Virologist here. AMA

Virologist here. AMA.

Attached: ebola.jpg (2560x1177, 512.71K)

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how big is your pp?

how do i expose trump to covid-19?

That's not a virus

Can I get about three fifty

Why when you Blast the genome of covid 19 half of it streptococcus?

Why are most viruses rna type and not dna ? And that’s the difference between gram positive and negative bacteria

You're right.
It's a picture of a virus.

That's Ebola

Ceci n'est pas une pipe

Huge, like the R0 of polio.

I study viruses, not how to assassinate people you don't like.

But it is. It's a filovirus.
Ebolavirus and Marburg look like what their names entail: filo (Latin for thread).

Tree fitty

Probably viral recombination by intake of a bacterial plasmid.

Very unlikely but not impossible.

In fact, 20% of our non-coding genes are ancestral viral genomes. Shocking, right? So technically, we're not entirely human and not everything is entirely GMO free!

can a virus be created that only targets black people

how confidant is the scientific community that covid likely came from a bat?

>Why are most viruses rna type and not dna ?
Evolution is my best guess.
That's like asking why humans have 2 arms, because of evolution.

Remember that (+)sense RNA is essentially mRNA so once it's inside the cell it can be translated immediately.

DNA viruses require an additional step of transcribing the DNA into RNA and then translating into viral protein.

Gram positive have a thicker peptitoglycan capsid wall whereas gram negative have a thinner peptidoglycan capsid wall.

No no, much better... it is an electron micrograph of ebola.


Does closing only the dining room of a restaurant but not drive thru or pick up options actually do much to mitigate the spread of Covid19?

What do you think of the US bio weapon program? Do you think they went too far? or not far enough?


Viruses have species and cell trophism but being black is a genetic property. Viruses aren't that specific.

Very. We're also very confident that it came from China, which it did, and that it's less severe than the flu, which it is.

t. autistic nigger.

is ebola really so virulent that it's unlikely to ever spread as far as other viruses and, if this is the case, what sort of mutation could possibly occur to make it last longer?

Who gives a fuck about viruses
Kys homo

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do you use a TEM personally, and if so, which model, and or which is your favorite model?

Also, how do you prepare the virus samples for TEM imagin?

>and that it's less severe than the flu, which it is.
why is it that the entire planet is essentially in lock down then? does it spread more quickly than the normal flu?

is it true that HIV came from niggers fucking monkeys
In Dallas Buyers Club credits it says the medicine those guys were taking for HIV wasn't very effective because the doses were too high, and subsequent treatments with lesser doses proved more effective. How come that happened

>Homo sapien

Potential for some resistance acquired by revent (months) exposure to one of the other circulating endemic coronaviruses?

Best guess as to true CFR or ratio of confirmed symptomatic vs non-confirmed asymptomatic?

Emergency manager and pandemic planner. Poptart cat help us if H7N9 mutates to sustained human to human. Sars-cov2 is the closest miss we've seen from the big ones we fear.

Novel Corona MUCH less severe than novel avian virus. Comparing it to seasonal flu is silly imo.

Believe it or not, yes.

COVID19 is caused by SARS II virus, and SARS II is transmitted through respiratory droplets.

So if a restaurant isn't well ventilated, it's likely to spread if someone's saliva or mucus becomes aerosolized.

In fact, the reason why some viruses like norovirus are so infectious on cruise ships is because they're easily transmitted through aerosolized bodily fluids.

>What do you think of the US bio weapon program?
It's easily beneficial as it is destructive.
For example, parvoviruses can be genetically engineered easily for gene therapy since the insert their own genome into the host genome (with the aid of an associated adenovirus). So if we can engineer viruses to help people, we can also engineer them to destroy people.

>is ebola really so virulent that it's unlikely to ever spread as far as other viruses
Yes. Remember that a virus that's too virulent will be selected against Natural Selection because it causes it's host to become so sick that they're bed ridden and unlikely to go out, socialize, and therefore spread.

A virus needs an even balance of virulence and contagiousness but can't be too extreme in one or the other.

That's why the common cold is more successfully evolutionarily because it's ALWAYS spread from person to person.

Ebola infects a few thousand people but then stops within a matter of about a year then is not seen in humans for a while.

>if this is the case, what sort of mutation could possibly occur to make it last longer?

I don't know what you mean. Do you mean make the virulence last longer or the transmission last longer?
Remember a virus needs to be able to spread, and if its host can't come into contact with people to spread it because they're so sick and bedridden, then that virus will not persist.

You care when you fuck that hooker at the gas station and wonder why you have warts on your pencil dick

We ded?

Why is it killing so many people pet capita if it's less severe than flu?

why is a vaccine/treatment taking so long?

why can't we just take antibodies from recovered patients and inject them into healthy people?

If thus were sustained H7N9 it would be bananas on a truly legendary scale.

Depends what I'm doing.

Tbh I work in a clinical lab so the most microscopy I do is fluorescence for immunoassays and molecular testing.

>why is it that the entire planet is essentially in lock down then?
Because of the media and people not thinking for themselves.
>does it spread more quickly than the normal flu?
We're still trying to find that out but it's less virulent than the flu. Flu has a 30-40% mortality rate depending on age and other circumstances but SARS II has a fatality less than 3%.

Yup. HIV is a descendant of the SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus).
Someone fucked a monkey and then returned to America and fucked a person.
Why are humans so dumb?

>Potential for some resistance acquired by revent (months) exposure to one of the other circulating endemic coronaviruses?
You won't develop resistance in months. Coronaviridae is notorious for undergoing attenuation, meaning it weakens as it jumps from host to host over time.
Within months, it probably won't even be a big deal.

>Best guess as to true CFR or ratio of confirmed symptomatic vs non-confirmed asymptomatic?

I have no clue. More than likely symptomatic because the virus is transmissiable when you show symptoms.

>Emergency manager and pandemic planner. Poptart cat help us if H7N9 mutates to sustained human to human. Sars-cov2 is the closest miss we've seen from the big ones we fear.
H7 and N9 don't have trophism in humans so I doubt it.

But flu is more severe.

This is me:
Was i/am I infected?

Not OP, but I'm pretty sure the FDA has some strict rules/laws against that. Recently, they allowed the CDC to inject an vaccine directly into a human test-subject without animal trials for the first time in a long time. They also have to wait something like 14 months to make sure the vaccine doesn't kill the host and that's a minimum time-frame. If it is successful, it would then take several more months to manufacture and distribute the vaccine to the masses.

It's because it is a bio weapon developed by the US. A mild one meant to demonstrate what they are capable of creating.

Guy lying about his profession and qualifications on a Laotian goat-sheering board here. AMA

ebola looks like a stickman putting another stickman in a headlock

We don't know what the true exposure is. If the people who have minor or no symptoms (and therefore mostly not tested or never sought help) is like 10 to every 1 who IS bad and thus tested, the fatality rate would be one tenth of what it otherwise appears. Google Connecticut state epidemiologist ,recently predicted it might be 100 to every 1 detection. Colds spread very easy and can be mistaken as ILIs.

but the us is tanking its own economy?

This is the most serious virus we've ever faced! 2 week quarantine and you can't even fap if you have it.

It has to appear like it is a global problem. Why do you think Trump got rid of the pandemic team 2 years ago? This way the public will not believe it.

Trump offering to buy the rights to the vaccine was a message.

Because it's killing people in China
And china is proportionally bigger than any other country in the world so it has an enormous population.

Also China has a horrible air pollution problem and this is a respiratory disease, so when you smoke, vape, and breathe in industrial waste then get infected with this thing, you're not in for a good time.

Because it's coronavirus. It's not so severe so there's little interest in forming a vaccine for it.

Just like with common cold, there's no interest in a vaccine. Just treat the symptoms.

>why can't we just take antibodies from recovered patients and inject them into healthy people?
No guarantee it'll work. Passive immunity is its own beast plus hypersensitivity might also be a factor.

Again, Only H1-3 and N1-2 are infectious in humans.

H1-3 can only localize human salic acid. Things like H5 don't have the trophism.

What were you infected with?

And also we need to culture it before we can test on it. Keep that in mind.
Can't do clinical tests en sitro. That's ethically wrong and legally wrong on so many levels.

>It's because it is a bio weapon developed by the US.
Is your tin-foil hat lined with mercury by any chance?

It's a filovirus. They're weird.

Don't listen to him!

>This is the most serious virus we've ever faced!
You're a faggot. This thing is nothing.
Try Ebola or Marburg which not only infect you but also dendritic cells in the immune system and impede interferon release.

Try Spanish Flu which doesn't actually kill you but causes your own immune system to react so violently with cytokine storms that your body just shuts down.

This is just the media pissed off that Trump wasn't impeached so they moved on to whatever was next.

Just like how he put Fluoride in the water to make everybody dumb and not able to think for themselves?

>Can't do clinical tests en sitro.
Tell that to Edward Jenner

You are not a virologist. This post proves it.

>what were you infected with

They dont test for corona here unless yo had been overseas so no fucking idea

Thanks and the 30%+ CFR is H7N9, aye? Public health and CDC conducted Crimson Contagion TTX last fall as prep. That and H5N1 are the gnarly ones they worry about.

Do you think we will see the classic painful double peak, or do you think sars-cov2 will become endemic?

how can we know if our immune system is sufficient to defeat this germ? so far i am like >100-0 against various germs in my lifetime

But the flu could also have been like that. As in there might have been individuals who weren't so sick hence didn't seek treatment and weren't tested.

>Because it's coronavirus. It's not so severe so there's little interest in forming a vaccine for it.

......oh this guy is a moron. you think theres little interest in a vaccine for this? LOL


You're whole education is a lie, founded by the fabians society, to trick and fool the public into believing in evil.
Evil, invisible demons, which can only be 'seen' through artistic renderings of mathematical patterns from an electron microscope...
You admit that viras make up part of our DNA, and you know we are more bacteria than human cells...
Can't you understand...
There is no 'immune system'
It doesn't exist.
There is a lymph system.
The cellular sewage system, whomst exits are the kidneys, the skin, the lungs and if all exits are blocked then cysts, moles, tumors and cancers are released as temporary toxin storage facilities.
You see dead genetic debris and think it is the cause of disease? Taking over living cells??

Nah, humans need to live more, breathe more, eat more light living food and allow the slippery moist soft and cool alkalinity of sunlight energy in living water/food form to, cleanse you of the acidic waste, be free of the cellular diaper rash which causes 99.9% of disease.
Regenerative detoxification.
By eating a species specific diet.
And as the cleanest, tallest, smartest of all PRIMATES, we eat fruit, leaves and ass/pussy/dick (for B12) and we leave the other monkeys to their disgusting ways, whilst keeping ourselves, clean, clear and hydrated.
And if anyone disagrees, we will throw rocks at them, or mind control them through our guts amazing, mycelium-esque, telepathy/empathy oneness pathways... Pathways which are turned off by flesh eating parasites.
Can't murder a little animal, lest ye be a hungry hungry sociopath...
Hah, hunger, you starve of true nutrition.
But you have always had plenty of calories, all over the place.

i stopped wearing diapers as a small child

In micro we discussed potential for the HPAIs to recombine with a seasonal strain, at least one mechanism to gain tropism. Maybe they were wrong and the Bureau Chief for EM @ local public health is making much ado about nothing ;)

You know too much. We are watching you.

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we're hearing a lot of wild estimations about how long this shit is going to last. what would be your guess as to how long it'll be before we're not all talking about it?

>Flu has a 30-40% mortality rate depending on age and other circumstances but SARS II has a fatality less than 3%

Why did you decide to be a disinformation-spreading faggot?

Is the Tsar paying you for this?

Do you think it will help you personally in the long run, or do you do it because you just want to see the world burn?

what is the plural of virus?

make my day punk

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Agreed. But the R0 is greater, so it's definitely more progressed than the numbers say. It's bad because its novel. Novel flu makes you far more sick, but is way easier to transmit than VHFs like Ebola. Worst of both worlds.


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checked and keked


Motherlover, I am dreaming you.
Lots of Love, God

Does Covid-19 ever kill anyone while being asymptomatic? Or are 100% of those dying hacking up a lung?

My hunch is that he's comparing this virus to novel influenza, which perplexes me if he's saying its impossibru to catch due to current lack of trophy



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There are over a dozen companies trying to develop a vaccine.

And china is proportionally bigger than any other country in the world so it has an enormous population."

You don't know what 'per capita' means, do you?

You should stopped drinking milk when you were a baby too.
Diaper rash is the analogy so you can understand what cellular waste is doing, causing that red, burning, inflammation.

Once again.
(OP) #
You're whole education is a lie, founded by the fabians society, to trick and fool the public into believing in evil.
Evil, invisible demons, which can only be 'seen' through artistic renderings of mathematical patterns from an electron microscope...
You admit that viras make up part of our DNA, and you know we are more bacteria than human cells...
Can't you understand...
There is no 'immune system'
It doesn't exist.
There is a lymph system.
The cellular sewage system, whomst exits are the kidneys, the skin, the lungs and if all exits are blocked then cysts, moles, tumors and cancers are released as temporary toxin storage facilities.
You see dead genetic debris and think it is the cause of disease? Taking over living cells??

Nah, humans need to live more, breathe more, eat more light living food and allow the slippery moist soft and cool alkalinity of sunlight energy in living water/food form to, cleanse you of the acidic waste, be free of the cellular diaper rash which causes 99.9% of disease.
Regenerative detoxification.
By eating a species specific diet.
And as the cleanest, tallest, smartest of all PRIMATES, we eat fruit, leaves and ass/pussy/dick (for B12) and we leave the other monkeys to their disgusting ways, whilst keeping ourselves, clean, clear and hydrated.
And if anyone disagrees, we will throw rocks at them, or mind control them through our guts amazing, mycelium-esque, telepathy/empathy oneness pathways... Pathways which are turned off by flesh eating parasites.
Can't murder a little animal, lest ye be a hungry hungry sociopath...
Hah, hunger, you starve of true nutrition.
But you have always had plenty of calories, all over the place.

i actually did cease to suckle from my mother at quite a young age, it sounds like you had quite the alternative upbringing. you might want to try some sort of lotion if you are experiencing red burning areas, i can't really relate to that issue

No, meaning that truly being asymptomatic means no symptoms, not even runny nose. Progressing to a lower lung infection, unless opportunistic (different pathogen) would mean they were symptomatic by definition.

If this thing keeps mutating like the flu, can we expect coronavirus to be seasonal and us having to spend winter/spring time in isolation, every year from now on?

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(OP) #
You're whole education is a lie, founded by the fabians society, to trick and fool the public into believing in evil.
Evil, invisible demons, which can only be 'seen' through artistic renderings of mathematical patterns from an electron microscope...
You admit that viras make up part of our DNA, and you know we are more bacteria than human cells...
Can't you understand...
There is no 'immune system'
It doesn't exist.
There is a lymph system.
The cellular sewage system, whomst exits are the kidneys, the skin, the lungs and if all exits are blocked then cysts, moles, tumors and cancers are released as temporary toxin storage facilities.
You see dead genetic debris and think it is the cause of disease? Taking over living cells??

Nah, humans need to live more, breathe more, eat more light living food and allow the slippery moist soft and cool alkalinity of sunlight energy in living water/food form to, cleanse you of the acidic waste, be free of the cellular diaper rash which causes 99.9% of disease.
Regenerative detoxification.
By eating a species specific diet.
And as the cleanest, tallest, smartest of all PRIMATES, we eat fruit, leaves and ass/pussy/dick (for B12) and we leave the other monkeys to their disgusting ways, whilst keeping ourselves, clean, clear and hydrated.
And if anyone disagrees, we will throw rocks at them, or mind control them through our guts amazing, mycelium-esque, telepathy/empathy oneness pathways... Pathways which are turned off by flesh eating parasites.
Can't murder a little animal, lest ye be a hungry hungry sociopath...
Hah, hunger, you starve of true nutrition.
But you have always had plenty of calories, all over the place.

Zombies when?

BTW OP my understanding is that sars-cov2 indeed is inducing a cytokine storm

Simple sauce that mentions it as if it is a given:

When the initial wave(s) settle down
- Is this current virus likely to become a common, endemic bug
- while the evidence seems to be weak either way on resistance/immunity buildup, if it becomes a common, endemic bug, what would you expect the severity of infections to be comparable to in 20 or 50 years, once the particularly susceptible have mostly been killed off and most people have had it once or twice in their youth? Gut feeling if not hard knowledge.

I have sore nodes on chin and neck what should I do?

>Because it's killing people in China And china is proportionally bigger than any other country in the world so it has an enormous population.

How about Italy?