How did the COVID-19 outbreak really start?

How did the COVID-19 outbreak really start?

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Other urls found in this thread:–20_coronavirus_pandemic_in_November_2019_–_January_2020#17_November_2019

>shitty wet markets
>some chink ate a bat
>church group sent missionary to wuhan, despite lockdown
>religious nut spreads it in church congregation
>south china church spray loads of people with infected bottle of water
>patient 31 goes to 4 different religious gatherings, infecting thousands
>korea religiousfag goes to mosque, another large gathering

religious fucktards basically

Armadillo attacked a chink. Fuck those asshole armadillos.

hong kong riots were getting bad so they released it.

religion is humanity’s greatest blunder

I wouldn't mind if they just fucked themselves over and removed a few of the religious nutjobs from the gene pool. But these self centred, deluded fucks have shafted the entire world. All because 'muh god will save me'. Fuck those cunts.

at least from now on if any god bothering fucks come knocking we can just scream coronavirus and spray shit at them

I've got a 9 pack of TP in my house. I'm not opening the door to any fucker.

Infected animal(s) which were in a market in Wuhan Province,which were carrying the virus,they were then handled/killed/eaten.
Contamination most likely occurred when an infected host was handled,or while being dispatched.
The person who handled the host,most likely in unhygienic conditions,then became the host.
A virus has the ability to mutate and adapt very quickly,which it has done.
Influenza is pretty much the same,hence having a jab to protect against it doesn’t always work,as it mutates.

It mutated and jumped species, just as thousands have done before. This one just happened to occur in China.

>at new year
>when all chinaman have gone home for festival then return to the rest of the world shortly thereafter

So because it will keep mutating, coronavirus will be a seasonal thing like the flu and we will have to spend spring time in isolation from now on?

Dinner’s ready

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>Stolen lab samples
>Samples end up at the BSL4 Lab in wuhan
>They either mis-handle or knowingly relased samples
>CCP Covers it up as long as possible

No, the same Spanish Flu which killed 100 million people now kills a few 10s of thousands every year instead, and is considered mostly just a nuisance. This is because diseases which kill their hosts are less successful than diseases which keep their hosts alive.

Over time, mutations which make a virus more deadly will tend to die off, while those mutations which allow the virus to pass to lots of people by keeping its host alive will get spread around.

We've already seen this happening in Africa with HIV. Early projections had the entire continent becoming a graveyard as it raged unchecked. But what happened is the most lethal strains of HIV killed their hosts, while those which allowed their hosts to live long enough to spread it passed on their DNA. We're seeing HIV become progressively less dangerous as time goes on. The same thing will eventually happen with COVID-19.

What's more likely to kill us all is a worldwide economic depression which prevents us from addressing imminent climate change.

Good luck uninstalling this one.

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Nice to see a bit of intelligence here.

That made sense, thank you.

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Yea, wet markets my ass.. Except that first confirmed cases weren't related to wet markets:–20_coronavirus_pandemic_in_November_2019_–_January_2020#17_November_2019

Of course it's coincidence that bio lab in Wuhan was working on coronaviruses earlier..

God you fucks love to suck eachother's farts.

wuhan has the best universities in china
america has universities researching viruses
chinese spies steal vials of viruses and hide them in socks and transport them into china for years
gets caught once
blames the united states for creating the virus
stealing viruses intending on causing the situation the entire world is in right now
backfires and covers up outbreak while they dismantle the research lab
admits there is a new disease
lies about numbers of infection and its infection rate
world thinks it spreads at a rate of 2 people but its actually 7+ probably the most contagious disease in all time
world didnt have time to prepare because of chinese misinformation
exactly what china wanted to happen
blames racism and stigma and all the sjw issues to get the rest of the world to fight itself
shifts blame off china

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Nice dubs, but don't be sad that you can't join the grown-ups in a conversation.

No one knows for sure. Everyone can guess and it's weird how their guesses always align well with what they wanted to believe.

When you're a total asshole you need 9 packs of toilet paper

Smells like sweaty fedora in here today.

Jesus loves you, nerdboy.

Not 9 packs mate. A 9 pack. A pack of 9 rolls.

I get through a roll a day. A little over a week and I'll be all out.

>Jesus loves you
I don't care, I'm still not giving him any money.

It could well be,although it is thought it will not die off,permanently.
General consensus is that it will still be around in 12months time,so,massively reduced,but there will be people hosting it.

i use like a roll a week whats going on here can we get a tie breaker opinion

I told you, I got IBS. I shit a lot. There is nothing I can do to mitigate it.

Also a Britbong. I believe our rolls are much much smaller than yours if you are Amerifat?

Official current story is from pangolin bushmeat.

A pangolin is a mammalian creature that broke off at the clade level from both "carnivora" (lots of animals we know) and ungulata (hooved creatures) and instead of hooves basically has armor made of the same stuff as hooves. they're not a cat, dog or any recognizable animal per-se, they are only armor-bros. however, being endotherms they share a reasonable amount of genes with us one of which is the ACE2 ("Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2") receptor the virus has a uniquely intense binding solution for. a paper which I recently refeer to as "Proxminal origin" ( ) states that the new, non-model prediction of the ACE2 binding solution could only have pangolins as a human orthologue (same gene for that protein) when really it's very possible the eastern biochem corpus simply invented something novel through protein folding, totally meaning to remain in a position of stealth.

wuhan virus is a bioweapon redesigned from a natural virus, only the delivery aspect has been engineered, it has no deadly payload, just the natural payload from the bat virus it was "folded' from called RaTG13 with which it has a 98% genetic similarity. to their credit there's been minor changes even to the viral "backbone", thing is like a stealth bomber with no bombs. best guess this is a chinese accident.

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Trump was ass raped by winnie during one of their "meetings".

Donald Trump.

forgot it was medical im pretty baked right now

No problem my dude. I just gotta risk my life again trying to find a supermarket that has any fucking stock in, then imma come home and get baked too.

>pic related


George Soros manufactured that virus in a lab.
All viruses are manufactured.

Hello China, your government has given you 100 good boy points on your social credit system for your post.

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Religion was started by the Jews. It's just an other way they try to control us

Abrahamic religion, sure. But there are a fuckton of other religions in the world that are older than that.

lol I get you're trying to be a bitch but a virus with a binding solution this highly specific to the human ACE2 receptor seems engineered

this is a virus delivery system test or an accident that has accidentally become such a test

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Like every other flu.

Wet market pangolin. This is according to the local Wuhan medical experts who were on it at the outset, and traced it back to the source before any of this was news.
>it's very possible...
Yet not all that probable either. The claim that follows needs correspondingly extraordinary evidence.

although many people think it is the bat is not the current suspect. Pangolin is most likely

This is refreshing to see someone thats not retarded on Yas Forums what kind of education do you have?
>inb4 samefag

bat soup sounds like bullshit. and apparently a lot of stuff suggests the virus is man-made.

so basically biowarfare either released on purpose or someone seriously fucked up

Ah y’know just a common mistake
Both are dericious

I did not even know this was a thing.
These fuckers are adorable.

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Till we find a vaccine. After that it's going to be business as usual.

>Influenza is more deadly than coronavirus
>The reason we don't isolate and keep it serious is because all the people who would die at the same rate as coronavirus is vaccinated/protected by herd immunity from flu outbreaks.

holy fucking shit it's been ages, man

thanks for the nostalgia ride

>China and Russia and possibly others interfering in US politics
>US warns them to stop
>Warning ignored

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That's a bingo

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I got a 9 pack about 2 weeks ago and I'm on my 4th roll, that includes wife and guests tho

Accidental release from a CDC.

What the fuck happened to me you pieces of shit. What kind of drugs, how many times. Why the fuck would you condone something like this


This was fucking illegal. I didn't consent nor did I desire that fucking shit that bitch should be locked up.

Are none of you lawyers? I want to fucking sue her and whatever platform enabled this fuck shit.

Bats are known to carry over 100 known coronaviruses throughout the world. Only six are transmissible directly to humans. Others need an intermediary, that's where the pangolin comes in. Pangolin eats SARS-Cov-2 infected bat shit, gets infected. Chinks greedily import (endangered) pangolin because scales are used for chink voodoo-medicine and pangolin meat can sell for $1000 per plate. Coronavirus jumps species again from pangolin to human. Extra Bonus: is transmissible asymptomatically between humans. Runs fucking rampant throughout the world. We don't *need* conspiracy theory scapegoat here, nature has been doing this for a billion years. Apathetic and indifferent nature is our killer. It'll kill you one day too.

Don't be stupid. Bushmeat is the cause, a lot of the time... Check out SARS or HIV.

I repeat, I have IBS. I shit AT LEAST 5 times a day.

Dog soup.

Russia and the jew trump admin created virus to fuck over chinks and get trump re-elected.
It’s so fucking obvious if you follow the breadcrumbs.
Stop being sheeple.

Pics or it didn’t happen

I get you bra, I don't eat wheat, I shit a few times a day.. I'm probably a bit more frugal on the old wipeage

How b many fucking times was I drugged and raped? I don't give a fuck what I wrote or did in my past I didn't fucking deserve this.

I fucking hate feminists. I fucking hope they all get shot the fuck up. Feminists are fucking toxic and deserve to have their tongue cut out.

They fucking made this happen. They fucking cheered it on, fucking hypocrite pieces of shit. They are fucking evil nasty fucks.

I don't think anyone can tell with certainty how the virus started. Patient zero is nobody special apparently.

All I can say is that it's weird that china has it's only virology biolab in Wuhan a few blocks away from that fish market identified as ground zero for the spread of the disease.

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um, what?

I don't eat wheat, dairy, I have to avoid garlic, onions and all sorts of stuff. Can't eat fried food or fatty food. Lately I can't even eat meat without it creasing me up.