Murica, you are failing your people!

Murica, you are failing your people!

So today, the US (the greatest country in the world) reached Germany in terms of infected.
However, we see far more deaths than Germany despite the US medical system is more expensive and not free for all like in Germany.

Please explain why this discrepancy and why people have to die?

Attached: Coronavirus.png (457x141, 5.49K)

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It's because the US is always about talking and not doing, just look at their moronic president who can't even comprehend or spell COVID-19

>Murica, youre failing
So is this a bad thing or a good thing?

I just wish people here in America would fight for socialized healthcare like they do for guns and toilet paper.

The government shouldn't be giving out free stuff. Especially to lazy people or immigrants.

For non-Americans out there, how is the media comparing the US response to how China responded? Are people still furious that Trump tried to buy to patent for the vaccine?

Because there are Millions more Americans at varying ages, that and Germans arent supposed to be killed off before they finish their job...

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Germany has 22k infected rn

>a $0.01 credit has been deposited into your corona virus treatment fund, courtesy of Humana

Life expecancy is much higher in germany, thus has a much older population.

You can see in media that Italians are fucked becouse lack of response, and USA is showing even less response. You will be fucked in the ass by this virus

Therefore it should have more deaths.

Italians have no gene CDna which makes you immune to corona death

most criticizes chinas response as inhumane and cruel but then its china so what to expect? its horrible dystopian commie nightmare with lockdowns and curfew no freedom at all. the whole world hopes to that the US doesnt go chinas way in enforcing such inhumane conditions due to the virus upon its people. the US should and will defeat the virus with american freedom - and trump does an excellent job imo

Because Trump is happy culling the population, and making the states fight each other for necessary medical supplies like ventilators

It really is pathetic. This virus has exposed the US (and this administration in particular) for being the greatest sham the world has ever seen.

knew it that europeans admire the usa i knew it all the time

We have a lot of morons who refuse to stay home, dunno what else to tell ya homie.

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Actually China's mehods work great
There are no new cases.

Yeah, but the worst part is that Trump’s bungling will only compel his followers to cling to him all the more fervently. It’s like half the country is part of a cult.


They're dying left and right because they have the oldest population in Europe.

That's like saying 'It's not stealing if you don't get caught!'.

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>trusting china to report cases accurately

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>Yeah, but the worst part is that Trump’s bungling will only compel his followers to cling to him all the more fervently
Yes, I've witnessed this. It's utterly bizarre. It just makes them dig in their heels even deeper because admitting that he's an incompetent buffoon would basically be admitting that they're gullible morons who got conned by an OBVIOUS con man.

As for the ones who actually believe he's doing a great job, they're either legitimately stupid, brainwashed, or both.

Ya let all those lazy people, and immigrants get sick, and die. Oh but before they die they can spread the disease around as much as possible instead of just going to a hospital as soon as they think they're sick because they're afraid, or unable to pay for treatment. Good plan!

this exactly. my white american buddy is overthere and barebacking rawing chinkbitches 24/7. he said hes never anticipated getting so much pussy since hes morbidly obese and a freak but the virus killed so many chinamans the chinkbitches need white men to breed. white power!!!

They reported 80k total cases. Why would they suddenly start lying?

>US should and will defeat the virus with american freedom - and trump does an excellent job imo
We don’t even have test kits or face masks, let alone emergency capacity ventilators and hospital beds.

>However, we see far more deaths than Germany despite the US medical system is more expensive and not free for all like in Germany.

>we see more deaths in the u.s. despite medical services not free

wouldn't that make sense?

Well they forced their people to stay home so they did something right

Higher concentration of elderly in a more urbanized environment with higher population density.

America's cases, by contrast, are much more scattered across a good portion of a massive continent.

this as an american i want our gov do the exact opposite of what china qas doing to prove to the world that our way is the best way. we should just live on like normal and guarantee every us citizen that there will be no restrictions on american freedom. we do it the right way the american way fuck china commies

I.e America has more de facto enforced social distancing to begin with.

You are an enormous dumbass, I am almost certain this is what italy did and we saw where that went.

>Why would they suddenly start lying?

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compare us to italy

the discrepancy is in testing. germany tests far more, so their total cases is closer to the true number. us is still catching up, we'll end up with a ton more positive tests (to be expected with a much larger population) but a similar mortality rate.

Seriously though, if COVID-19 were spreading throughout China, President Xi couldn’t hide it. China is a closed society, but the severity of the epidemic in Wuhan eventually got out.

Are there really that many cases here? I thought it was like 500.

be quiet yuro. as of today china 80k death and US 18k infected so tell me who is winning. ofcourse America looks always better than these chicoms. stupid fucking bat eaters

China 80k infected not death you retard.


I'm sure it didn't settle down in about the same amount of time it takes to starve a chink to death by bolting them in their house, pure coincidence I'm sure.


yeayeayea trusting communist numbers kek. remember mao murdered 50 million of these bugs so whats more plausible? a chinklife is worth nothing than a rat

Not worth comparing current metrics against each other. The first covid case was in 2019, and we're just now reacting to it in the US. China and Italy are far ahead of the US in regards to disease spread.

Dumvass, China is months ahead of us on the timeline. The worst is yet to come. Trump's unprepared ass fucked you and you don't even know it

Where's your source about 80k deaths? That's quite specific number.

In Switzerland, the trump bashing isn't super hardocre. All they said was that Trump said it was going to end in april. There was also something on tTrump closing the airports.
We didn't hear about Trump saying "the chinese virus" or other useless shit like that.

I don’t even know what you’re arguing. Are you saying the Chinese government killed everyone who had the corona virus? Also, you’re conveniently forgetting the massive convoys of food that were orchestrated to feed the people of Hubei while they were locked down.


What about Trump trying to buy the patent of the vaccine that the Germans were developing?

Imagine thinking America=Italia
Shit for all i know Russia=Italia
Oh wait those are different countries at different stages of the pandemic, with different government and a different population!

Kill yourself

i cant remember cuz i dont care for insectlife but its proven fact they lied from the beginning. also body burning and videos of soldiers executing chinks with symptoms. its out of control in chingchong land haha. xi dead by now havent seen him since last year ROFL

>enforcing such inhumane conditions

Jesus fucking christ all you have to do is stay in your home with the same level of confort you already have for a week or so. But because you fucking morons won't comply, when it will happen it's gonna be for a lot longer. Can't wait for that

actually no

So you pulled the number 80k out of your ass?

America's going to surpass you, and deaths will increase by the hundreds of thousands. of course we have hundreds of millions of people in the US, but we've already run out of medical supplies, because $ has destroyed healthcare in the US. and trump is the shittiest "leader" on the planet.

Not really a point of talk in Europe. We really don't care that much about USA. But I think everybody are interested how hard virus will hit you, because you are not doing enough. Prepare your anus because u u will be fucked by this

Learn to read

what about it? his (((advisors))) gave him a hint and told him it will be good for him too for PR. (((them))) ofcourse want exclusive rights to a vaccines so they offer big amount of shekel to have the one and only vaccine. 2 points first they earn huge profits and secong (((they))) will be our saviours!!! literally angels

Haven't heard of that tho i saw it on Yas Forums. Didn't care so i didn't look it up. Was that real? Idk how my life changes knowing that

We’re trying to spread it to the nigger population centers.

It was reported but it's not headline news like it should be

blacks are immune to the coronavirus and smoking weed everyday with buddies kills the virus. fuck you nobody can detain me IM NOT A PRISONER

This is ultimate Darwinism. Whoever dies is meant to die. Stronger genes prevail.

Ooh how very philosophical of you. Fuck off

>blacks are immune
Maybe they had this in Africa and now have genes which help them or something like that

I was in Chengdu China and left January 25th to the US and I can tell you with great certainty they were lying about the numbers the entirety of the time, and very well may still be, as it is their way of handling everything, including the concentration camps they have in Xinjiang.

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Even those figures are disputed.
Hell, even some big name news companies have run small articles about how China's numbers don't seem right.

so any 60+ year dudes that survive the virus should start breeding immediately, and start the master race because they have better genes? Brilliant

Your healthcare is more expensive and worse
You just get ripped off thats all

they literally put everyone showing symptoms load them on a truck and drive them somewhere. ive heard rumors from a friend i believe 100%

Yeah, it’s a huge deal.
Had Trump pulled off owning the rights to the vaccine, not only would he have price gouged the rest of the world for it, but he could have used it as political leverage. Trump, for instance, could have forced the UK to cancel it’s 5G network deal with Huawei in exchange for the vaccine, or forced Germany to cancel its natural gas pipeline with Russia in exchange for the vaccine.