight I'm sure this will make humanity go forward, with something to build against. In all honesty I'm grateful for this guy. Thanks to him for showing us the worst possible way so we won't repeat the same mistakes in the future.
but mai spring breeeeeak!
whine harder, gender neutral faggot
this, people would not stop taking cruises, even when they say what living on one for weeks was like in quarantine on the news.
if user was only in the 2nd grade, he would be 7 or 8 years old
stupid fucker can't even formulate an insult
stay mad libcuck
H1N1 didn't overwhelm hospitals, didn't require hospitalization, and had a death rate 10x less than the 2% of COVID-19. That episode should have helped prepare the current administration, but our dear leader didn't want his precious stock market impacted.
Honestly, his response has been better than the democrats'. The white wine moms and old (soon to be dead from corona) boomers are going to find out what a mistake they made pushing biden down everyone's throats.
Because bitching about it now wont do jack shit. So shut the fuck up and stay indoors nigger.
the american people should be outraged with the democrats for hindering Trump from controlling the spread of the coronavirus.
>how many more people are gonna die because people forgot how to quarantine other people right
Is 300 people a lot? 100+ people die every single day from the flu in the US, you don't seem to be worried about the flu?
No shit. And they say he didn't do enough, when they fought him tooth and nail every fucking step of the way and did more than anybody else worldwide. Trump's actions have saved thousands of American lives so far, not even 300 Americans have died yet, and 500 Italians have been dying nearly every day (despite a population of 60 million). Adjust to our population, we should be having 2500 Americans dying every single day from coronavirus, yet not even 300 have died over the month.
Thank god for fucking Donald Trump saving probably 20,000 lives so far. 300 people in 330,000,000 is sad, but far from the worst.
American's wanted him in office because they wanted "America First". With a bit of effort "America Third" is possible today, the pole position needs a weeks or so more.
>The dems don't even want a travel ban
Our confirmed cases only seems high because we're testing far more than the countries in front of us. Because our response has been significantly better than literally every country in the world and it's not close.
The real indicator to look at is deaths per million, we're so far down the list we wouldn't even rank.
Literally every claim you made in this post is a lie.
Only babies that can't think for or look after themselves want a "government response".
Uh. No.
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million H1N1 cases, with 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths in the U.S. alone. They also estimate that worldwide, 151,700 to 575,400 people died from (H1N1)pdm09 during the first year. Unusually, about 80% of the deaths were in people younger than 65 years of age."
Thanks for playing though
What fucking lack of response? He shut down borders far earlier into it than most leaders did, is spending ridiculous amounts of money to keep people afloat, and he's calling the foreign virus what it is.
The fuck else do people want? It's literally impossible to completely stop a global pandemic from ever touching your shores. Numbers are still very low in the US and the whole country is mobilized. Supply chains are fine and all that's running low is fucking toilet paper. What the fuck are you talking about
>lalalalala i'm a stupid sheeple
yea yea yea blame the president. bla bla everything is Trump's fault.
they're collapsing the economy. virus is a front.
>He shut down borders
He did not shut down borders. He closed borders to some foreigners, but did not close borders to infected Americans. Those he welcomed with open arms. Infected Americans were the main points of origin of COVID-19 cases in the USA.
If he had actually closed the borders, there would have been mandatory 14-day quarantines for all persons, foreign or American, entering the country.
I don't think he can legally keep citizens out of their own country.
shhh arguing with a conservative will get you nowhere, they are too stupid to make sense
>not even 300 Americans have died yet
that will likely not be true within 5 hours
>this obvious fucking retard forgot the countless stories of the cruise people stuck on the boat because they were quarantined for 14 days
maybe 12 hours
>bitching about meanwhile >80 per million dead in Italy
Yeah, our response was bad. Keep being a delusional faggot living in fucktard psychoville, candyass
the US probably has more cases than italy already, the US just also lacks sufficient testing capabilities
>maybe 12 hours
shill saged
I'll be here in 5 to prove you wrong, fucktard cunt
There's no freedom to travel in the Bill of Rights. Probably ought to be, but not there today. Congressional authorization for quarantine would probably be constitutional. Lumpy didn't seek any such authorization, nor did he institute quarantine by executive action.
USA law hasn't fully grappled with how to deal with public health in plague vs. civil liberties.
Why do you assume that the virus is more than 100x lethal in Italy than in the US?
some people quarantined is not the same as mandatory entry quarantine
ok, you going to start the thread or you want me to at 7?
I'll be in this thread
you sure this threads going to be around by then?
dont get me wrong chuck schumer is a cunt but this is a fake tweet. he never sent it