Why aren't you vegan already?
Why aren't you vegan already?
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Testosterone and B12
A vegan diet does not affect your hormones:
Take B12 pills or drink B12 fortified milk, the same way we all eat iodine fortified salt
I don't have time to tell everyone that I know how wrong they are.
Because I've never met a vegan who was a good person and I respect the food chain.
How is that relevant? I'm sure you'll meet good people that are vegans if you look for them but it's kinda weird to expect someone good to appear in front of you.
Also the food chain is what you make of it, we can eat anything
Well, most vegans do so as a moral stance that I just don't sympathize with. Eat what you want, but it's none of my business, and none of your business what I eat.
I also find in practice, most vegans are pro-choice, which is a significant fault.
Because im not a faggot.
i only drink human milk
That's vegan
Since when are humans plants? Do you have any moral baseline
Because meat, eggs and dairy are a staple of my diet. I lean mostly toward white meat, and buy {country's animal rights/welfare} approved products, and source my red meat from local {mom and pop} farms. In my area people keep chickens, care a great deal about them (as pets) and their feed, so you can get an unlimited supply of free eggs - as giveaways, they lay so much.
Because I'm not retarded
How about you?
morals is a spook we supposed to be cannibals
vegs a definition of a shiple
vegan food tastes good, its easy to prepare and i feel better after eating it
the problem is im not a pussy who got brainwashed my some social engineering documentary, i dont care about some poor animals feelings, if i wanna ubereats mcdonalds at 4am im gonna ubereats mcdonalds at 4am and feel no shame, thats capitalism baby just try and stop me cucks
First mcgriddles of the day
Because I’ve seen vegans
Vegan is gay
almond milk kills my stomach. i can only eat roasted almonds (cooking them denatures whatever fucks up my stomach)
Because I'm not a homosexual.
>de-activating your almonds
op is based as fuck
>We can eat anything
So why the fuck do you care about me not being a vegfag?
I would never
Because I think it's morally wrong. Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Yeah I don't care about the environment, my health or other beings, how did you know I was this cool
Vegans tend to follow very idiotic views based on a quite decent foundation. It makes perfect sense to be compassionate about animals. It doesn't make any fucking sense to stop eating honey because the the bees are being "exploited".
>stop eating honey
I'm vegan and know lots of them - the vast majority of them do eat honey.
People who don't eat honey for ethical reasons exist, but they're few and far between.
Although tbh I can't remember the last time I ate it, it's just not really a big part of my diet.
Because meat is delicious.
So let a bear eat you. :)
>vegan food
you mean just food?
There's no b12, d3 and vitamin A in plants.
Because fuck you, that's why.
Because a good amount of meat and dairy products are delicious.
Has anyone ever watched Tim Pool's little "Timcast IRL" channel?
His co-host is vegan. He talks like a frickin' retard. He's slow to catch on to transitions and doesn't usually have a point to make. He sounds like one of those stereotypical "rad, bro" people you watched on t.v. growing up.
Eat the dang meat, you idiots. Why is it wrong if humans eat meat, but absolutely fine when a gazelle gets its throat ripped out by a tiger in the wild? We're all animals on a food chain. Stop killing yourselves, snowflak-- you know what, on second thought...
I prefer to enjoy my food
I'm not necessarily promoting Veganism, but sublingual B Complex is actually very effective. As for the testosterone, most of that is genetic. You don't want to go glugging soy, but your T levels aren't going to change much if you switch to a vegan diet.
I enjoy being male.
Imagine thinking that eating meat is morally wrong. I'm sorry to break it to you but no one cares about you eating meat or anything else by that matter,not even the animals you "save" by not eating meat. The only reason i chose to intervene is because you are a retarded faggot who think that because you consume grass you can come and tell us we are not doing the"right" thing. I only eat to stay alive and meat is pretty cheap so i will eat it until i'm dead,also fuck you.
I've eaten bear before. Not bad if you spice it right but still kind of gamey. Pretty sure my gun and my brain make me apex. Rabbits do not lend themselves to wolves and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Honestly I think I prefer his IRL channel. He's less insufferable with a sounding board.
oh look the brainwashed fag is already bald. r.i.p. t
I envy you for that, all vegans I know follow the whole vegan/feminism/refugees welcome mentality and think the bees are being exploited. The sad thing is that eating less meat and caring about the planet isn't a bad thing, but they make veganism repulsive to many people.
I'm vegan, so is my gf and a couple of friends. We just don't eat certain things that others do.
because almond milk tastes aweful, and real milk tastes great.
If I dont care if human nigger kids starve and human chink kids get sold into slavery, do you really think I give a fuck about a cow I didn't know existed before it sat on my plate smelling all delicious?
I know, it's weird. I think it's because he's talking to somebody with a similar political stance, he doesn't feel a need to remind and comes off as less pretentious. He comes across as naive, but I think he actually tries.
I have no desire to be vegan.
It's been 5 years since I've bought cow milk.
I don't care about saving the plant or any of that shit.
Almond milk is just fucking delicious.
based and cowpilled
I don't see a change. Whenever vegan guy gets going, Tim tends to cut him off and put forth his own ideas above his. Plus, whenever Tim cooks up a theory, the other two give him the spotlight and let him feel smart -- probably because they're both retarded, especially the slow-thinking vegan that obviously needs some vitamins.
I'm not a vegan, because I don't want to talk about vegan ism all the time
>Why aren't you vegan already?
I was going to say that a balance diet (including meat and animal products) is better/healthier than having an imbalanced vegan diet. But I'm a fat bastard, so I'm not going to pretend health has anything to do with it.
I guess the real reason is because I'm not a faggot soyboy.
I'm not a faggot.
Mostly out of laziness. I don't know a lot of vegan recipes. My ex-gf is vegan and we cooked together a lot. I never missed meat when I was with her.
But I do eat a lot less meat and I'm pretty sure that I will transfer to a vegan the next year's.
Well because I need Heme-Iron to stay healthy. Prove me wrong.