why is it so much cp here now?
i've been here since 2009 and i have never seen cp before, except the skrewdriver in the baby once
Why is it so much cp here now?
Other urls found in this thread:
honey pots
Bro, its probably cause you just now are noticing it. Its always been here.
And? Will you complain to your mom about it?
Will you report the internet to the local authorities?
should’ve been here before 09. basically that’s all it was
no it's not. just today i've seen 3 cpthreads
lol 2009.......newfag
FBI info gathering campaign.
If you put /Stats at the end you can see how many clicks the link got. They're posting it to various websites to gauge interest in the video on the different sites.
Glowing intensifies
Who remembers Daisy's Destruction? That was some fucked up shit.
i mean i love Yas Forums but now with all the asslickingthreads, the assholeguy and now a lot of cp i don't know how long i will stay here. but where should i go if i stop go to Yas Forums...?
remember when new members got a free coke and a 9 year old?
Guessing, because if everyone at home, they go on the internetz, so it will be a good harvest.
Remember when taylor surfed b. Now she hates us.
did you actually get to see it? just reading about it really fucked with me. blows my mind people were apparently shelling out thousands to see it. dude that did was like "i dont know how I let it get that far" lmao.
Probably. Or they're just trying to justify something.
"Look at all these clicks, that means coronavirus empowers pedophiles! We need to add more strict decryption clauses!"
Funny how it just started after Yas Forums's HTTPS message went up. It's almost like they're going to try pushing for a bill similar to EARN IT in the states soon.
If it was the fib, why did it get deleted fast ?
I saw a bread with a link, 30 seconds later, gone
filternet is already on, and prism can refract your packets, now personal prison for all
>If it was the fib, why did it get deleted fast ?
They're posting different links each time so they can track click counts throughout the day. Are you sure it's mods/janitors deleting the post and not the OP?
No, but someone had posted screenshots of it here a while back
Lemme help anons
Guys do not google this
You clearly never lurked enough.
what is it?
Loool, got me. See ya'all on the other side.
Perfect tits hairy chest. Gross shit.
perfect tits hairy chest
short for "Pre Teen Hard Core"
Not only do most search engines block it, your IP address is noted
Pink TetraHydroCannabinol
Hmmm I’m not sure, it was basically a banner that said something like “we’ve detected unusual traffic on your network, please confirm you are not a robot”
It was nice posting with you anons
You retards used to do this to get stupid kids to explode spoons under the sink and get their hands stitched up; now I come here and see this? Fuck off back to facebook.
Post Traumatic Hemp Cure
Percutaneous Trans Hepatic Cholangiography
Pkill Tyourself H C
i definitely remember from '07 to '11 regular CP dumps. also, actual CP, not fucking loli comics.
not saying it was better that way, but it definitely felt more like international waters and less like this supervised, google-controlled environment we have right now.
we sacrificed a lot of freedom so normies can feel "safe"
Planetary Transsexual Hormone Cream
Hahah god yes that was so funny.
Kids now permanently disabled for the lulz.
THX trips fren, so the cure is real!
I thought it was HCPT. I got the same results. Thanks for the Covid -19 info user.
I've been on here since 2006 or 2007, and yes, there have been plenty of CPs posted by people. I normally would be on /k/ and even they got raided by CP spam.
You're just too casual.
i don't like seeing cp.
the cp i saw today was real, not loli
no why do you pretend Yas Forums is full of cp all the time? its not and when cp is posted mods take it away in 3 minutes
and? just dont look at it then you dense fuck.
i don't like that it exist. i think pedos should die
Get well soon, fren
There are dolls, and photoshop though, i have seen people argue about whether guys buying child sex dolls be jailed
it makes sense what the one poster mentions, the stats when you post a link, then you can honeypot
just don't click, stay safe.
to add to that "big data" is a big thing these days
its how (((they))) operate, manipulating datasets with Ai
huh? i've seen three real cp threads on here today. wtf u talking about dolls and photoshop? it was a 6 year old girl sucking cock
What's wrong with asslicking? Shit is cash bruh.
How old do you see her btw?
I cruse Yas Forums quite frequently. Have for a very long time and have not seen cp here in a quite a while. Kind of worries me when i even see it mentioned though as that was a curse of Yas Forums back in the day.
Vid can be found on notevil
What the fuck is notevil?
didnt realize that shit coild bypass google. what other terms should i avoid searching?
onion search engine
I never saw it but i saw the trailer. Also someone legitimately posted a yt vid with a link to a rar file with the trailer and the full vid. I didnt download it but from what i heard the trailer was available but the full vid was locked behind a password.
Saw the first minutes of it, couldn't watch till the end because I came too fast. :(
Really laughed out loud