We can no longer trust or vote for Trump

We can no longer trust or vote for Trump.

It's Over.

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>trump still represents the average american
>greedy, racist, egotistical dumbshit

he'll probably be re-elected


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He's not my President, never will be.

oh GFY

>can you give the american people a message of hope?

Trump is a fragile faggot and WEAK leader

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trust any politician?

He should follow his own advice...and learn to spell

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>Good Morning Mr. Trump how are you today?

Can shareblue fuck off?
Minimum wage in Houston Bois fucking up the board

Remember when the repubs dummy's were all like "but we can trust him cause he isnt a career politician", ahahahahahahaha

*burps and blows it in your face*
*sighs heavily*
ehhh shareblue, huh? heh, ok kid

are you american?

Keep trying.. Still better than anything the dems could drum up.

OP here, what?

just a schitzo Yas Forums poster spouting his memes, best to ignore him

Yes and he isn't my President.
End of Story.

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then he is your president

i remember hoodwinked dipshits endorsing politicians on both sides of the coin.

popular vote is meaningless, doesn't matter who you want to be president

He isn't.

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big boy is late for his 12:30 conference

You post this faggot shit every day, still your president.

Trump said he has the penis of a porn star. Yeah right dumpy

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That’s it? For 3+ years it was over because of impeachment, because of Mueller, because of Russia collusion, the Ukraine ... “We can’t trust him” ?? That’s all we got left? Damn, son, how the mighty have fallen. This is the weakest “It’s Over” thread I’ve ever seen.

Are you a Trump shill?

Literally he is. End of story.

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He's not.
End of Discussion.

It took you long enough to figure it out


your opinion on the POTUS is meaningless. popular vote for a presidential candidate means absolutely nothing.

like it or not. the president of the United States is the president of the United States and there is nothing you can do about it.

"not my president", ok then gtfo of the United States you insurgent

#Trump2020 :^)

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He is scared to come out

i bet you're proud to have that pic saved. you silly faggot

He's not my President and there isn't anything you can do about it.


...screams exacerbated liberal for the 3rd year in a row

if he's not your president then you're not a citizen of the United States so gtfo.

Ouchie, my fragile ego is tied to my insignificant political identity so fucking much that I cannot bare this post. Did I give you what you wanted, OP?

Daily reminder, Trump is in office, Hillary and you libcucks got rekt lol (:

So instead we should vote for "the travel ban is xenophobic" keep those infected people coming in Biden?


It's funny how Biden is now coming up with solutions that Trump already has implemented.

Good ole Weeks late and brain short Biden

you should kill yourself.

Dream on faggot - you won't be able to vote for Trump in 2024 when his 2nd term expires

yay meme thread!

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then you're not American.
because he's the president of the United States

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I'm American and born citizen, he isn't my President.

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>no longer

yeah OP, it's over
stay mad loser

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yep and we shit on nobody's like you

Oh my god, you mean presidents don't last forever? What ever will we do? We can't just move on with our lives, we must impeach him no matter what!

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To be fair, he does have the body of Ron Jeremy.

I had the same feeling about Obama, he was a muslim born in Kenya so he was technically never president as only Americans can legally serve.

He is and will be your president that you elected, whether you like it or not

He's my President on paper.
But I wouldn't follow him without question.
Ever seen the video of the Australian firefighter refusing to be a photo-op for the prime minister?

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Too bad about the dick

I'll bet you believe that.

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Didn't stop him being the worst president in US history though.

O.B.A.M.A= One Big Ass Mistake, America

so what you're saying is Trump is infact your president. period

McCain or Romney wouldnt have been much better, just kicking the incoming liberal hegemony over culture further down the road. if anything, Obama helped get Cons back on the map though they'll eventually cock it up like always.

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Stop falling for obvious bait dipshit

Only if you don't live in the US of A. If you do live there, then I'm afraid he was sworn in as President

I'm not in the military, so can't issue orders to me. I don't work for any agency of the Executive Branch of the USG, so he's not my boss in any sense.

So, yeah, he doesn't preside over me in any sense. Not my President. Neither was Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush, or Reagan, or Carter, or Ford, or Nixon.

If you're gonna bait at least bait on things that aren't proven. His birth certificate states he was born in the USA.

Try to bait harder retard.

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He isn't. Period.

he's the president of the United States.
doesn't matter who you feel "your president" is.

don't get me wrong, i don't like the asshole or any other politicians because they're all just as crooked.

Trump lost by 3 MILLION VOTES he was Never President

>doesn't know what presidents are
no wonder this country is having a shit.

>CNN told me so