I just got this letter from my boss and don't know what to do...

I just got this letter from my boss and don't know what to do. It's saying that my job WILL NOT allow me or my co-workers to stay home because of the virus. We've also been told that if we get sick and decide to stay home, it comes out of our sick days (which we only have a week's worth for every year).


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Accept your death. Its fate.

Lmfao, that letter isn’t legally binding, not even notarized

move to a 1st world country

Get a better job.

Don't get the virus

Don't vote Republican ever again.

Get over it, little bitch

My job also has the authority to let me go with no explanation needed, they made me sign a document saying so sometime around December of last year. They kind of gave us the "A Mexican would do your job for much less" speech to really let us know that they have no problem firing me, or anyone else.

Maybe voting trump wasn't such a good idea. Maybe you'd have better protections for your people if yous voted morally.

Maybe not being 'Murican and living in an actual first world country would help.

Slit their throats.
They depend more on you than you on they.


find a better job.

You do this:

Work as normal
Get Covid-19
Get a proper diagnosis on your lasting damage
Sue your employer for failing to take proper precautions to protect your health and safety (I assume you're in the US where you can sue for a paper cut)
Retire to a small Mexican villa and live your life in peace and tranquility


How can I prove that me catching the virus is directly related to me having to come into work? They can say that I provably caught it on one of my days off. Also, I work in Manhattan, NYC.

Eliman the filthy jew

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You don't need to prove you caught it at work, you just need to show they were negligent in protecting you.

Dude my job straight closes at 6:30 now, shits sweet

Sure, that's what it is

Dude no, that's the exact time you quit, what a fuck tard

Accept your fate. Survive the corona. Then move away from the third world country you're currently in, preferably to one where you have actual rights when you get sick.

Mmm yes, Trump telling small business to keep workers, yess, bad, very bad

Just get the virus and kill the elderly, that'll wake them up

Hahahaha suck shit bro you’re going to die.

I live in America, lol

Normally I'd make fun of you for being a janitor. But in this case, I'll give you advice. If you get the rona, file for worker's comp for your sick days. Sounds like your job is high risk, based on the letter.

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what the fuck is wrong with you?

Expose them to a large audience. Spread the virus to everyone in that company

Exactly retard. Move away from that shithole of a third world country

Poop in your hands and throw it at your boss.

Report them to the governor's office.

Go to work moron.



As I said, third world country. You can't do anything because you have no rights in your country compared to business. They have every right to treat you as an item, as a tool to be used. You can't do anything about that right now. Just survive until you can move to a better country.

This but seriously. OP get the virus and go into work and then give it to the elderly and when they all get it and die, sue the company, along with all the old people and cash in. Tell the media you had no choice to go in, in fear of losing your job and monetary supply, your company sucks and this would be the ultimate slap in the face for their state of emergency measures

>third world
Are you actually this globally ignorant? You’ve never been to a real third world country

You will be fine. Keep your distance from people at work, wash your hands often and don't touch your face. Don't vote republican, since they took so long to react to the pandemic.

Just accept you are going to die op.

If you are 65 you should find a different job.

Read morally as uneducated and idealistic

Do you really think I am, or am I using hyperbole? Are you on fucking /b, or your local political circle jerk forum?

America fucking sucks, holy shit

Hyperbole is a funny excuse for saying retarded stuff isn’t it

Your mom must be American than, faggot

Don't bother, conservatives are too busy being retards to understand that worker rights are a liberal policy.

America, Fuck Yeah

>pay me more or i quit

Go fucking work retard, I wish I still had my job

All hyperbole is retarded, all of /b is retarded. If this is news to you then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you can draw a tear on your cheek and start wearing black and say no one "gets it" or something?


I'm a security guard. The letter makes it seem like im a janitor because it constantly implies that my duties pertain to cleaning and disinfecting. I litterally sit at a desk and say "hello" to people when I see them.

>Trump grandstanded about this once he's on a our side!
Yah but wheres the action what did he actually do to help?

It's the democrats that is hindering the fight against the corona virus.

Attached: demtravelban.jpg (1024x768, 71.19K)

Both parties need to be buried to the ground.

This is a war and you a soldier. Get to work.

Stomp a tranny to death

>all of Yas Forums is retarded
Of course it is, seen through the eyes of a retard like you

dont worry buddy capitalism will catch you anyhow. We have a strong President. Just believe in the market bro.

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Right, because all of those fucking loli threads, the /pol bullshit, the wwyd, the FB threads, the coomer shit, the dumb questions about basic philosophical concepts, half of which deteriorate into a priori arguments anyway if it doesn't crash and burn because of the fallacies, all of that is actxchshually rational. Only I'm retarded so I don't see how it's strokes of genious.

Step out in front of a bus dude. Jesus.

don't worry companies are doing the same to unions also.