I honestly don’t know how I as a horny teenager wouldn’t have been fucking my sister nonstop if we were trapped in lockdown for a month
Aiden Nguyen
If anyone wants to share pics or stories of their fam kik givurslfovr
Dominic Hall
Fuck your zoomers and your Kik bullshit
Share it in this thread that’s what it’s for
Blake Richardson
you know, i've been trying to put it into words for sometime now. i came back after years and all i see is this kik shit. but you're right. post the shit here or fuck off. christ. thanks for putting into words for me. am mad.
John Price
already nutted deep in my little sister last night.
normies fucking breaking down after just 6 days of isolation.
Lol. The thread looked like it was about to go under. My attempt at a bump. And just in case someone is shy about sharing. B is not what it used to be guys
Austin Hill
Approval rates for incest are going to skyrocket after this quarantine.
Incest babies too.
Christopher Wright
Greentext and more pics
Daniel Thomas
i want CK2 irl.
Jack Myers
Incels are so deluded.
Julian Hughes
We just have a better understanding of what happens to people when they stay indoors for too long.
Michael White
I’m mad cuz I could be in quarantine with my sisters but I got weed so I’m good
No, you really don't. Just because you can't go 2 hours without jerking off and wanting to fuck your mother doesn't mean normal people are going to get so desperate for sex they fuck family. Normal people don't think about/aren't obsessed with sex nearly as much as you incels.
Liam Morris
direct parent-child and inter sibling incest prevents cancer ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17931800
Austin Ramirez
Lol I’m op and I’m not an incel I have a fiancé right now kek
Daniel Thomas
Fuck off
Andrew Taylor
>And the only pussy around is related to you..... >What’s a man to do?? Make friends you idiot, if you can eb around your sisters then im sure you can be around a girl or two
Any form of stress relief helps combat cancer you retardino.
Jaxson Bailey
says the normie who hasn't spent more than a week living as a neet you got no idea what you're in for
Kevin Ortiz
How did you guys start the first time?
Joshua Foster
>What’s a man to do?? a MAN owns a house, and lives in it with his wife a BOY like you will just likely find an excuse to take too many showers without raising suspicion that you're jerking off 4 times a day
Austin Hall
It’s got noting to do with desperation. It’s about proximity anxiety and isolation
Outside of this situation actually fucking your sister or mom is harder than a normal girls precisely because of the attitudes around it
I never understood that insult “wow your such a loser you fuck your mom”. What like fucking your mom is easy?
Like pull you guys constantly have to push your mom and sisters away because they are trying to fuck your so it’s easy and only losers would do it?
It makes no sense
Nicholas Watson
by what percent? incest offers a 25% reduction rate
Kayden Thomas
Dude just let him live in his incest ridden fantasy world where moms and sisters don’t look like whales and dogs.
David Jackson
You really are pathetic and obsessed with the idea of sex.
James Reed
By 100%
Caleb Green
My sister is very hot
Mom is a whale tho
Joseph Sullivan
growing up in a commie block flat and sharing our room.
You can't fathom the idea that you're abnormal and have to rationalize it as me being angry about something else. I've made my point. Feel free to keep trying to ignore it and pretend yore normal.
Austin Lewis
>thinking you win hearts and minds while boners are in hand